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Hey guys, I forgot to write that this is the last chapter of this book:(
It had to come to an end bc I wanna start a new one and I like the story like that!!^^ I thank you for reading this story and I hope you liked it :)
If you want keep reading my following stories I would be so happy!!^^
Love you all so much xx


I take a relieved breath when I leave the Boston airport. But I cannot relax. Matty is only like twenty minutes away from me and he doesn't even know I am here. Nobody does. Except George who is picking me up from the airport.

When I left Tyler's wedding I have called him immediately. He told me everything I needed to be conviced to take the next plane to Boston. "Hi May!" George waves. I move to his car with my bag on my shoulders. I am just wearing jeans and a black top. Nothing for the cold weather in Boston. Lucky me, George notices me freezing and hands me his denim jacket. "Thank you George! And hi" We get in the car and George starts driving. For nine o'clock in the evening the streets are full with cars. It takes us nearly an hour to get to the hotel the boys are staying in.

In the elevator my nerves are on the edge and I barely can take a normal breath. George is watching me, shaking his head and speaks to me the first time since we arrived the hotel. "Calm down, May! It's not like he is dead or something like that." I bury my face in my hands. He is right. Matty doesn't need me crying and sobbing. That is probably what he is doing at the moment.

The elevator stops on the third floor and George points me to get out. He leads me left, until we reach a room with the number 200. "That's his room." George mumbles. he takes a key out of his pocket and opens the door as quiet as he could.
"It's our room. Matty is on the sofa. I will leave you guys alone."
With these words, he leaves the room.

I take off George's jacket and put my bag on the floor. Then I move to the sofa infront of the TV. And froze.

Matty is laying, just in his jeans, on the sofa. He's asleep. His hair looks messy and sweaty. I watch his chest going up and down, showing his steady breath. He looks so beautiful when he sleeps.
I kneel down infront of him.
Trembling I reach out my hand to touch his cheek and softly stroke his hair.

Matty groans and faces me, his eyes still closed.
With a smile, I place my thumb on his lips.
Matty starts blinking and opens his eyes.
"May?", his voice cracks, probably he has cried a lot.
"Hi Matthew", I whisper.
"What the hell are you doing here? In Boston?" He doesn't seem angry, but surprised and sad.
"Chelsea told me about your breakdown."
"You talked to her? Why?"
Matty is sitting up now, pulling me on his lap and touches me like he can't believe I'm really there.
"Well I was at Tyler's wedding and-"
"Wait wait...Tyler's wedding? But I thought you and he-"
"No", I shake my head.
"You lied?", now Matty sounds angry.
"Hey don't blame me for lying. You didn't tell me about you and Chelsea either."
He sighs.
"I wanted you to be happy. I wanted you to have that life I wantedto give you. So I lied...I'm sorry. It broke my heart every day."
I pull my arms around him, hiding my face on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry too, Matty! I was so scared about us and I didn't want to destroy Chelsea's life."
"You didn't-" Matty shakes his head in disbelief. "If you only knew what she was thinking about you, about us."
"She made her point clear at the wedding."
"Ah yes. The wedding. But why was she there?"
I shrug. "I dunno. She and Tyler always got along so... Anyway she told me about what happened on stage and I have called George and now I'm here."
He breaks into a smile. A beautiful angelic smile!

That makes me brave enough to finally talk about my feelings for him. Truly talking. But he is first with it.

"May, I can't explain how hard the last months were for me. I could barely sleep, eat, drink. I couldn't live. Because it felt like my heart wasn't in my chest anymore. You stole it, May. I'm not the same man, I was before I've met you. I started dreaming again, I felt inspired enough to write songs again. But then we had this last day together." His facial expression breaks my heart.
"What has happened in Boston?"
He sighs. "It was not that bad. I was suffering from everything. Especially from not being with you, but also from haven't seem my brother in so long. Anyway after a girl has shouted something like she loves me, I freaked out. There she was saying that she loves me but she knows shit about me. She didn't know I had a broken heart. So I was like 'Fuck it! Fuck you all!' and I cried. George had to carry me from stage because I didn't want to go."

He looks at me, tears running down his face. Before I know what I'm doing I bend over and kiss his tears away. He moves his head and our lips crash. It feels so good. His breath goes faster and his scent is just everywhere. Matty's hand touches my cheek and I stroke his hair. He moans and kisses me harder. That noise makes me shiver and I press my body against his.
"I love you", he whispers. The look in his eyes full of love.
"I love you too"

Now we don't have to be careful with our words. His heart is mine and my heart belongs to him.
We spend the rest of the day on the sofa, not talking just holding each other, share some kisses and I can happily say that this is the best day of my life.
It was full of darkness and tears. But Matty came into my life with his beautiful light.
And I love him.

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