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Soft kisses are waking me up.
"May, wake up!"
I moan and turn around.
A giggle and he strokes my hair. Then he gets up and walks through the room.
Suddenly the room is sun - drenched and he comes back, pulling my blanket away.
"Hey!", I snap, opening my eyes and glare him pissed.

Tyler is just grinning back.
"Get up babe! It's David's birthday today!"
"So what?"
He raises his brows.
"You forgot it, don't you?"
I stare at him blankly. I really have no idea what he means.
But I do him the favour and get up.

When I enter the kitchen, Alice is garnishing a big cake.
"May! You're finally up. Okay please you need to help me...take the box with the decoration and put it in my car. I'll follow in a minute."
Confused I do what she said.
Alice gets in the car, and starts driving.
"Alice? Where are we going?"
She raises a brow. "Are you serious? It's David's birthday today and I'm throwing a party for him!"
"Okay...but where?"
"Matty provides his house for us!"
"Matty?!", I whisper.
"Yeah. He was really excited about it."
The next few minutes, we drive in silence.

I haven't seen Matty since our...night in the hotel.
We have left separately and not really spoken since that day.
My minds are going back to the look in his eyes, when he has kissed me, how soft his touch was and how heavenly the night.

"Here we are.", Alice shouts and i lift my look to this great house. Matty's house. Oh damn it!!

Alice presses the bell button and we are waiting for someone to open it.
"Maybe he forgot-", I start when the door is opened by...George.
"Hi girls, come in."
Alice grins and enters the house, pulling me with her.


"Ugh Alice, that's not a dress it's...I don't what it is but clearly not a dress!"
I'm infront of the mirror in her room, wearing a red 'dress'. It ends just a bit under my ass and it fits like a second skin.
"You look stunning, my dear. Now heels..."
Alice is trawling in her closet for heels.
She is wearing a white strapless dress and she has straightened her blonde hair.
"You know, I don't like dresses that much! And Tyler neither-"
"Screw him! He's a dick!"
"Alice! He is really trying to change!", I protest.
"Yeah whatever...aww got them!"

On the way to Matty's house, I feel really sick. Nobody knows what happened between us. Hopefully nobody!
"Okay here's the plan: Matty and David were driving around the day, just drinking a bit and having a good time. We'll wait for them to come back here, which is in like ten minutes. Everybody needs to be fucking quiet, but when they enter...SURPRISE!!", she beams.
"Got it? Let's go then!"

We all entered the room, so many people are there and I don't know the most of them. But Alice is shouting a 'Hi' a few times so she seems to know the people.
While she is organising stuff again, I retire myself in the kitchen looking for a drink.
Lucky me, I find a bottle with vodka. Filling my glass with some orange juice, I start drinking. And another time and another.

"They're coming!", Alice shouts and everyone is trying to hide. You can hear Matty's laugh and David's drunk voice. Ohh hopefully he's not hammered too much.
The door opens, the boys enter and suddenly everybody starts shouting "Surprise! Happy birthday David!"
David really seems to be surprised. Alice kisses him and shows him the big cake, she had prepared for today.
After David has blown out the candles, music start playing and people start dancing.

I am drinking my fourth glass of vodka, and now I've forgotten the orange juice. Oops!
Tyler isn't in sight, so I decide to wait for him.
"You having fun love?", a voice speaks behind me. His voice!

I turn around slowly, sipping on my glass.
"Yeah...and you?", I ask with a big fake smile.
Matty gets closer.
"I probably would have more fun with you in my bed", he murmurs and I choke on my sip.
Suddenly Tyler appears behind Matty, and in that moment Matty leans to me.
"You're alright May?"

"There you are babe!"
Tyler's voice is saving me from giving an answer to Matty.
"Yeah...I just needed a drink."
And without any words I'm passing Matty.


Matty's POV

Chelsea is pressing her body against mine while we're dancing.
After May has passed me, I grabbed a bottle of whine and drunk it alone till Chelsea was there. She was begging me to dance with her so now we're here. To be honest I would prefer to be in bed right now, with her...whoever her is. For the moment I just try to enjoy the dance with Chelsea and ignore the sick feeling in my stomach.
She kisses me and I taste weed and tequila. Chelsea seems to be completely hammered and that's what I wanna be too.
I want forget her, the look of her fucking beautiful sad eyes, the taste of her, how she has moaned my name when we...
Suddenly I feel more sick than before and quickly run upstairs in the bathroom.

When I leave it again and pass my guestroom, I hear some noises and stop.
Someone is talking, no arguing and I swear I heard May's voice.
The door is not closed so I push it open just a few inches to hear the voices clear.
"- doesn't mean it doesn't hurt when they still know you and wanna fuck you against the wall!", May snaps.
"Watch your words May! I told you they don't matter!"
"Oh yeah and your word means soo much!"
"May!", Tyler warns her, but my brave girl doesn't stop.
"What if I have a one night stand and the guy will go still after me? What would you do?"
Now he burstsinto laughter.
"Sorry babe but come on you and an one night stand?! Please stop it now..."
He stops talking and you just hear someone is pushed against a wall.
"May! I told you to not make me angry I still cannot really control it!"
"Fuck you Tyler! You and your bitches!"
"If you won't stop now I swear-"
Hearing her whimper, makes pushing the door really open and rush into the room.

Tyler has pressed May against the wall next to a bed, his hands on her neck.
"Don't touch her you dick!"
I grab his shoulder and throw him back.
Tyler turns around completely furious.
"What the fuck?!"
"What is going on here?", Chelsea hisses behind me.
"He wants to kill her!", I point at Tyler.
"No he won't do that! He is just a rough guy", Chelsea shrugs.
"How do you know that?", I watch her, when she notices what she has said.
Her cheeks blushes, but of course Chelsea plays it cool.
"We met a few times..."
"Really? Has he told you that he leaves marks on his girl? I have seen them!"
"How the fuck have you seen them?", Tyler shouts.

I decide to say the one thing that would be the only he won't believe and save her.
"Because I have fucked your girl!"
And I got it right.
Tyler takes his hands off May and grabs me. Or at least he tries.
I push him away before he could even touch me.
"Tyler please don't!", May cries.
"Is that true?", he screams.
"No man I just wanted you to get off her!"
My voice is calm and neutral and I know that he will believe me.
For now...
Tyler storms out of the room.
Chelsea follows him after a "Matty, you're an idiot!"

I rush over to May, who's crying.
"Hey darling you okay?"
"No of course not! How could you speak it out loud? Are you insane? What if he would have believed it??"
"I knew he won't..."
"But what if he would have? Do you really want to see me dead? Just leave me alone!! You made my life worse than it was!"
And with these words she is running away.
I'm alone...


Hi guys im sooo sorry I haven't updated for two weeks but I was busy and stuff but now I'm back^^
I had a writer's block:/

I don't know yet how many chapters are left but thus story will end soon!:(

I hope you're still reading x

Much love, Sarah xx

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