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May's POV

Hey love, guess who got your number? ;)) xx

Matty?? Heyy how is the tour?;) x

Aww love you guessed it^^ quite good:) how is work? x

Fine xx when will you guys come back? x

Since yesterday evening, Matty hasn't answered. I am very sure he got my number from David, but I decide to ask him anyway.

So I enter the store, finding him helping a few guys. "Hi May, we have new records over there. Can you please-"
"Sure", I nod.

The Japanese House, Wolfalice and some other records need to be filled, so I am proceeding to business.
David comes over after a while, starting a chat.

"David did you give Matty my number?"
A big smile spreads on his face. "You've got me there!" I just shake my head and go on sorting the records.

My phone buzzes.

Sooooooon babe xx do you miss me??;)

Uhm no, I have your record here so whyyy should I miss you?;)xx

Ohh May;) x

Haha what an idiot...


I am walking down the streets after my shift near a little park and it's fucking cold. I look down on my phone, 11:30 pm.

Suddenly I hear some noises behind me. A hand is tapping on my shoulder and I just turn around ready to slap the fucker, but unfortunately he is faster.
"May fuck you, it's me!"
Fuck Tyler...

"What are you doing here?"
He raises a brow, "I have been waiting for you babe."
His breathe smells like some hard liquor.
"Tyler are you drunk?"
"Noo babeee..." He tries to pull me to him, but I fight and that was a mistake.

"You bitch! Is this Matty boy still on your mind?? I am your boyfriend!!" He grabs my chin, makes me looking at him.
"I haven't fucked you for ages May" "Well you fucked every other girl I guess", I snap and Tyler is slapping in my face. I fall on the ground, my head hit the ground. Tyler turns my body and is sitting on top of me. He presses his lips cruely on mine and starts ripping my blouse off.

Trying to push him away, I scream. "Tyler!! Go! No stop it!!" But he just laughs and kisses me again.

"I think the lady said 'Go'!", a cold voice says. Tyler stops immediately, looks up, bursting into laughter.
"Matty Healy. What do you want? This is not your business."

Matty gets closer. He looks really upset, the anger is glinting in his eyes.
"Probably not, but who am I to not help a lady who obviously doesn't like your advances?"
Tyler is getting off me and plants himself infront of Matty, who is not in the least impressed of it, though Tyler is taller than him.

I don't know what happened, but suddenly Tyler is shrieking and begging Matty to let him go.

Tyler, now kneeling on the ground, looks like he is in panic.
"I swear to god, if I will ever see you laying a finger on her I will fucking kill you, you bastard!!"
"Okay okay mate, now please let me go..."
Tyler is standing up, "We're not done yet", he threatens and runs away.

Now Matty is walking over to me.
"May are you alright?"
"You are back?" I say in awe, but then I am confused again. "Why have you done that? Why do you care?"
He laughs awkwardly and lays his hands on my cheeks, looking over me.
I grab his hands,"Matty. Why???"
He closes his eyes.
"I care because I think I'm falling for you May. And I can't do anything about it!!"


Hey guys, so a friend asked me to upload this chapter ^^
Enjoy it;))
I am really bad in author notes hahaha
Please vote, comment and share x
Ily, Sarah xx

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