Girl Boss

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"Oh thank fuck, I need all the caffeine I can get!" Ang all but snatches the coffee cup in my hand before I've barely even got my foot through the office door, and sips at it - exhaling a deep sigh of satisfaction soon after. "This is why I love you".

"You only want me for coffee". I smirk and settle myself at my desk.

I've worked with Ang for over six years at Keller Group Realty in West Hollywood. Our boss Adrienne is one of the most sought after brokers in luxury real estate - and so I was lucky to even be taken on as an agent by her - however with the years under my belt and successful listings that have sold, I've met the high flyers and a few celebrities over time. The market may be ever changing, but people with money still want the best.


A chance to show off their achievements through their successes - and the main form of that comes in a house.

Ang plonks herself at the desk in front of mine, but immediately swivels around on her chair. "So do you know the identity of that superstar client of yours yet?" She probes. "Noticed you were glued to your phone all day yesterday".

"Because we were going through requirements". I interject, "And no, he or she wants to remain anonymous, which is fair. Hence why I've been meeting with their assistant". I pull my laptop from my bag and open it up, knowing there will still be more emails, not just from clients but also contractors and solicitors. "Apparently they want something private, which is probably gonna be obvious considering they're well known. They're over in LA for a while according to the assistant, so I'm gonna see if she can meet me at the Laurel Canyon listing - I think that may just meet the requirements".

"The three million pad?" Ang questions and I turn the laptop around to show her the specs of the home.

"The views are what sell it, but it's completely private, so I think if our client likes it then he or she may just have it".

I can only hope. I'll get a nice commission from it too, and the house has so much potential.

Ang nods her approval and sips her coffee while I do the same to mine, finding the number of Britt, the woman who I have met to show her a few homes on behalf of the client, and pressing 'call'.

"Hey Fleur". Her voice comes through. She probably has my number on speed dial lately, so it's no surprise that she knew who was calling.

"Hey Britt, listen I wondered if you were around today? I have a listing in Laurel Canyon that may fit the bill".

I hear rustling as she probably looks through her diary. "Ok, I have an hour around 1pm? Would that be ok?" She asks and pauses.

"Perfect. I'll send you the address - I really have a good feeling about this one". I tell her.

Even I had looked at the last home I showed, and then flat out said that it wasn't the house for the client. There was privacy, but it was far too big - still the option was there, but I'm hoping this one will impress. Of course Britt will be taking pictures and feeding back to who she works for, so it's then up to them whether they want to continue looking or put in an offer.

"Ok cool, see you there". Britt says and we end the call.

"Check you out girl boss." Ang smirks, "I swear you close that deal then we're going for drinks later".

The office doors open and Lexie shuffles in, oversized sunglasses on to hide the obvious dark circles under her eyes that signify a mega hangover. Jen is following close behind holding not just her bag but Lexie's as well.

"Too much wine?" Ang smirks even more as Jen literally launches Lexie's bag at her as soon as she sits down, and then sits at her desk that's just behind mine.

"Shut up". Lex mumbles from behind her sunglasses.

Jen snorts, "I had to be designated bag carrier coz the silly cow couldn't even hold it the right way up".

I turn my chair so I can look at all of them, "You got any viewings today?" I ask Lexie who shakes her head.

"Thankfully no". and then slams her head down onto the table.

Adrienne is out of the office today anyway so our other manager Marcus will be here. Thankfully they're used to seeing us all in a crap state so Lexie's hangover is nothing new to anyone.

"Ok, so who we betting that this star client of Fleur's is?" Ang asks

Jen's hand shoots up. "Ooooh! I bet you it's Ryan Reynolds".

Ang makes a face. "Didn't he buy a new home last year or something?"

"Still possible". Jen shrugs. "Who do you think it could be Fleur?"

"Downey..." Comes Lexie's muffled reply from where her face is still against the table. "He's been in LA more recently".

I shrug. "I don't know, either way I probably won't even know until the deal is closed or maybe not altogether for that matter. The client wants privacy. That much was stated to me when their assistant called".

"Well if you find out, let us know because I can smell another deal closing for you today." Ang tells me.

I check my watch. Almost 10am and I have my first showing at 10.30. "I'd better get going". I grab my bag and car keys.

One thing about working in luxury real estate? Having built up my portfolio, I can finally enjoy having a few nice things in life. I don't go mad though. I never had much money growing up so I've learnt to be sensible with it.

"See you in a few". Ang calls and I hear Lexie groan and tell her not to talk so loud as I make my way out, heels clicking on the marble floor.


I pull up outside the home in Laurel Canyon a few hours later and punch in the code for the gate. It opens and I head inside to make sure everything is looking good for the showing with Britt. The house is pretty immaculate anyway and I open up the sliding doors that head out to the back yard. For more of an effect I light the fire pit and make sure that the cushions on the seating area that show off the view are nice and plump. 

It's little things like this that make it look more inviting, but the selling point really is the views of the canyon and city from the seating area. 

Checking my watch again I'm expecting Britt any minute, but the possibility of her being late can also be a high chance, depending on her volume of work she has.

She's on time though and now as I let her in I see that she's not alone and has brought someone with her.

"Hi!" We both say as we greet one another, my eyes then resting on the person who she's brought along.

"Fleur, this is Chris, Chris this is Fleur! She's been working her ass off trying to find you something that you'll love". Britt explains.

I shake his hand gently, keeping my composure, although that's hard when Chris Evans himself is standing in front of me. "Nice to meet you".

His eyes meet mine and I don't even realise that I'm still shaking his damn hand.

"Nice to meet you too, Fleur".

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