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"So what did you get up to last night?" Ang spins her chair around so that she's looking at me. I'm simply tapping away on my laptop trying to answer and email as think up a reasonable excuse.

"Not a lot, got pizza and watched Netflix until I passed out". I lie and then quickly ask her what she did.

It's been a couple of weeks since 'that night', and now the routine is that on the days Chris isn't working, I head to his after work and stay there until the early hours. It's casual, and I'm enjoying the thrill of people not knowing. When we don't see one another, we're messaging constantly. It could be anything from a selfie to just a picture of Dodger, but when my phone lights up now the butterflies in my stomach take flight.

I think I'm falling too fucking hard, and I shouldn't.

It's dangerous.

But I really do like him...

Ang shrugs as she answers my question. "Ergh, was just me and a bottle of whiskey - I'm paying for it this morning". I smirk over my laptop and carry on with my email, eyes glancing at my phone that has now lit up. "Clients are really going for you today..." She notes the high activity.

Yeah...aren't they just?

"Just one who's very particular on things". I say

"Ooooooh one who's trouble then, they're always the interesting ones".

I say nothing else and sit back, opening the message from Chris who is literally down as 'C' in my phone for the time being.

How original.

Cant wait to see you tonight - C

I smile to myself and reply back to him. I'm more excited to see Dodger 😏

Ouch, but I suppose I can let you off on that. Here... and he sends me a picture through of Dodger looking utterly adorable. He looks like he's cuddled up to him on the sofa judging by the angle.

You had a chance to take a really nice selfie with him then and you didn't lol I'm disappointed.

You wanted Dodge 😏

Yeah, but I also want you 😈

Two can play at this game.

I see the three dots come up that signal that he's typing before the reply comes back. You have no idea how much I want you...

So show me?

How long until you finish work Irving?

Two looooooooooong hours 😛 Need me to bring anything tonight?

Swimwear and you 😈 x

I bite my lip and message back, Is it even gonna stay on?

I'm not making any promises. x Comes the answer.

I'd best take some emergency clothes with me in case of the inevitable.


We're sitting on the edge of the pool that evening, feet in the water and so close as we talk to one another it's like we're two kids sharing secrets. Well we are a secret that we're both keeping. Only Britt knows but she's usually busy in her office that I rarely see her.
I feel Chris's lips brush against my shoulder and I smirk, easing myself into the water and treading water, looking back at him. "You gonna join me or not?"

"Views pretty good from here". He says but gets in anyway, strong arms enveloping my body. He has to stay in this kind of shape for Captain America and my god the muscles on him...

He leans in and kisses me, one hand automatically making from the string of my bikini top. I'm not gonna stop him, however he decides against this and instead places his hand on my lower back.

Yep, I was right to bring the emergency clothes because I don't think that I'm going home tonight.

Our lips meet hungrily once more and I will admit I'm nervous as hell, especially as he now hoists me up, my legs automatically wrapping themselves around his waist.
One hand pushes my bikini bottoms to the side and he slowly begins to work away at my clit, causing me to break our kiss to gasp. He lets out a small growl and silences me again, fingers slipping between my folds and beginning to pump at me.

"Fuck that feels good..." I breathe, and run my hands through his hair, feeling him harden against me. The satisfaction knowing that I can make him like that? It's good.

By now I'm panting against him, while he continues, but then we hear a voice.

"Whoopsie..." Immediately we both spring apart, Chris putting me back down again, and see Scott standing there looking rather guilty at causing the interruption.

"I'm gonna bury him..." Chris mutters and stares at his brother. "Seriously? You didn't think to call and say you were coming?"

"Looks like someone was though". Scott grins, "nice to see you again Fleur, like the swim wear".

I subtly yank my bikini bottoms back into place and smoothly get out of the pool. "Pleasure as always". I say and wrap the towel around me.

"Seems with Chris it is", Scott is still smirking at the fact he gets to embarrass his brother for once. "And going back to your earlier question, you gave me a key remember?" He eyes his brother.

Chris exhales loudly and shakes his head, "beginning to regret that".

"I mean, you guys can carry on, I'll be in my room - I just thought as Mom was gonna be flying in tomorrow it'd be easier if I stayed tonight".

Well if his mother's visiting then I suppose I need to be keeping myself away. He hasn't said anything to her, at least I don't think he has.

I slip my top and shorts on, "then I should leave you guys to it".

Nothing like a good old cock block to end an evening.

"No!" Both of them say in unison and I blink, looking from one to the other.

"It's cool, I'm gonna head to bed anyway". Scott tells me, "I didn't see nothing...but you know I'm gonna tell mom right?" He now directs his cheeky look to his brother again.

Chris smirks, "don't be a snitch, otherwise I'll tell her about what you did last week". Scott simply grins and says goodnight, disappearing inside. Chris now turns to me, "sorry about him, he likes to show up".

"No it's nice, not obviously catching us in the act, but that you two are close". I tell, knowing that he's mentally kicking himself.

He smiles, "you're not leaving yet are you?"

I move so I'm against him, my hand trailing down to his swim shirts and slipping inside of them, wrapping around the shaft of him. "We didn't finish what we started..."

Wildest Dreams - A Chris Evans StoryWhere stories live. Discover now