The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

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"What the fuuuuuck" Chris groans as he comes into the living room one afternoon and sees what I've been hanging on the tree that we decorated yesterday. "Fleur!"

"What?" I ask innocently, ignoring the decorations I spent time crafting cut out pictures of his face to as a joke. With the help of Scott of course. Unfortunately it seems like our plan was foiled just a little too early, but it doesn't matter.  "Gives a whole new meaning to a CHRIS-mas tree doesn't it?" I smirk.

He can't help but laugh, "The moustache? Seriously?" He plucks off a bauble and shows me the awful picture. "Dodge, fetch!" He pretty much yeets it down the hallway, Dodger running after it and then turns back to me. "This isn't staying on the tree is it?" He now smirks.

"No, Scott and I thought we;d have a little fun".

"Where is he anyway?"

"Went out to the store to grab some last few bits before it goes mental for Christmas Eve prep". I say, watching him pluck the baubles off and study each one.

The family are staying here from Christmas Eve through to Boxing Day, so we're gonna have a full house. We have room though, and both Chris and Scott have said they're in charge of dinner, although I know most of it will be spent arguing about what time things have to be in the oven and for how long. Lisa will no doubt end up stepping in somewhere.

"Dodger pads back in with his lead and a forlorn look".

"Oh don't give me that look" Chris groans, seeing his little eyes. He knows exactly how to get what he wants. "No, no don't do that to me Bubba!" Crouching down and rubbing Dodgers head. "We said later on..."

I smirk. "He wants to go now though? Look at his face". I am totally on Dodger's side if it means Chris sticking a lead on me and taking me out for some fun.

Chris shakes his head with a small "Damnit" and takes the lead. "Come on then bud, let's go for a walk". Dodger races off to the front entrance and begins to bark. Chris now looks back at me. "You siding with him? That was a mistake". He smirks.

I grin naughtily and give him a kiss. "How about I come with you, be nice for us to get out anyway.

Snowy walks with these two are the best. It's built up quite a lot around here and although he's not much of a fan, Dodger has still wanted to go out in it. The covered hiking trails are a little more easier to navigate as they're just a little muddy, but out in the open it's just snow.

"Alright. I'll get him ready". He says and I head upstairs to put on some warmer clothes and my winter jacket.

We walk along, Dodger's tail pinged straight up and bushy as he trots on in front of us. Chris has his arm through mine while my free hand keeps a hold of the lead.

I rest my head against his shoulder, listening to the crunch of snow and slush under our feet. Dodger is enjoying himself, sniffing at what he can find. If we were back in LA then there would be photographers snapping at us. But this? I feel content.

"You alright Fleurie?" He asks gently, kissing me but on my beanie hat.

"Mhmmm just enjoying it".

His arm around me pulls me closer to him and we continue on, Dodger now pulling on the lead as we're being too slow, taking me forward a few paces from a Chris. I look back at him and shake my head. "You keep on going". He grins and gets his phone out to probably take a picture of Dodger ultimately taking me for a walk.

We head back, and even I jump as I hear "CHRIIIIIIIIIS!" come from inside the hallway as he walks in first. Scott popping out from where he was behind the door with his phone to hand. "Gotcha good didn't I?"

"Yeah and me too". I smirk as I stamp the snow from my boots and take them off before coming inside.

"Oh my god, you have a little red nose!" Scott laughs

"It's cold!" I complain, feeling the warmth melt it away on my face now I'm back in a heated home. "Did you get everything we need?"

"Yep and more!" He waves us to come into the kitchen and I see two gingerbread house kits sitting there.

There's gonna be some kind of challenge and it's gonna end in some kind of argument.

"How cool do these look, plus if we stick them together it can be a gingerbread mansion". Scott says to us.

Chris chucks Dodger a treat from his tin and switches on the coffee machine. "You both having one?"

"Ok I need to see you guys arguing over this, because it's gonna happen" I laugh.

"No way, I'm a champ at putting together things like this". Chris replies confidently.

"You couldn't even put a kids play tent up" Scott snorts with a grin to me. "I say Fleur leaves us to it and then we bring her in to judge".

There it is, challenge accepted by my boyfriend and Dodger and I go to the bedroom to snuggle while the guys begin.

I see Chris has posted an Instagram picture and take a look. It's one of Dodger and me a little way ahead of him on our walk, the dog on his hind legs and leaning up to me while I'm looking down at him ruffling his fur with a grin. I didn't even realise he'd taken it, but he did.

Chrisevans: 💙💜 ❄️

You've been replaced! Don't worry I'll have you 😏

This is so pure 😭

Dog mom!

DODGER!!!!! 🥰😍

What I'd give to be on a walk with you guys! Looks amazing!

Scottevansgram: you couldn't have waited until I was back from the store? 😤
          Chrisevans: We'll take you for your walkies later

Scott!!! 🤣🤣

Ditching Scott! Lmao not a good idea!

Savage reply there Chris 💀💀

I must fall asleep because I wake up and Chris is next to me, now watching another film. "How's your gingerbread mansion?"

"Hopefully still standing, few disagreements here and there". He snuggles down with me, kissing me gently and then pulling at my top.

"YOU TWO BETTER KEEP IT DOWN!" Scott yells as he walks past and looks in.

"Scott!" Chris curses through gritted teeth and now jumps off the bed, heading after him as the younger Evans manic laughter echoes while he's running down the stairs.

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