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Matty's POV

Finally, home. I open the door, welcomed by the silence as always. I throw the keys on a table, open some doors and blinds to chase away the darkness. It's been a while, i have been home, well, i don't know if this flat even counts as home.

I furrow, grabbing my phone out of my pocket, because it has buzzed a few times. A missed call from Louis, texts from mum and George and...Chelsea, my girlfriend. I read the texts from mum, asking if i would visit her and Louis, from George, asking if i would go out tonight and Chelsea who just wants to know if i got home safe.
"As if you are really interested in that...", i mumble, pressed the 'Delete' button, when i get a new message.
From David, "I have heard you're home mate. I got some great records you would love :))"
Grabbing my keys again, i smile while i am leaving the flat, going to the only place, where i feel home, besides the stage, being with the boys and my mum's place. The record store.

David is waiting outside, smoking a fag.
"Hey Matty. It's been a while, how was the tour mate?"
I smile at him, surprised that it spreads on my face so easy.
"Fucking awesome."
He laughs, and waves me inside.
"I got these MJ records, you were looking for. God i can tell you it was hard to find them. Wait a mom-" "David, seriously? You are breaking your own rules, with smoking inside the store?", a girl's voice shouts from the back of the store.
"I beg your pardon, miss. I didn't know you're the boss here", David teases her and breaks  into laughter when she is coughing after shouting, "Fuck off!!"
He must have blewing the smoke in her direction. Must be his girlfriend, because as far as i know he is the only one working in here.

David and i are friends for ages. Not as close as i am with George, Adam and Ross, but he is a good mate. When we got signed, and released the EPs, he immediately was selling them here.
David turns back with a few records in his hands.
"Here you are."
"Thanks, David. I owe you something..."
"Don't you dare", he laughs. And again a big smile appears on my face. "Will you go out tonight, mate? Would be great"
"Text me, when and where.."
"All right, your girlfriend can come too", i nod to the back of the store. "Uhm..yeah", he mumbles, quite confused.
"See ya then", i wave, and turn around to leave. But when i am leaving the store, i bump into someone, who is carrying a few boxes, which are dropped now. "Fuck, soz mate!!", I curse and look up, forgetting how to breath for a moment. My glare meets the most beautiful green eyes, i have ever seen in my life. And these eyes belong to the person i bumped into. A girl, who is now looking at me, reproachfully.

May's POV

Great, i was thinking the day could not become even worse, when a guy, who was leaving the store, bumped into me. I shrieked, and all boxes i wanted to throw away, are on the ground now. I look at this guy, who's brown eyes are looking at me. He is dressed in black, head to toe and has curly dark brown hair.
"Are you okay guys??"
David comes out, taking my hand and helps me to get up.
"I am all right, David."
The guy is getting up to and grabs the boxes.
"I am soo sorry love. I haven't seen you."
"Well, then you should open your eyes, its helpful sometimes" I snap, taking the boxes, when David stopps me.
"No, it's okay, May. I will do that. Go home, you helped me a lot today."
I sigh, "Okay, i guess i will see you later David", hug him and walk away, ignoring this idiot, who seems to cannot take his eyes off me. "Twat, sleeping with opened eyes", i mumbd and make my way home.


Hey lovely reader,
thank you for reading this story:))
I am sorry, i am not good in writing author notes, so i just wanna say thank you for reading and please comment or vote bc it would mean the world to me
Much love, Sarah xx

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