C3 Being Human 'Ish'

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please bare with me as I find it very awkward to do any kind of Lemon Scene so I tend to just elude to it going to happen and after it has happend

Zeke was about to walk off as well until Eto grabbed his arm "do you want to go back to the 20th Ward?" Eto asked "ok do you want me to drive us there" Zeke asked "like on a date Zeke" Eto said with a tired tone "oh yeah flirting" Zeke said scratching his cheek a "little yeah Zeke but could we also go back to the apartment" Eto asked with small tears in her eye "yeah that's fine" Zeke said giving her a pat on the head.

Arriving at their apartment Eto immediately dragged Zeke to their bed with what could only be described as a devious smile plastered on her face "we have some catching up to do Ze" Eto whispered before she started biting into his neck.

In the morning both Zeke and Eto woke up early "hey Zeke would you please come with me to my book signing, as I forgot that it was today" Eto asked with tired eyes "well I was going to go to for a walk but that sounds like a better plan" Zeke said putting on a plain white polo shirt and some black jeans "yay" Eto said going over and hugging onto Zeke "Eto you still need to get dressed" Zeke said while trying to lightly shake her off "oh yeah" Eto said before she hopped off to go get a shower.

Zeke's POV

When we got into the car Eto started to try and fix her hair "you look fine" I said to her which made her smile a little "oh just fine huh" Eto responded "you look nice hon really nice" I said getting her to blush a bit and in return she gave me a kiss on the cheek "alright now I'm ready" Eto said sitting down and relaxing into her chair "lets get going then" I said starting the car up.

Arriving at the back of the building we got out and made our way over to the front passing by all the people waiting in line "I am sorry that I am late, we overslept" Eto/Sen said causing the manager and some of the people in line to do a little sweat drop over us which was really just her "that's fine miss Takatsuki" the manager said guiding Sen to her author table while a agent gave me a chair to sit on but I refused and just stayed on the wall behind her to keep guard as always.

Most of the people were just boring people who enjoyed her work and the things that happen but there was two people that caught both mine and Sen's eyes, Mr Ken Kaneki and a small girl he was with who by my guess was also a ghoul so I walked beside Sen to whisper in her ear "hey I think that's Mr Kaneki is here with a small girl as well" which got a smile out of Sen "thanks dear" Sen said so I just made my way back to the wall "ah and don't you look cute" Sen said to the girl with Kaneki "why thank you miss Takatsuki my name is Hinami and I love your books" the girl now known as Hinami said with a small blush on her cheeks "why that is a lovely name for such a cute girl and what would your name be" San asked the two "my name is Kaneki Ken its a dream to meet you miss Takatsuki" Kaneki said bowing slightly "that's a nice name for a nice boy" Sen said writing his and Hinamis names in a copy of the book "please come visit Anteiku some time" Hinami said before bowing and leaving "oh is that the coffee shop in the 20th Ward?" Sen said feigning ignorance "yes it is so please do come and enjoy a nice cup of coffee on us" Kaneki said before following Hinami out the door.

After the book signing Eto requested that she had a piggyback ride which I had to except from her "so what do you think of Kaneki" Eto asked leaning her head against mine "he seems ok if not a bit shy around you" I told her while thinking of the boy "aww are you not jealous hun" Eto said in a teasing manner, but I really didnt understand "why would I be jealous?" I asked which she giggled a little at "your so silly Zeke" Eto said while hugging my neck tighter "would you like to try and see your dad tomorrow" I asked but she didnt reply "I'm going to take that as a no so tomorrow we are going to try again to see your father" I said but she let out a little huff "fine" Eto said acting mad "thank you" I said kissing her arm around my neck.

In truth this would be the 8th time that I have made her go and see her father but every time it's more of a hassle to try to get them both to see each other but it is bound to happen one way or another.

Getting home we went straight into the living room and I made the drinks for us, after a bit of small talk we went into the bedroom to relax, "Zeke do you think he will recognise me" Eto asked while brushing her hair "he will recognise your hair and your eyes but if he does, don't panic alright because I will be there" I said trying to comfort her "I'm not ready to forgive him" Eto said coming over and laying down next to me "no one is asking you to forgive him but at least give him a chance to explain why he did what he did to you" I said giving her a cuddle which she lightly cried "it's ok and when ever you want to leave then we can" I told her and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

The next day

Walking up the steps towards Anteiku Eto stopped slightly "it's going to be ok" I said taking her hand and lightly squeezed it "yeah your right" Eto said with a smile, opening the door we were greeted with a lot of old style china on the back shelf along with a purple haired girl behind the bar "welcome to Anteiku please take a seat and we will be right with you" the purple haired girl said giving a well practiced smile "well ok then" Eto said going over and taking a seat by the door 'probably for a quick escape from here' I thought before taking a seat opposite her.

The coffee shop was extremely beautiful with its old time fashion but Eto didnt really care for it she just wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible "sorry for the wait what would you like today" the purple haired girl with a notepad and pen "I would just like a black coffee with two sweeteners in it please" Eto said giving the girl a smile "and I would like a herbal tea if possible" I told the girl which she nodded "ok that will be a few minutes" "oh is there a Mr Kaneki and a miss Hinami here as well" Eto quickly said which stopped the girl "yes why?" the purple haired girl responded with slight suspicion "they are the ones who told us to come here and I would like to thank them" Eto said which eased the girl "ok I will go get them the girl" said and left, about 10 minutes after Hinami and Kaneki came rushing out to greet Sen "oh my you actually came" Hinami said jumping up and down "hello again miss Hinami and Mr Kaneki" Sen said standing up and gave them a small bow.

Everyone was sat by the door talking and laughing a little apart from me who just sat here and drank my tea but behind all the laughter I could tell Eto really didnt want to carry on "oh by the way who is the manager here" I asked which Kaneki said "Mr Yoshimura" and I gave a small nod ok "is he here now" I asked which Hinami shook her head "he left before you arrived to get some more supplies" the purple haired girl told me "ah thank you" I gave her a small smile and a nod "I think we need to get going Zeke" Sen said while getting up "its been fun but I do need to spend time with lover boy over here" Sen said pointing to me "hey only for you" I said going over and paid for our drinks "thanks and please do come again" the girl told us before we left and started our walk back to the car "Zeke please do take care of Mr Kaneki and let Jason know where he is tomorrow" Eto said while doing a little skip down the road with a smile coming onto her face.

That night Eto went out to hunt and to go back to the HQ while I called Jason (hello Zeke) Ayata answered (hey Ayata is Jason there) I asked waiting for a few minutes (hey plague what can I do for you) Jason said in a happy tone (we found the kid his name is Kaneki and works at the café called Anteiku so do me a favour and meet me there tomorrow at about 10, oh and tell Ayata that there is a girl there with purple hair so guessing its his sister) I told them and hung up so that they couldnt talk my ear off 'just 10 days huh' I thought looking around before going over to the bed and drifting off to sleep.

1667 words

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