C11 The Auction

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(A/N) Hello people I know I should have done this sooner but its better late than never but I want to let you know now that I will be changing some things from how Tokyo ghoul ended originally so you have been warned if you want a faithful recreation of the series. Also let me know if you want me to do longer or shorter chapters in the future as this is generally how I tend to write and it would help if people let me know their opinions on what has happend so far.

On the day we were all in place with a nice view of everything but more specifically me, Tomoe, Ayata and Hinami are in the best seats in the house with our eyes on the guests "so who is the main one we need to get rid of" Tomoe asked while looking at all of the ghouls who were having fun watching the clowns "well Big Madam would be target number one but then again the CCG would be after her as well due to her reputation so we can leave her, other than her we should get as much information on the head of the Tsukiyama household, Mr Mirumo Tsukiyama himself" I told them while pointing out the man I was talking about "we should also try to make sure that he can get out of here alive, he is going to be a useful asset" I reminded them "what about the other ghouls here" Hinami asked "they are low priority but the ties that they have with the auction is the real goal here" I reminded her.

With the Auction going underway I could see that the second person on the stage was Tooru Mitsuki one of the members of the Quinx squad "Hina, Ayata" I said getting their attention "I think that it is time for you two to go and get that data we need" I told them which they nodded and they quickly left which just left me and Tomoe "I think we should go and warn Mr Mirumo" I told her before I started making my way through the crowd with Tomoe behind me.

Making it to his private booth I knocked on the door to see his two guards get into a protective position "hello" I said giving them a small wave "what is it you want human" one of the guards asked with hostility "we are here to offer you a warning in advance, the CCG are going to be outside soon" I told them which the didn't like "why would you bother to tell us this" Mirumo asked with his eyes still glued onto the auction "because we at Aogiri tree would like to do some business with your companies" I told them before I slowly removed my mask to show them my face "as you may know the good Doctor has your best interests at heart" I said giving them a bow "fine then, come see me soon and we can discuss some of these business arrangements" Mirumo said while waving his hand "I look forward to it" I told them and with that we made our way back to where we were before.

When it was the next auction piece I saw that the 'girl' had red stitches which was associated with a Juuzou Suzuya a CCG investigator and he has his own special squad "well guess its time to get ready" I told Tomoe, before I pulled out my phone and I called Ayata, (what is it Plague) he said quietly (your time is up, we need you to come and make it seem like Aogiri tree cares about these ghouls, also there is a special investigator here so make sure not to die) I told him before I hung the phone up and walked out with Tomoe still silently behind me.

Once we could hear the screams of panic from the crowd I could see that the CCG had also made their arrival known with their heavy transport trucks that they now like to use "so where to now?" Tomoe asked "now we wait for the white Suits and the blades to trim the herd" I told her while we watched out the window that the CCG made their approach so I called the Plagues, (boss is it time) Nakama Eiji one of the more respectable doctors asked (yes Eiji its time to play hero's, after you are done make sure to lock the doors behind you) I told him but he didnt respond (but sir the ghouls would be trapped) he said with doubt in his voice (there is no saving what is infected Eiji remember to save the many) I reminded him (we sacrifice the few, your right sir I apologize) he said before hanging up.

After I Tomoe poked my side "what is it" I said to her "you are such a cult leader" she said with a laugh after which for some reason it made me feel embarrassed no irritated but since she couldn't see my face I didn't bother to respond to it "we need to be respectable in our roles" I reminded her "sure thing" she said so I patted her head a little "you are like a irritating little sister" I told her which she stomped her foot "I am not little I am 16" argued "fine but your still younger than me so your still little" I reminded her which irritated her even more "fuck you" she said with her arms crossed.

Her Human Helper-  Eto X OC MaleWhere stories live. Discover now