An Offer

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No sooner have I walked into the office one Thursday morning, Adrienne is summoning me to her office. "Ah! Fleur, just the person!" She sticks her head out and beckons me her way. 

Fuck. Now what? 

"Close the door behind you". She says. 

Her tone sounds all business and very formal. Immediately my mind plays over various scenarios. I've fucked up a viewing? She wants me to stop heading to Boston for the weekends? She's firing me?! 

Surely not? I work from home on the Fridays and Mondays that I am in Boston, so much so that Chris has changed one room into an office for me. I did tell him not to as some weeks I'm not there, but he didn't listen. Dodger will usually sit in there with me, lying spread out asleep in one of his beds that has been put in there. Sometimes Chris is there and other times he's not. Lately it's just been Dodge and me on the weekends. 

Now as she sees my face she laughs. "Don't look so worried, it's all good". 

I hope so. 

I sit down and wait for her to take her eyes away from her laptop. "So, Boston..." She begins. 

Shit. I knew this probably wasn't good. 

"What about it?" I ask nervously and cross one leg over the other, fingers knotting themselves around one another in my lap. 

"I have a proposition of sorts". Adrienne now eyes me and I wait for her to carry on. "We're opening two new offices. One in London and the other? Boston. Marcus will be running our London branch but you? Well seeing as you're back and forth to Massachusetts anyway? I thought you would be the right person to run our office there". 

I blink, trying to take in what she's saying. "What?" 

"Keller Group is expanding, two new offices this year with the hope to open more next - including one in Orange County". 

I can see the dollar signs in her eyes. 

"" I literally have no words. "And you're sure you want me to run the Boston office?" 

She nods. "You've proven yourself more than capable. It's located in Burlington so not too much of a drive from where you'll be. Question is, do you wanna take the offer?" Her smile is tight but knowing. 

I nod. "I...yes! Wow!" 

"At least it'll save on air fare". She grins. "Perfect, congratulations Fleur. Of course we'll still be in touch but seeing as the office won't be ready for a while, then I would like your viewings to be given to the others and for you to focus on your move". 

"Wait, you want me to finish here like, this week?" 

"Next. It's a big step, and I'm fair aren't I? Plus you get to spend time with that hunk of a boyfriend of yours. You work yourself too hard. Enjoy some time together before we kick things off". 

Chris is gonna be just as excited as I am. The distance between us always kills me, but now I can finally let his wish of us living together come true. 

I take my phone out and try to call him as I leave the office and head into the break room, but it goes to busy, so I'm guessing he's on the line with his agent or someone. 

No matter. I'll be surprising him in a matter of hours.

"Traitor" Ang smirks as she hugs me. "Gonna miss you Fleur, don't be a stranger". 

"You know I won't". I smile, head still spinning at the fact I'm going to be managing one of our offices. 

Lexie now comes over. "Have you told Chris that you're practically moving in? Even if most of your crap is already over there."

"I'm heading there later on this afternoon to surprise him. I just can't wait to see his face". 

"We can't get enough of his face". Jen muses. 

I sit down at my desk and try him again. This time it goes to voicemail so his phone has probably died. I keep telling him to invest in a new one but his response is something along the lines of 'why try to fix what's not broken?' I'm thinking about 'accidently' dropping it down the stairs, just so I can present him with an upgrade.

Hours later I arrive outside Chris's place and open the door quietly. I can hear Dodger in the garden and put my bag down by the front door. walking through to the living room I see the back of Chris sitting on the sofa, but he's not alone. 

And instantly I feel sick to my stomach. 

He's watching a movie, but has his arm around none other than another girl. 

And that girl is exactly the one who I was nervous about before...


I can't even help the next words that come out of my mouth and instantly they jump apart as I now make myself known. "WHAT...THE...FUCK!" 

Wildest Dreams - A Chris Evans StoryWhere stories live. Discover now