The Engagement Party

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Lisa is practically screaming when we call her and tell her. She knew that Chris was going to ask me, as he'd confided in her before he'd brought the ring. I'd guessed he probably had anyway as he tells her everything.

We've only told family, mainly his (mine aren't exactly close) and we plan to keep the marriage from public knowledge. It's not something we want splashed over the internet. It's a private affair and we want to keep it that way.
If the time does come where people begin to question if we're going to tie the knot (let's face it, they will at some point) then we will see. Chris will be the one getting all those questions though, I think if I had to answer them I wouldn't know what to say.

We can't think of setting a date just yet though, he's got filming for 'Defending Jacob' coming up and a couple of other projects in the pipeline. For now I'm just happy knowing that he wants me for always. There's no rush but I can tell he's eager to settle so perhaps after filming is done we can begin to plan.

We're having an engagement party at ours, something with just family and a few friends. Nice relaxed barbecue. Mackie and Seb have already said they're coming, and Downey is a maybe depending on his schedule. Scarlett is a definite yes so it'll be nice to see some familiar faces again.

"Have you spoke to your mom?" Lisa asks one afternoon as we sit together in the kitchen. She's popped over to keep me company this weekend while Chris is away.

"Not really" I reply, "we're not close, haven't seen my dad in a good few years either".

It's no secret my relationship with them is not exactly the best. This is why I love Chris's family so much. They're the unit I never had as a kid. All that stemmed from mine were broken hearts and broken marriages.

"He's not gonna be walking you down the aisle then".

I shake my head. "I'd rather walk myself, make more of an impact when it finally comes around"

"You two spoke about any dates or venues?"

"Not yet, but I think once we've got a spare moment then we can begin to plan. I know Chris doesn't want a long engagement".

Lisa grins, "nope, but he wants them babies, and I won't lie when I say I'd like some more grand kids"

I laugh lightly, "I know he does".

"And what about you?"

Ask anyone else and they would be literally sat there legs open and ready for him to impregnate them. "I guess I've never thought about it before I met him, it's always been my career first, but I guess that's kinda changing a little now". I admit, knowing that Adrienne could probably replace me at the snap of a finger if I have to step down for a while. Priorities change and mine no doubt will.


The party comes around and I'm stood talking to a few people when I spy Chris give me a certain look, before he takes a swig of beer and walks into the house. I give it a few minutes before making my excuses and going to see where he is.

I go upstairs and then am gently pulled into the bedroom, "They're gonna notice we're missing" I smirk at Chris as he shuts the door.

"I don't care, if I wanna fuck my fiancée at our party then I'll do just that". He grins and kisses me, one hand moving up my thigh and under my dress. Pushing my panties to the side he slides two fingers into me, covering my moan with his mouth.

I stop him, and undo his belt, giving him a sneaky look and then getting on my knees, taking him into my mouth. "Shit Fleurie..." he hisses and I continue, knowing it's going to send him mad.

"Guys I think we're gonna need extra..." Scott walks in and then trails off as I jump up and Chris turns away to quickly stuff himself back into his pants. "Sausage...ooooh I'm so telling mom!"

"Scott!" Chris curses through gritted teeth and goes after him to commit murder.

Oh god if he tells Lisa I'm gonna die.

"Moooooooom!" I hear Scott yell closely followed by Chris.

"Stop ratting me out!"

Scott is dragged back into the room in fits of laughter and then looks at us. "You guys better start locking doors".

"And you'd better stop fucking cock blocking!" Chris looks at him, "what the hell did you even want anyway?"

"We need more meat, although it seems Fleur doesn't" Scott grins and I hold back my laugh. "I was gonna say quickly run to the store with me".

Chris sighs. "Fine, but you tell mom and you're dead".

"Look if I can keep you cracking my head open from her then I can keep this".

"Let's go". He rolls his eyes and then gives me a kiss, "you're finishing what you started tonight gorgeous".

I smirk. "I think you'll be the one who's finishing" and smile sweetly with a small wave as he follows Scott out.

Note to self, lock the damn door if ever he stays over.

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