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ps . this chapter is kind of inspired by letters and pain by user i8kyeongs!

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you watched as he threw your letter in the trash. "hahhaha what do they think they are??? sending letters to you???? lmaooo" his friends made fun of me for telling him what i felt. "guys stop," i heard childe say after they started laughing obnoxiously. i felt a bit better when he said that. i quietly moved from my spot near the lockers, trying to make sure no one saw me.

after classes, one of childes female "friends" approached me. "oi you bitch! who do you think you are? sending letters to MY babe?" i tilted my head. "hm? your babe?" the female sneered and said "yeah my babe. everyone knows he's mine." i turned around and said "i didnt. bye." and i went across the hallway, trying to go back home. just then, a group of boys started running towards the exit. one of them bumped into me, causing me to drop all the books i was holding. "oh im so sorry," the person who bumped into me spoke. that voice... it sounded familiar.

i looked up at the tall man (very tall... surprisingly) and saw THAT vibrant orange hair. my cheeks immediately turned red. thank god i was wearing a mask. CHILDE picked up my books and handed them to me. i managed to say "er... thank you." to which childe put his arm around my shoulder and said "you're welcome! if you need any help you can always tell me" he flashed a big grin on his face. was he always like this? childe then took his arm off my shoulder and waved a bye. i waved back to him shyly. everyone in the room was staring at me. help.

i cannot believe i had an encounter with THE childe, my crush for all of highschool! being a senior was tough.... but being a senior with a crush was even more tough! also because i have all my classes with him! seriously archons.... why are you so cruel?! also, if you haven't noticed, childe is the most famous in the school. he is the IT boy of our school. everywhere he goes, theres atleast 10 people following him and saying things like

"childe where are you going?"

"childe let me treat you to lunch today!"

and more things blah blah blah. plus, knowing him, childe probably doesnt even care about the 10 people following him.

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the next day, when i came to school, period number one was biology. the teacher was going to assign us a project with partners. im pretty sure im gonna get stuck alone again.

"alright now, settle down, IM going to be assigning you your partners." what??!!!! (i said in my head). "okay... venti and xiao, next childe and..." for a second he went quiet. i knew every girl (including myself ehe) was wishing childes partner was them. "... y/n." everyone was looking at me. "huh?" i mumbled. wait what the heck? "y/n~" childe said as he moved his seat towards my table. "whats wrong? you look very embarassed...." i stayed quiet then whispered, "of course i would be embarassed! you're the most famous guy at school!" childe pouted, "and whos fault is that?" i squinted and said, "yours of course!"

childe looked dissapointed. after, he asked for my number to which i of course blushed so hard while giving it to him. after class, wait, remember the girl who came to me calling childe her 'babe'? yeah. she walked towards me, fuming. "you!" she shouted as she held my collar. "you said something to the professor right?! otherwise why would he choose you as childes partner and not me!?" i pushed her away and she screamed, "you little gold digger! you dont like childe for anything else!!!" i was taken aback. the female then grabbed my [h/c] hair and pulled a few strands out. "what the f***?!" i screamed.

at this point, a crowd was forming around us. a few girls (girls that i always saw around childe) started shouting "fight fight fight!" on repeat. i looked at the sheer confidence in their eyes that this girl would win. the girl then kicked me, in my abdomen. "ow!" i said quietly, refusing to make this girl think she could win. at that moment, i could feel the crowd behind me move, then i heard him say in fear for me, "y/n! are you okay?!" i turned around to see childes usually happy face, worried.

he held my shoulder and the girl in front of me said, "t-they don't want you! truly! they only want to b-be rich... with your money!" childe retorted, "shut up (annoying girl name)!" (annoying girl name) looked shocked. he then escorted me outside the school, to his car. "your nose is bleeding." he said while handing me a tissue. "i.. didnt notice." he opened his car door and made me sit inside. he sat beside me on the drivers seat and took out a first aid kit. "why the first aid kit?"

"your nose is bleeding and you have a bruise on your neck," childe replied "also because i care for you" he winked. my face turned red. "y/n... you're the one who keeps sending me letters, right?" what the? how did he know? i kept my name as admirer not my real name! "i know what your thinking. but it isnt like that!" ???? after, he put some ointment on my bruises, making them sting a lot. "ow! childe! OWW!!!!" he held my hand and said "shhhhh im trying to fix your bruises here!" i whined, "i know! and it hurts!" he took my hand and put it to his mouth.

"ok now please shut up, you saying ow is making my ears hurt" i squinted my eyes and stayed still... mostly. after he was done, turned around and tried covering my fully red face. "y/n you okay?" he asked, concerned. "y-yeah im fine..." he said 'pfft' and said that he would drop me home. "okay..." after he drove me home, he had a glint of sadness in his eyes. "y/n... i'll see you at school tomorrow. please text my number!" i replied, "of course." i smiled.


i may or may not write a second part

ok bye i need to sleep 😁🤞🏻

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