C15 All For Love (Gore)

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(A/N) yeah people this once is going to be a bit of a gore warning so don't say you didnt know

After being dropped off Zeke called Mirumo's number but it was someone else who picked up the number (hello Tsukiyama residence) (who am I speaking to) (I am Kanae a servant to the masters of the house) (well It is good to speak to you again Miss Kanae) ( how did you) (I am a human that knows a lot of things as you will come to find out so between you and me miss Karren I would keep your master happy) with that Zeke hung up quickly.

Coming back home he saw that Takizawa and Ayata were at each others throats "well what is going on here" Zeke said which caught their attention "its about big brother" Hinami said which pretty much explained the situation "Takizawa you will have another chance to beat the shit out of Kaneki but in the mean time you could go kill some CCG" Zeke said with such calm tone it seemed to piss Takizawa off "if it wasn't for you then I would have killed him already" Takizawa argues "no you would have delayed his response in getting back up" Zeke told him "plus you need to be kept on a leash" Zeke added which made Takizawa shut up "thank you Plague" Ayata said calmly.

With that Zeke had made his way into the bedroom where he saw Eto who was working on another one of her books which Zeke admired her determination "how many books does that make now" he asked while getting the data he collected from behind his back "even I have lost count at this point" Eto said with a exasperated sigh "then maybe its time to stop for a bit" Zeke told her and he threw her a apple "eat before you forget to again" Zeke said plainly while he got his mask back off and he put it on the table next to him.

Going through the information he copied from the Tsukiyama's estate Zeke found that the Tsukiyama industries only employees ghouls so that there is no incidents at work and that some of their other company locations have another use as their personal data storage areas all around Tokyo.

With that Zeke decided that it would be best to take the more civil approach with this clan of ghouls but Eto on the other hand, she was more focused on the Kanae girl who would be her next pawn to use "what do you think, seduction or pain" Eto asked with curiosity while going through the poor girls personal file "well she is looking for someone to love her, hmm so why don't we got for a gentle approach and make her love... lets make it hurt her from the inside out" Zeke said as he scooted closer to Eto "we could make him as obedient as Takizawa" Eto pointed out "we need someone who is going to get close to Haise so it would be pointless to give the poor girl that much power" Zeke said while looking through their options "you could transfer some of your power to her" Zeke said which confused Eto "uh how?" she responded "you could give her a bone to play with" Zeke told her which she understood "how wonderful" she while reaching for his hand "we should go get her if we are going to break her" "why Eto there is some time before we need to make our next move" Zeke said softly "but there is something we could do to pass the time" he whispered as he left her side to get into their bed. ;)

The next day Eto wanted to go and drop off a package to help get Kaneki's wheels to spin but she also wanted Zeke to join her on oh so dangerous mission, making their way down the street Zeke couldn't help but notice how well they blended in with Eto having a hat and a scarf on while all Zeke had was a hoodie on to cover his head and torso "it seems the spy game is our next job" Zeke said while looking around some more "we are used to it" Eto said with a shrug, while walking they had small conversations from time to time until they reached their destination.

Arriving Eto simply put the package in the mail slot and they made their way past the house with ease as they continued down the street with a little pep in Eto's step "now onto the Germans" Zeke said with a smile as they continued walking right past two members of the Quinx squad who was confused "dude that was weird 'now onto the Germans'?" the one with sharp teeth said while looking at the walking couple "its not anything useful to us so why bother paying attention to it" Urie said with a bland look on his face "eh your right lord Urie" saw teeth said before the continued walking.

Her Human Helper-  Eto X OC MaleWhere stories live. Discover now