C7 The Time Sure Does Fly

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It has been some years since Zeke was given into the care of Doctor Kanou but even then Eto still would come visit him every chance she had so she could see the progress of her... lover, she was there all alone over the years that she would normally confide into him or have his caring arms around her but with him being gone for now 3 years it has taken its toll on her ever lasting sanity.

Eto had kept to her writing persona but her books shifted to a more heart felt kind of horror fans and the fact that she had indoctrinated Hinami the girl that was with Kaneki and they had a sort of agreement to help each other "so your saying that he would be able to help bring Kaneki back?" Hinami asked looking at the body of Zeke who was suspended in a pod with red liquid flowing around it "he was the one who gave Kaneki strength to grow stronger so I am hoping that he would help bring him back to some kind of sense to who he is" Eto explained while putting her hand on the pod "truthfully I just want him back beside me... beside all of us again" Eto said looking at the peaceful face in the pod.

After that the two females made their way back up to the top of the base that they were in "so tell me Hinami how has your friends been over these few years" Eto asked while looking out towards the city lights of Tokyo "they have been doing better with their losses and the change we have had to make but other than that they have been grieving" Hinami said while looking down with small tears in her eyes "don't worry Hinami things will get better, I promise" Eto said with a more determined look in her eyes.

making her way back to her apartment it was in a mess with tissues and broken furniture around the place which only left her writing desk and the bed the only things that were still on useable "soon honey, soon you will be back" Eto said to herself while cuddling one of Zeke's shirts "just a little longer now and it will be better" Eto said and repeated to herself until she fell asleep with tears still in her eyes.

It was another day and with it another mission for Aogiri tree which involved the surviving members of what is now the Plague unit are teaching new recruits in the way of curing pestilence and in the middle of their training room stood plaque with 'THE GOOD DOCTOR' written on it "it would seem that more people are willing to join with them knowing that they will be doing their part" Tatara said blandly while overlooking the entire training room "yes it would seem that Zeke has made quite the impact for when he was alive" Ayata said while leaning over the railing that they were on "and soon he will be coming back my 'friends'" Eto said while sliding down a pole to their level "he should be back within the month Eto it is still some time" Tatara reminded his friend which Eto didn't like "I know but in the mean time we can be doing some more work with taking down the CCG" Eto explained while ushering the leaders into a different room where there was multiple different maps and information boards laying around.

Along with Hinami in the middle who was listening to music and also holding more files "ah young butterfly your back?" Ayata said with a blush on his face but since she was listening to music she couldn't hear him but when she saw that there were people in front of her she took out a headphone and waved at them which Eto waved back.

The time for them all to sit down and get their new operations under way was soon coming with the next big plan is to arrange a strike on a CCG building which was holding some files on Haise Sasaki and the rest of the Quinx squad who were becoming more well known on the streets of Tokyo as the CCG'S secret weapons.

With them all sitting in the meeting room they were busy going over the events that will be taking place "we will be sending some of our members to cruise ship for a nice little work retreat" Tatara said while laying down a picture of a massive cruise ship with a invitation from CCG agents for the early retirement of some who were caught in the mall when it collapsed "and we will be sending the Plague squad there to help weed them out" Ayata said with a smile "lets not forget the people who helped get this in the first place" Eto said while pointing at Hinami and Noro "yes thank you by the way for this" Ayata said while trying to be friendly and he had a blush on his face for his efforts "it wasn't a problem" Hinami said shyly while avoiding eye contact from everyone.

Her Human Helper-  Eto X OC MaleWhere stories live. Discover now