My Last Request It Is...

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Chris apologised for not calling, apparently the cast went out for some drinks and something to eat, not getting back until late.

"A text would have been nice though". I say

"I know, and I'm a total meatball for not even thinking of that" he says apologetically, "especially when you were so down about the gossip stories that had come out".

"Hey, it's ok - I'm over it". I say

Just like I'm over and accept that he's obviously gonna have female co-stars who he's friendly with. Obviously there's been pictures of him filming, out and about with Dodger while doing so as well. His co-star Jenny has been in a few of them.

I can't let the pictures get to me, I need to tell myself that this is how it is. That there will always be speculation about anything and everything.

Now here I am on Wednesday morning, putting the finishing touches dressing one of the homes for an open house event that we're having. Getting an interior designer in to stage furnishings and whatnot makes the house sell more. Sometimes above the asking price. Potential buyers come to the events or their reps do instead.

"I'm heeeeeere!" Lex trills as she totters in, phone to hand while looking at some emails. "Wow! This is gonna sell right away!" She looks around, "Adrienne's gonna love what the designer's done"

"I know right? I think it's gonna give me my biggest commission to date, so fingers crossed!" I cross both fingers.

"Toes are crossed over here as well". Lex grins, "Jen and Ang are just leaving so they'll be here soon - show me around?"

"Course, here's the specs" I pass her a leaflet about the home as well as information about room sizes

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I take it out, almost wanting to throw up when I see the message from Britt.

We're dealing with it, obviously it's not what it looks like. closely followed by the article and pictures.

It's Chris and he's leaving a restaurant with Jenny...

"Fuck". Lex now looks at me as I show her. "Fleur, you don't look great".

"No, I..." I flap my arms to fan my face, suddenly feeling incredibly hot and to try and somehow stop any kind of inkling that I'm about to cry. "I'm fine, it's all good."

"His assistant may say it's not what it looks like, but  it looks a little suss". Lex states.

I shake my head, "I trust him".

"That much that you're not even pissed that he didn't tell you himself?" Lex asks and throws me a look. "I know he's a busy guy, but he didn't call that night he said, now this?"

"I need some air" I say and walk out into the garden, dialling Chris's number and waiting for him to answer.

He knows exactly why I'm calling when he finally answers. "I know what you're gonna say..."

"What am I gonna say?" I ask.  "Because right now? I really don't know what to".

"Britt told you that we're dealing with it". I detect the annoyance in his tone. "Do you really not trust me enough?"

I swallow, pacing by the pool as I try and wrap my head around all this shitty press. "It just seems like it's one thing after another lately".

"That's how it is Fleur, you knew that when we got together".

"Yeah but I didn't think it'd be this fucking much!" I snap back and then sigh. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry, look I have an open house starting in an hour, can we talk about this later?"

He still sounds pissed, "yeah, sure".

"You actually gonna call me this time or do I have to wait again?"

"Don't". He warns, "don't start something before we hang up".

"Whatever, talk later". I huff and hang up, now feeling like the bitch for doubting him.

He's right. I should trust him more than I say I do, but this? It stings seeing your boyfriend emerging from a restaurant with another woman - especially when 'it's not what it looks like'.

Lex comes out, Ang and Jen now arrived and by her side. They're looking at me with concern and it's clear they've seen the pictures.

"I could kick his gorgeous ass if you want me to?" Ang offers as she gives me a hug.

I shake my head, "it's ok. Guess I need to deal with the fact that it's normal".

"Like fuck it is, if that were me then I'd have kicked him to the curb".

"Yeah but this is Chris we're talking about. He wouldn't do this and even I know that. I don't know why I have such a problem. I shouldn't...I knew what I was getting into".

Ang shakes her head, "Yeah but how much of it did you know?"

"It's just the shock" Jen adds quickly, "once you've spoken to one another about it then it'll all be ok".

The first of the potential clients begin to filter in sometime later and I smile and hide my anxieties from them. Something that I've become a master of.

Deep down I wonder if they're all laughing at me, thinking how it was ever possible that a guy like him and a girl like me could ever make this work.

Every stare, every conversation I can't help but feel it's about the emerging gossip, and by the time the open house is over and everyone is gone, I feel drained of all energy.

My phone buzzes on the kitchen counter, Chris's name and picture of us flashing up on my screen.

"Hey..." I answer.

"Hey..." he replies, his voice a little more forgiving than earlier. "Fleur I'm sorry..."

I stop him, "no, it's me that should be - it was just hearing it from Britt first and not from you? It kinda made me feel shitty".

"I know, I know" he agrees, "but it's really not what it is, we just had dinner as friends, that's all. She knows about you".

"She's pretty" my voice cracks, "more so than me, I wouldn't blame you for wanting to finish things..."

He sighs, "Fleur, do you really not trust me?" The question comes up again.

"It's not that..."

"Well it kinda is" he shoots back. "You're the one I love, what is it gonna take for you to see that?"

I wipe a few tears from my eyes. "I'm sorry..." I apologise again. "Guess I just miss you that's all".

"I miss you too, I'll be home next week, just hang in there okay".


"And Fleur?" He says before he hangs up. "I love you".

It'll pass, it has to- but I'm not going to be satisfied until he's back with me again.

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