Say You'll Remember Me

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Chris now looks at me as Jenny shows her apparent guilt at putting her lips (and maybe other things) on my boyfriend. 

It's obvious, and I can't believe that I have been stupid enough to begin believing that this could actually work between us.


"Nope". I shake my head. "No I'm out!" Storming out of the room as he follows. 

"Fleur let's just talk about this!" 

I now swing around and glare at him. "Oh you wanna fucking talk about it? What is there to talk about! You're banging someone on the side on the days I'm not here! Jeez I can't believe that I have been fucking blind!" I yell back. "How Long has it been going on". 


"HOW FUCKING LONG!" I raise my voice furiously. 

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "A month...maybe two..."

"Oh my god, Oh my fucking god!" I shake my head in disbelief and now see Jenny appear in the doorway looking sheepish. "You are fucking welcome to him, because I knew when this began it wouldn't end well. I'm not a pretty actress or anything. I'm a normal fucking person, but it's clear that I was never anything special to you like you said I was!" I shoot a look of daggers at him, grab my bag and yank the door open, needing to get out of there. 

"Fleur!" He yells and follows me. 

I don't care if I have to walk miles to the nearest hotel, this is fucked up. 


Chris catches up to me and grabs my arm. "Stop. Hear me out". 

"I don't need to hear anything else. I came here to surprise you and to tell you that Adrienne wants me to manage one of our offices here...I'm gonna be moving here..." I look at him, the pain and hurt in my voice clear. "But it doesn't matter now..."

"Yes it does..." 

"No!" I yank my arm from him. "It's done. We're done". 

"Fleur...can you at least let me explain..." 

I shake my head. "I've seen enough. I need time, because this is probably gonna get out and the media are gonna come after us both. And I don't need that. I need to focus on my damn job and not the bullshit that comes from being your girlfriend. When I'm ready? Maybe then we'll talk, but I'm not making any promises". I look at him and wipe some tears from my eyes. "Just let me go please...I want to walk away from here with at least some dignity left..." 

And just like that, he lets me go...


I sit in a hotel room later on after calling an Uber once I was away from the house. The poor guy driving must have thought I was mad on pulling up and seeing me looking like something out of a horror movie. Mascara running, tears streaming and unable to properly tell him where I wanted to go. 

My phone has missed calls from Chris, some from Scott, and now it lights up with Lisa's name. 


I'd left her a message earlier before I got on the plane about how I'd got a new job here and that I'd be surprising Chris. 

Clearing my throat I answer as normally as I can. "Hey Lisa..." 

"Fleur! Hi! I just got your message! I'm thrilled for you - are you with Chris? I was going to come over and..." 

"It's...not a good time". I tell her gently. "I erm...well I don't really know how to tell you this, especially as he is your son". 

Now she sounds concerned. "Fleur? What is it?" 

"We broke up..." 

She's silent for a moment before she gently speaks to me once more in a motherly way. "What happened?" 

Only now do I break down and tell her everything, sobbing tears I thought I'd used already - but they just keep going. 

If I can't keep a relationship with Chris fucking Evans then how am I supposed to keep one with any other guy? 

"Sorry..."I sniff and calm myself, fanning my face in an attempt to make the tears stop - like that ever works? "I should've expected it..."

"No, no you shouldn't have - oh Fleur I'm so sorry..." 

I nod. " too - look just so you know I...well I'm not one of these jealous and fame hungry people who go to the gossip columns and bitch about their exes and how they did them dirty...I'm not like that". 

"I know you're not - you know I'd never think badly of you. But I still want to keep in touch ok? I know this is fresh and may seem like your idea of hell, but you've become part of the family. I know the kids love you just as much. We all do, and we wanna keep you around". 

"I don't think Chris would like that idea". 

"Oh let him say what he will. Either way I'd still like to meet up with you when you're ready. If you want to". 

I lay back. "Well I'm gonna be outta work for a while, the office isn't finished yet and I need to find a new place..." 


I'm gonna be homeless here. 

"I have a room if ever you need one, just remember that". 

"I couldn't ask that from you - I need to get my head around everything and maybe when the time is right I'll sit down with Chris so we can talk about things, I know he hates conflict..."

And so do I. I much prefer leaving things on a high note rather than low, and if Lisa still wants me to see the family and whatnot, then I'm going to have to be the bigger person and try to stay friends with Chris as well. I've come to love this family as my own. 

There is warmth in Lisa's voice. "You know where I am if you need me - ok? Anything at all. Now I'm gonna go call Chris and check in with you tomorrow ok?" 

"Ok...and thanks..."

As soon as we end the call, I curl up and cry, wishing I could stop. 

This is of my own doing, I have to accept that I went into this knowing that it was possible to end in tears. But even though Chris has hurt me in one of the worst possible ways - I have no regrets. 

Not a single one. 

Wildest Dreams - A Chris Evans StoryWhere stories live. Discover now