But This Is Getting Good Now

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It starts from the moment I get out of my car on Monday morning. There's a photographer taking pictures whilst I'm on an early call with a client. It throws me for a moment but I ignore him and continue to talk to the man on the end of the line as I walk down to the office. 

Once I'm inside I silently thank my lucky stars it was just one and head for my desk. 

Ang grins as she looks up from her laptop once I've finished my call. "Did you do your best Victoria's Secret walk?" Swivelling around to my desk so she can talk to me. 

"I really don't know why they need a picture". I sigh. 

"Probably because you're dating one of the most recognised actors in Hollywood?" 

"We're not dating". I say, "It's just...well I don't really know what we are. We haven't had time to really talk about that". 

Ang shrugs. "But it's casual right?" 

I nod. "Yeah...it's not exactly official but in some ways it is?", I slam my head onto the desk. "I really don't know..." 

"It is if you've been sleeping with him".  She smirks. "I think Adrienne wanted to speak to you when she gets in". 

Great, my boss wants to summon me - already I'm shitting myself. 

"Can you say I'm not here?" I ask into the desk and then look up at her. "She's gonna be pissed if she knows photographers are lurking around here". 

"But on the other hand it's been great for business - we've had more interest this last week than we usually do. Every cloud has a silver lining". 

"Yeah but those clouds can also turn dark, I'm just worried they're gonna be calling here and..."

She cuts me off, "Hey, we've dealt with the worst of it. Adrienne just wants to know if you're ok and what you're gonna do." 

I frown. "What do you mean 'what i'm gonna do'?" 

"Well...you're pretty much dating Chris Evans, it's obvious now but..." 

"I'm not gonna quit just because I'm dating him, I'm still me and I still love my job. I just want the paps to leave me be". 

The office doors open and Adrienne swans in. She reminds me of a nicer version of Miranda Priestly from Devil Wears Prada. She's a businesswoman, building her real estate empire up from scratch. She also gives no fucks and just says it how it is. I like her, even if she can appear scary to others on first meeting her. 

"Fleur". She removes her sunglasses and pops them on her head. "Can I have a word?" 

I nod. "Sure thing", and get up, heels clicking over to her office and closing the door behind me as I walk in. 

Once she's settled and seated she looks at me with a mischievous smirk. "Chris Evans eh? You've kept that one quiet". 

I immediately feel a little better knowing she's not going to yell at me. If she was then she'd have got straight to the point. 

"Erm...yeah, guess I did..." I purse my lips and try to hold back the smile as I talk about him. 

Adrienne gestures to the seat in front of her desk and I perch on it. "How are you feeling about all the media attention?"

I cross one leg over the other and shrug. "There was a photographer taking pictures of me walking here this morning, but that's expected. It didn't really affect my call with my client, I think if there had been more then It would have". 

"Well that's good. Now I was going to say that whatever changes you need to make, even if it's flying out last minute then we can accommodate. I know the situation is delicate and this is the beginning so everything will be mad, but if ever there is a day you need to work from home because of photographers or journalists hassling you then it's fine by me". 

I smile. "Thank you, I mean, Ang has said that there's been a lot of interest this week in both buyers and sellers?"

"Oooooh yes there certainly has" Adrienne grins. "You're like our little poster girl at the moment". 

"Ok that wasn't my intention at all". 

"No, but it works in our favour, just keep doing what you're doing Fleur, you're one of my best agents and I suppose now a well recognised representative of my business." Adrienne sits back and fiddles with a pen. "Are you happy?" 

I nod. "I am". 

"Good, I'm pleased for you - a man like the one on your arm is certainly the dream". 

The dream, yes, but even dreams can turn into nightmares.


"Something about you in that tailored shorts suit does it for me Irving". Chris says that evening when he calls. "Damn, those legs..." 

"Wait, you've seen the pictures from this morning?" I ask as I pour the smoothie I've just made into a glass. "That was quick". 

"Paps work fast when they've got something they want. No negative press though, you'd know by now". He tells me, "It was Britt who showed me, she wants to know where you got it from". 

I laugh lightly, "I'll buy her one, and I spoke to my boss today - she said if I need to make any last minute arrangements with stuff then she can accommodate. I honestly thought she was going to murder me but she's been really cool about things". 

"Well that's good". I hear him yawn down the line. 

"I'm boring you that much eh?" 

"What! No! I've been up since 4am". He says, voice a little tired. "That and I didn't sleep too much anyway, kinda got used to you being here when I wake up". 

My heart swells, but I also know that we really need to talk about just what we are. At least I need confirmation. "I miss you too..." I say, realising it's gonna be another good few weeks before I see him. "I erm...I wanted to talk about us...we haven't really spoken about whether we're like...y'know, 'together, together'" I emphasise. "I mean I know the media's dubbed me your girlfriend but..." 

He calms me, "Fleur, hey...chill - they're right. I know we haven't really spoken about it, but we are together". There's a voice in the background that I recognise as Britt's, telling him that Scott and her are waiting for him to go down to dinner with them. "Ok...yeah, I'll be down in a sec, let me just say goodbye to my girl". 

His girl...

I feel giddy. 

"You still there?" He now asks. 

"Yeah..." I manage to get out and pretend I didn't hear what he just said.  

"I've gotta go, but I'll text you ok?"

My voice is just a little squeak now. "Ok..." 

"God I can't wait to get back to you". He half laughs. "Anyway I'd better go before Scott keels over from hunger. See you later". 

"See you later".  I smile to myself as we end the call, and let out a little squeal.

I'm his girl...

Wildest Dreams - A Chris Evans StoryWhere stories live. Discover now