He Knelt To The Ground...

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Chris Evans steps out with girlfriend for first time at Endgame Premiere

Who is Fleur Irving?: Chris Evans girlfriend is our new girl crush

Is Evans hinting that he's about to settle down?

Chris Evans talks Endgame, his relationship, and how he prefers Boston over anywhere else.

"So what did you tell him?" Jen asks as she and the girls are on FaceTime with me a week later. I hadn't told them anything about him suggesting marriage until now.

"Question is does he actually wanna settle down?" Ang asks.

I sit back at my desk and massage my temples. "Fleur...did you say yes?" Lex asks.

I shake my head. "I told him I'd think about it". And they all groan. "What? I'm going to!"

"Tell him to make it more romantic than half assed and then maybe you'll say yes". Ang smirks.

It wasn't a yes, and it wasn't a no either, but it caught me by surprise so much that I know I have to think before I jump. He understood of course and since then it's the only thing that's really been on my mind, so much so that I zoned out halfway through a meeting with Adrienne yesterday. 

"Maybe it was just in the moment, we haven't really had much chance to talk about it since". I don't really wanna talk about this anymore.

"Tell him you want rose petals! Candles! All that romantic shit!" Ang says, "he can't just literally lay in bed and say "oh yeah will you marry me if I asked" you deserve more than that".

I shake my head and smile lightly. "But I don't, I don't need any of that..."

"So what's stopping you?" Jen asks the million dollar question.

"I don't know...I guess I'm just worried it'll all go tits up and we'll end up divorcing after like three months or something".

"If you do then can we swap husbands?" Lex smirks

I ponder over what life could be like married to him. Chaotic for a start but if I say no then I'm denying us both the chance of being happy and maybe having a family.

I never really thought about kids before I met him, but given the age difference between us he's probably not gonna wanna waste time. He loves kids, and watching him with his niece and nephews has made me think of it more as time has passed. I've come to the conclusion that I do want it, and if it is with him then it'll be even better. But I can't think any more about that at the moment. 

I need to give him an answer to his question at some point. 


I get home later that evening and pause at the front door with a sigh. Chris is currently away so it's another night alone. Dodger is with him as well - no bubba cuddles for me. Just hot chocolate and bed. 

As I open the door I grin seeing Dodger now run out to me barking like mad and jumping up. "Heeeeey!" I crouch down and cuddle him as he licks me. "When did you get back? And why are you in the dark!" I laugh and he darts back into the living room. "Chris?" I call but get no answer. 

Heading through to the living room he's outside, and as I step out I now see he's scattered rose petals around the seating area and has floor standing lanterns with candles lit in them to make it even more romantic. On the table there are more candles, along with two glasses of wine.

My heart stops as he turns and sees me there. 

"I didn't know you'd be back early!" I grin as he stands there with a goofy look on his face, Dodger now joining his side. 

"I'm full of surprises" He says and kisses me gently. 

My head begins to spin a little as he smiles, then getting down on one knee and pulling a box from his pocket. "Fleur...I know you said you'd think about it, but I'm not gonna stop asking you..." He now looks up at me and opens the box to reveal the ring he's chosen for me. 

And it's gorgeous, the kind of ring I'd imagined if ever I was lucky enough to have someone propose. 

"Will you marry me?" 

My tummy is doing flips and I know I need to finally give him an answer. I've spent the afternoon still thinking about it, and no doubt so has he. 


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