Red lips & Rosy cheeks

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I don't say a word to the girls about the 15th, but it's been playing on my mind all week. What do I wear?  It's casual but I don't want to turn up looking like a complete dumpster fire.

Smart casual Fleur - you've got this. My mind's in overdrive again as I try and see what I have in my closet. Just be yourself. It's a terrible idea but I know I have to treat this just like any other night in with girls.

Finally I decide and slip into it, checking my watch and seeing I have an hour to go.

To say I'm nervous is an understatement. That and Chris texted me earlier to make sure that we were still on for tonight. We've exchanged a few messages since arranging this, even if he has been busy, but it's definitely helped me to relax slightly.
We've talked about Dodger, about what he's filming. I even had a selfie yesterday of him in make up before he went to set, thankfully when the girls were out of the office, I managed to send one back.

It's a quiet one today, here by myself ☹️ I message back with a pouty face, showing the empty office. They all ditched me to go sell homes.

He replies back to me straight away, Now that's inconsiderate 😏 guess you're stuck talking to me until I'm outta the make up chair. Unless I'm a distraction.

You're a distraction, but a good one 😝

Ok that had sounded more flirty than it should have but hey, I'd say it to any other guy who was messaging me.
Now as I top up my make up, part of me wonders if this is a good idea. Yes Fleur, stop being a chicken, stick on that lipstick and go enjoy yourself for once!


Chris lets me in through the gate as I arrive that evening. "By the way, you have to play estate agent and give me the tour of the house - if I'm not convinced then I'm leaving" I smirk.

"Geez Irving that's brutal". He smirks as he gives me a peck on the cheek.

"Sometimes my job is, but wow - I like the improvements you've made since I was here last". I tell him as I walk in further and look around. "Nice bachelor pad or whatever you're calling it".

He grins and leads me through into the kitchen. He's made a lot of changes in here too and it looks a hell of a lot nicer. "Beer, wine..." He offers and turns to me.

"Beer, please" I tell him which takes him by surprise. "What?" I smirk.

He grins and shakes his head, "would've never put you down as a girl who drinks beer".

"I'm full of surprises". I grin as he passes the recently opened bottle to me and then cracks one open for himself. We make our way outside to sit down and I can't he,p but admire the view. "There's that view again, my favourite part of showing this was always that ".

Chris looks out as Dodger now comes padding out with his stuffed lion and drops it at his owners feet as he clocks me and jumps up. "Dodge down!" Chris commands as I laugh and calm him down.

"Oh you're just excited for a new face again aren't you?" I scratch him behind his ears and ruffle his fur up. He flops at my feet and pants excitedly at Chris. "He's gorgeous".

"He's my best pal, aren't you bubba?" Chris grins at Dodger who isn't budging from my feet. "Although I feel like I'm about to be replaced".

I laugh lightly, "oh no, you'll always be his number one". And sip my beer. "I hope you plan on giving Britt a nice Christmas bonus this year, seeing as she also played estate agent for you".

"Unfortunately for her, seeing me everyday is the bonus" he smirks, "she does a good job sorting my crap for me when I'm working".

"How's filming going?" I now ask.

He smiles to himself as he traces his finger around the top of the bottle, "I'd actually prefer it if we talked about you". And then his eyes flicker up to meet mine.

My ovaries are ruined just from that one look...

"Well you know my job, what else?" I ask with determination, and while trying not to let my heart just jump out of my chest.

"We've got all night, I wanna know everything".

Sweet Jesus, I now wonder whether I'm gonna make it out of here alive. Still, I manage to keep my cool and rise to the challenge. "Buy me pizza and I'll tell you everything you wanna know".

His eyes never take themselves from mine, "Good choice, I'll grab the take out menu". He gets up and Dodger does the same, following him inside.

I now remember I need to breathe and do so, focusing on the sun that's now setting over the Canyon. Dodger returns with a squeaky toy closely followed by Chris. "We've got a lot of choices". He says and passes me the menus. I leaf through them before deciding on one I know is pretty nice.

"Trust me, once you have pizza from this place then you'll never want it from anywhere else". I tell him with confidence and we order. Poor Britt is being sent to collect it but she gets dinner from it too. She's made herself scarce tonight but has an office and her own room in the home so as it's easier for her to keep an eye on things - and probably him.

He lights the fire pit as the sun goes down and the night rolls in. Dodger is enjoying himself with a treat and I tell him about me, where I grew up, how I got into luxury real estate.
Chris listens intently, and then we get into his family. He talks about them with such love that it's obvious they're close, and that he misses them. I wish I was as close to my parents, but as they divorced when I was straight out of high school it's always been turbulent on both sides.

"I'm guessing you prefer Boston over this?" I say, it's a no brainer.

He nods, "I do, I have everyone there really - they should be coming over next week to see this place". And he looks out to the canyon, "my mom would like this though". Now he looks at me, "she'd like you too..."

Fuck, the way this guy looks at me...

Britt plays delivery girl with the pizzas and then makes a hasty exit after a quick hello, and we spend the rest of the evening outside just talking about anything and everything.  It's been casual and the kind of evening that I prefer. What's more is that Chris and I have a few things in common, and to say that there's a connection? Well, I can feel something there - I did from the moment I first met him. 

I check my watch and see it's almost eleven. "I should be getting home..." I tell him as I rise from my seat, really not wanting the night to end, but know that I'll be dead on my feet at work tomorrow.

As he sees me out I turn to him. "I had a really great night". I tell him, now aware that we are incredibly close. So much that my body brushes against his own.

He looks at me, and slowly leans down and places a light kiss on my lips. "Can I see you again Fleur?" He murmurs as he pulls away, those eyes piercing my own.

I nod.  "Yes..."

This is the beginning of the end, I can see it now but I don't care. It could be days, weeks, maybe even months. But I want to enjoy it while it lasts.

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