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"pick up.... pick up! why won't he pick up?" i groaned. i've been trying to call childe for the past 10 minutes. "ugh......." i were about to throw your phone away in frustration. "y/n calm down!!!" rosette, my best friend spoke (a/n; to the people who've read the previous diluc chapter... hehe). "he's bound to pick up any time soon! he may be in a business meeting since you know... he said he'd be really busy this week." i whined, "yeah but... i miss him," bringing my mouth into a pout i continued, "and i just want to know how he's been doing, whether he's eaten or not and if he's slept well..." and as i rambled, i noticed how rosettes face became more and more irritated as i continued. "anyways y/n, i better leave now. it's 10pm already." "oh... it is?" i replied as i realised. "well... sorry rosy for keeping you up for so long, see you soon i guess!" i waved as rosette walked down my driveway. 

"i guess i annoyed her..." i murmured as i plopped down on my bed. holding up my phone, i couldnt see any missed calls or messages from him. 'oh... i wonder what he must be up to...' i thought, sighing audibly. my cat, mewo got on my bed and snuggled me after. "oh mewo... you want to talk to him too?" waiting and waiting for him to call was so boring, so the next day, I decided to go to his hotel room. my heart was beating so fast that I could feel it in my throat. *knock knock* "who is it?" a girl's voice answered. "huh? uh... it's me... y/n..." no one answered. the door was surprisingly not locked, so I turned the handle, and opened the door to something I probably never would have wanted to see. "c-childe?" I dropped my handbag. "y/n... what the hell are you doing here?" rosette answered. "y/n..." childe looked at me like he was about to cry.

childe was fully clothed with rosette sleeping on him. he was covered in red lipstick marks, presumably rosettes. "rosette, what the f*** are you doing in my boyfriends hotel room?" rosette was scrambling for words to say, "uh um.... I..." childe then pushed her off, went to the bathroom and locked the door. "childe?" no response. "childe...?" no response came from the locked bathroom. " *sigh* anyways..." I turned to look at rosette. "tell me, what were you doing with childe?" rosette turned around... and faced me. "you idiot. do you not get how I've been trying to claim him as mine?" 'what the hell?' "and on the exact day I know where he is, you come and RUIN EVERYTHING!!! THIS IS SO UNFAIR!!!" rosette looked like a toddler. "HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MINE!" rosette was shouting now.

the door behind me unlocked. I turned around to childe's nose and eyes red. but, he was angry. "shut... the... hell up... rosette." he wrapped his hands around my waist and put his chin on my head as support. "please... rosette, leave. right now." rosette was on the other side of the room but i could feel her anger radiating off her. "but why?!?! you're supposed to mine!" childe was now fuming. he let go of me and shouted. "rosette! get the f*** out! right now!" ... 'I didn't know childe was like this....'
"ugh fine! i'll be back!" she then proceeded to stomp out of the room. after she left, there were a few minutes of silence.

"im... sorry." childe spoke up first. I looked him in the eyes but said nothing.  "are you mad at me?" I shook my head. "then why aren't you saying anything?" a few moments of silence continued. "it was scary... seeing you and rosette laying down on this bed." i patted the white covers. "she forced herself onto me. I... kept telling her not to.... she just... didn't listen." looking into his eyes, i cupped his face. "it's okay. she's gone now..." a tear dropped down from his red as blood eyes. "don't cry," I whispered. "I won't leave you now."

"promise?" he stifled a laugh. "yup, it's a promise. one i won't break for eternity."

hi guys TT how are yall

this took so long to write I gave up multiple times. ok now going back to hibernating. goodbye

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