I Don't Wanna Lose This With You

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"I'm gonna tear his balls off!" Ang fumes as we sit in a restaurant waiting for lunch the next week.

In all honesty I didn't even wanna come out and eat, I haven't had much of an appetite but Ang and the girls have said I need to have something, even if it's just a salad.

Lexie sips her wine. "Seriously, Jenny Slate? You're worth a hundred of her, even more - seriously what the fuck possessed him to..."

"They had 'something' during filming". I stare at the place mat in front of me. I'm still in touch with Scott and he's told me everything about what has been said to him. "Apparently it only really began after Christmas..."

"For fuck sake" Ang mutters angrily. "Tell me where the bitch lives and I'll go bury her, then I'll sell her house and make a fortune..."

I laugh half heartedly. "No, it's fine. Guess I should've realised that I'm too 'normal' to even fit into that world they're in. Not that I wanted to. It was just hard to keep up with at times".

Jen shifts in her seat. "Have you spoke to him since..."

I shake my head. "No. I'm not ready for that yet. Lisa wants me to continue seeing the family and stuff. She's even invited me to a party they're having in a couple of months for Scott's birthday, but I'm not sure I'll go. It's still gonna be fresh".

"Have you found a place there?"

I nod. "Yeah, closing the deal on it within the next couple of weeks hopefully". I pause, "perhaps it's my fault? I said no to going with him and if I had just agreed then maybe he wouldn't have done it?"

"Babe, he'd have done it anyway - whether you were there or not". Ang lays down the truth and I know that she's right. There was pictures of him and Jenny at the Gifted premiere yesterday all over the internet and only now are the rumours starting.

I just wish it wasn't so early.

"I just want to know what I did wrong?"

"Nothing!" Lexie now says, "absolutely nothing! He just can't keep his dick in his pants!"

A few people now glance over at what they've just heard and she flips them off once they turn back and resume their conversations.

"Is she even his type?" Jen now questions about Jenny

Ang snorts, "hell no - dunno why he gave up Fleur for her".

"I'm literally sitting right here guys" I remind them and thankfully food now comes. I jab at my salad but barely touch it, the nausea I've been feeling the last week creeping back up.

Eventually I chuck some money on the table and get up. "I'm gonna head back to the office, I'm not hungry".


"It's ok, I'm cool, there's just shit I need to get done". I put on my best smile and head out, checking my phone.
As I glance up I see a flash and some guy with a camera is literally taking pictures of me - so I do what I do best.

I smile through it all, and just have some fun with the idiot. If he wants a sad picture for the sob stories they're going to write about me then he's not getting one.


I get back to the office and throw myself back into work, getting onto contractors and potential viewings.

My phone rings and I see it's Chris.


I stare at it as it carries on and I know I'll have to answer. Otherwise he's not gonna let it go.

"You've reached the message service for cheating assholes r us. Please leave your name and message after the beep...beep". I say unenthusiastically as I answer.



He pauses momentarily, "can we talk?"

"Not really, I'm busy".

"Look I know that last week wasn't my finest moment".

I chuckle. "You think? And now the press are having a fucking field day, I've got some pap with a camera lurking outside my office!"

"I'm sorry".

I sigh, and soften my tone a little more. "I said I'd talk when I'm ready, hear you out - but now isn't the time".

"When are you next in Boston?" He asks.

"In a few weeks time, why?"

"Can I see you? Please".

I swallow, and try to keep myself from breaking down. "Maybe...I'll see whether I get time, I've got a load of stuff to do, getting the office ready, the move..."

"Let me know".


We ring off, and I slam my head against the desk with a loud thud. There's nothing else left to say for now - but I'm sure that there will be plenty when we see one another again.

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