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May's POV

I haven't seen Matty since he walked me home, two days ago.
Today I got a text from him.

Hi May, could we meet today? I will pick you up at 5 pm. Be ready and wear more than David's shirt okay?;) x

Haha okay;) see ya then xx

I am still laying in bed. Alice and David came home yesterday really late, so they're still sleeping.
I decide to prepare a nice breakfast to surprise them and jump out bed.
After putting on a blue skate shirt and plaiting my hair, I enter the kitchen.


Alice is standing in the door frame, with messy hair and just dressed in a white shirt.

"Aww Alice!"
I rush over to her and wrap my arms around her.
"Hey honey, I have missed you soo much!"
She hugs me back.
"Tell me everything about your vacation!!"
She giggles, "Well, David has proposed to me."
"Yeah look!"
And she lifts her hand to show me an amazing ring.
"Oh my god!! That's awesome! I'm soo happy for you Alice!!"
"Thank you May! Now it's your turn..."

After I told her everything what was going on with me and Tyler and me and Matty, she is serious.
"May, I think Matty does really love you!"
I blush,"No I don't think so. He is nice to every girl, he is charming!"

"But you don't fly home to see a girl who's just a friend! He didn't visit his family or his girlfriend, only you! And he told you that he's falling for you!"
"He wants to go out with me today!"
"Really? Okay here is a plan: Talk to him about it! Ask him why he has visited you but not his family and friends! Ask him about all these compliments! Just ask him!"
"Uhm...I don't know..."
"Well it's your choice! Good luck anyway!"
Alice is hugging me again and I return in my room to get ready.


"You're alright love?", Matty is asking while we are walking around, looking at great pictures and art stuff.
When Matty has picked me up, he told me about a vernissage of a friend.
"I wanted to ask you if you want to accompany me?"
"Yeah why not?"

So now we are viewing pictures and sculptures and stuff.
The art is remarkable. The artist used the colours pale blue and green. I am amazed.
"Matty your friend is really talented!"
"I have told him so!"
A waiter is offering us champagne and Matty takes two glasses.
"Thank you!", I say when Matty offers me one.
"By the way, have I already told you how gorgeous you look!"
"Aww thanks again!"
I sip on the champagne, hoping the alcohol will make me confident enough to talk to Matty about us.

When we consider the next pic, I look over Matty. He is wearing a white blouse and a black tie, which he's loosed a bit. Of course he is wearing black jeans, not ripped this time and black shoes. My eyes wander to his face and hair. His hair looks more curly than ever and he has one side shaved again. He is rivet on the picture and a smile is played around the corners of his mouth.
He is a stunning man, undoubtedly.
And he is falling for me.

Suddenly I feel the urge to kiss him, to tell him that I love him and I don't want anyone than him.

"Love, you're staring!"
I shriek. Matty turns to me, smiling.
"What is wrong?"
"Nothing! I need to refresh myself, excuse me."

Matty's POV

Of course I have noticed May was staring at me. It didn't feel uncomfortable. I liked it. Or to be honest, I loved it.

When she returns from the ladies' room, it's my turn to stare at her.

We walk around again and I can tell she is in awe because her eyes are sparkling. She stands infront the pictures and takes everything in her. Like she hasn't seen such beauty before or she will never be able to see something like that again.
Her lips are parted and her cheeks blushed.
I have never seen her looking more gorgeous than now.
There are times when her eyes look tired and done with everything just lifeless.

May looks stunning in her black jeans, heels and red blouse. She wears her in a ponytail and is sipping on her glass with champagne.

"How long did he take to finish this one?, May asks.
I haven't even took a look at the pic.
"Uhm...I don't know!"
Now she turns to me.
"Are you distracted?"
"Kind of!"
She blushes again.

"Healy, mate! There you are, I have been looking for you since I got here!"
And my friend, Jim, comes over to us.
"Hi Jim! Amazing work, mate! I'm really impressed!"
"Thanks!", Jim beams.
"Oh you're in company?"
May moves next to me and I lay my arm around her waist.
"Yes, that's May, my...a really close friend!"
"And a gorgeous one", Jim winks at May.
"Hey love I'm Jim and these beautiful pieces if art are mine!"
May giggles,"I really like it! You're so talented!"
Jim offers his arm.
"Let's make a round together then dear May."


"Thank you again Matty!"
"Please May it was my pleasure!"
We are sitting in my car, driving back home.
Jim was impressed by May and told me 'If this Chelsea girl wouldn't be your girlfriend, I would think she is!'
I told him that she isn't and won't be.

May is looking outside. Fidgeting with her hair, like she's nervous or something.
"Matty, can I ask you something?"
"Of course..."
She takes a deep breath.
"Why didn't you visit your family when you got these few days off?"

I quickly look at her. She seems to feel very uncomfortable asking that. But I have to be honest I guess.
"Uhm...because I wanted to see you. I missed you!", I shrug.
"But what about your girlfriend?", May whispers.
"What about her? She wasn't in town! Not even in England!"

"You said you're falling for me...", May breathes.
I close my eyes for a second. Fuck!
"May...I...yeah I am but...I can't leave Chelsea! I can't do this to her!"
"So we are...friends?"
"You were the one talking about making a fucking trade May!"
"Yeah but...I'm not sure...", she mumbles under her breath.

The rest of the drive we don't talk. I am thinking about it. Literally.
Okay I would say I love her, but when I leave Chelsea it would break her heart.
Fuck mate be honest to you! You fucking love May and you would kick Chelsea's ass if you could! But I can't. I don't know how to break up with her, we have been together for too long...

Finally we arrive her home.
"Thanks for the day Matty! I loved it!"
I just nod, unsure what to say.
She gets out of the car and runs in the house.

I do love you May!


Aww I swear I love this chapter too much hahaha ^^
Anyway hi guys, how are you doing? I'm going crazy when the boys won't drop a single soon!!
And the recent pics of Matty are too much for me❤

So we're nearly at 600 readers so THANK YOU FOR READING!!!

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Love you all, Sarah xx

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