Bouquets and Invitations

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"I'm still annoyed I couldn't come to the twilight viewing". Lexie huffs as we get our coffee on the way to the office a few weeks later. I've just told her about the sale now being rushed through and it seems like Mr Evans wants to get in there quickly. "I mean, I could've got out of my dinner".

"It was your wedding anniversary!" I laugh as the barista calls our names and we take the iced coffees we've ordered.

She throws me a look, "there will be more! There's like an anniversary each year anyway, it's not like it's gonna be different with each one". She rolls her eyes, and we head out and along the street. The office isn't too far down so coffee runs throughout the day are normal. "You still haven't really told us what he was like".

"I've told you loads because you just want to hear me describe him!" I smirk and know the game that she's playing. "Besides, we've completed the sale and now that's that".

"Yup, now we know where he lives". She gives me a little evil look.

"You can't stalk clients - remember the non disclosure agreement we had to sign on getting the job".

She brushes me off, "I know, I know - but is always nice to know where he lives". And laughs lightly, pushing the door to the office open.

Ang and Jen are already at their desks and on their phones talking to clients but I stop dead, seeing what's taking up most of my desk.

A bouquet of flowers. Not too over the top but not too simple either.

"Woah...fancy..." Lexie nods her approval as she inspects them and looks at the card to see where they're from. "Should've guessed they'd be from there". She says and shows me the name of the place - literally a block from here but damn they're good".

Ang puts her phone down, "come on Fleur, I've been staring at those fucking things since I walked in - put us out of our misery and tell us who they're from!" She spins her chair around to watch as I pluck the card from its holder within the arrangement".

Opening it I look and see the message inside and then purse my lips, surprised and flattered. "Just a client thanking me for my help". I play it down but this only arouses more suspicion amongst the girls.

"Yeah but which client?" Jen demands.

Ang smirks, knowing me all too well, "it's him, isn't it?"

"I can neither confirm nor deny". I say and settle down at my desk, taking my phone out to message Britt to tell her to thank Chris for the flowers.

The girls laugh, "I'm just saying, if Chris Evans is taking the time to send you flowers then you need to wonder what he wants".

I roll my eyes as I send the message, "he's just being nice and thanking me for helping him with the house sale".  I tell them casually, but inside I am freaking out a little that he's taken the time to send me them. It was probably Britt on his behalf but still.

My phone vibrates and I see her reply pop up,  He sent you flowers? Sneaky bastard didn't tell me!  Send me a picture.

Ok so clearly these were all from him...

I send her the picture and bite my lip, she doesn't reply and in the end I'm wrapped up in a couple of calls and a viewing before I even get the chance to look at my phone again.

There's a voicemail, and I listen to it.

"Hello Miss Irving, it's the flower man here..." I know instantly it's Chris just from the accent, "Britt told me you got the flowers and you're welcome, she doesn't know I stole your number from her phone by the way - anyway, I just wanted to ask whether you'd consider having dinner or even just a drink sometime?  I'm here for a few months so it'd be nice to thank you properly for your help".

I listen as he gives his number and quickly write it down, saving the voicemail.

Is this even a good idea?

He's a client Fleur, just have a drink with him - he wants to say thanks that's all. My mind tells me as I toy with the idea of calling him back.

Fuck it. Life's too short.

I hold my breath as I dial the number and wait until finally I hear him answer. "Hello?"

"Flower man eh? Smooth..." I smirk and hear his little 'heh' 'heh' 'heh' in return.

"Yeah well I couldn't really think of anything else to catch your attention" he admits.

I smile and feel the heat rise in my cheeks slightly, "you really didn't have to buy me flowers, but thank you - and if the offer of dinner or drinks still stands, then I'd like to accept."

His voice brightens slightly on this. "When you free?"

"I suppose it would depend on your schedule Evans, I work a 9-5 job remember". I remind him coolly.

"I have a day off next week, 15th I think but I'll double check - how about you come over once you're done with work?"

I quickly check my diary and write it down. ""Ok, it's a date." I say and then kick myself, "I mean, not like a real date but a date that you..." I am digging myself into an even bigger hole.

"I know what you mean Irving". He chuckles, "I'll see you then".

As we say goodbye and hang up I groan and sink further into the seat of my car. He's probably regretting asking me already.

15th is confirmed day off, looking forward to seeing you - C

I stand corrected.

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