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"my muse... forever eternal... stay with me..." these words repeated in the cathedral. i crouched in a corner hidden from anyones view. this was my safe spot, the cathedral. now... it didn't seem as safe as it was. i saw a tall blue-clad man lurking around, a scythe in his arms. his presence made the cathedral unbearably cold. "come out... muse. i've been waiting all this time..." he continued lurking around until he made eye contact with me. "found you~" he was walking towards me. each step making my heart beat faster. my job was to protect the cathedral... but what could i do when faced with a strong foe, ready to kill me?

"dear God... am i going to die?" i muttered a few prayers as the figure came closer. "come down and i wont hurt you..." i didn't believe him. i turned back so that i wouldn't face him. "you want to play that game... fine. let's play then." he began muttering nonsense as i slowly creeped forward. if i hadn't, i would have died because that moment, my killer-stalker threw an icy shard at the place i was and the pillar blocking me from view broke and fell down. "i see you!" i turned around and the man was no where to be seen. "what the fuck?!" i turned back in an attempt to escape but what do you know, he was there. his eyes filled with love and envy for me.

"haha... HAHAHAAHA!!! now you have no where else to run, huh?" my body filled with fear, i moved back instinctively and tripped. this was my death. or was it? "don't die on me like that..." he looked down at me as he held onto me with one arm. i looked up at him, wishing i could be anywhere else—even hell—than be here. i started shivering partly because of the cold, mostly because he was staring at me. "why... do you save me?" i looked down and looked back up again. it was too high of a fall. "because~ i want to kill you by myself, of course!"

i opened my eyes. "why do you want to kill me?" i kept asking questions when instead i should have just fallen down. "you're so beautiful that only i, kaeya alberich, deserve to kill you." captain kaeya? how did i not recognise him?! "but why?! i thought you were the cavalry captain! you have to uphold your duty of protecting the people! not killing sisters of the church!" i was the only survivor here. each and every sister and worshipper here were killed by kaeya (except barbara and rosaria because 🤷‍♀️). "who the hell cares anymore? im prince kaeya of khaenri'ah! not captain kaeya." he said 'captain' as if he were mocking it.

he was so self-absorbed that he doesnt realise that khaenri'ah came to ruin 500 years ago! "by Gods grace..." i didnt finish that sentence because kaeya pulled me back up and put a scythe to my throat. "i thought—gulp—you used a sword." he smirked. "i was trained using a scythe in khaenri'ah..." he wanted to continue but he stopped. "why am i telling you about this? i should just slice your throat already!" he laughed. his eyepatch wasn't on revealing a white eye. "your eye..." his hair was down too. "what about my eye? you like it?" i shook my head.

we stayed silent for a few seconds before i took my chance and pushed him off of the second pillar. i ran as fast as i could to the other corner of the cathedral. i was near the entrance and i almost opened it thinking kaeya was dead. "where do you think you're going, missy?" he was standing there, unscathed. "you're still alive!?" i was taken aback. "i-i-you..." i stammered thinking of the correct words to say, but i stayed silent thinking of the consequences. "if... you... want to kill me, go a-ahead." i was terrified. i didn't want to die.

he walked towards me, each step heavier than the last. his scythe no where to be seen. "w-wheres your scythe?!" he continued walking, he didn't say a word. my legs gave out. i fell to my knees and stared at kaeya. "you're scared? its so cute." how the hell did he find me cute???? "this... is not the time to be joking around..." my deep breaths were loud enough for anyone to hear. it was so cold that it was getting hard to breathe. "where... the hell is your scythe?" he laughed louder. "why do you care about my scythe so much?" because you could use it to kill me! "ah.... um..." i tried standing up but my legs wouldn't cooperate. "dont try to run away from me again."

his voice stone cold. "how are you able to survive such cold temperatures?!" i said with a shiver. "i am accustomed to such situations, i have a cryo vision after all." his vision shined when he said that. he knelt down in front of me and i could feel a droplet of sweat fall from near my eye. wait... was i crying? "you're crying. are you that scared of me?" i broke out into tears. "im not scared of you! im scared of dying." i moved back, my back to the door now. he also moved forward, his face mere inches from mine. "you're going to kill me... aren't you?" i spoke through a blur of tears. he smiled and moved back.

a sword appeared in his hands. "let me take the honor of killing you, my love." memories flooded into my eyes, of my childhood, my last years in school, my trial and oath of becoming a sister that protected the cathedral of mondstadt... the memories faded. was i dead? no.... i was not. i remembered that i had a ceremonial knife in my keeping. i struggled as i moved my hand toward it, taking it and putting it to kaeya's neck. i was breathing heavily. "i see... you were prepared." he smiled. "as much as it pains me to kill you, for my safety i must."

i put the knife through his throat, blood spilling out everywhere, onto the floor. the cathedral instantly became warm and the simulation came to a close.

"goddamn, that was cold!" i sighed as i rubbed my forehead, my nun costume returning back to my training suit. "you did so well, y/n!" kaeya walked up to me and gave me a high five. "thank you." i smiled at him. "your acting was impeccable." he laughed as we walked out of the training facility, into the now dark outside. "im going to catch up on sleep, see you tomorrow!" i smiled as i waved at kaeya and walked away.


idk how i wrote this but my brain hurts

idk how i wrote this but my brain hurts

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