C9 Back On Track

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With Zeke being back the members of Aogiri tree have been helping the human get back on his feet and to re train him for anything that he has lost over the years like his agility and hand eye coordination.

But the main thing was for Zeke to be ready to take on ghouls again with him being out of action it meant that he was un prepared for the rise of half ghouls and the Quinx squad, even tho the odds were starting to stack against him in his mission of helping Eto it still didn't mean that he could give up any time soon.

Zeke's POV

It's hard to believe sometimes that I died and now I'm back in the fight yet again but it feels different like I am re learning everything that I had already done but again it feels different and strange, but with this new group who have become our new striking squad of Aogiri tree... well it should make life more easier for us I guess.

While I was in thought I somehow managed to forget about the enemy right in front of me which rewarded me with a punch right in the jaw "fuck" I shouted as I fell and looked at the person in front of me "good shot" I told them as I was trying to get back up "sir would you like a" "no" I quickly said to him "it's fine I need to manage on my own again" I told them as I got back into my stance "ok once more" I told them before I charged and took the offensive which left them dodging my attacks but with them being a ghoul I could tell that they were only barely trying to dodge so I faked a left jab and in stead I jumped which surprised them enough for them to stop moving and with that I landed on top of them with a thud "never underestimate your enemy" I told them as I got off of them "lucky shot for a human" he said under his breath "fine then once more with your Kagune released" I told him which he looked shocked at "ha you must be joking" he said while looking at me "no I am not, my targets are going to be ghouls so in turn I need to get back to fighting them when they have their Kagune activated so come on, attack this simple human" I taunted as I pulled out a sword quinque.

To train like it was new again it was fun and tedious with having to re learn some of my moves and to have to get my timing right again but eventually I was able to get it back to acceptable standards for what I should be facing, but as always there is a problem with everything.

walking over to where what was left of by gear was I could see my SA80 rifle which was bent out of shape and the parts were crushed "you gotta be joking" I said out loud which caught the attention of Ayata "oh yeah your shit was broken but on the lucky side your pistol was fine" he said with a shit eating grin "gee thank god for that" I said sarcastically.

'So no rifle which means that if I am lacking in the long range then I guess then it's up to the short range then' I thought as I was making my way down to the armoury where there was hopefully something that I would like.

As expected there was mostly rifles and shotguns but these weapons were not my style and it would mean I would have to adapt to a much different fighting style so I decided that it would be best to make a little something special.

Entering what could best be described as a testing area I was greeted by a line of quinque weapons that was taken during the events of the mall and apparently a cruise ship accident, making my way along the line I could see only one that stuck out to me and it was one that had a black frame in the shape of a cane but at the end it had a serrated scythe edge at the end of the cane which would pop out of you twisted the tip of the cane around which was in the shape of a crow "huh how fitting" I said while taking it into my hands and surprisingly it was light and it felt sturdy enough to wield "well then guess its going to be sword play then" I said out loud as I practiced activating and deactivating the scythe edge while also using it in its cane form as a sort of fencing weapon.

The rest of the day consisted of me either training with this new weapon or me going over some plans for a up coming mission that the new plague unit was going to be attending but most importantly I was right where I needed to be with this new outfit that we were running it required a more tactical leader to take over which is where me and Eto came into play with the main operation of Aogiri tree.

With the ever growing tide of the CCG becoming stronger and recruiting more people it was time to change our tactics or at least how we deliver our message, in the meeting room Hinami was busy telling us all about her friend who has been invited to a human auction and there is a high priority convoy that is going to be making its way round in the next couple of weeks "in my opinion the human auction would probably be our best bet at creating a better image and after we can send some people to go deal with the convoy" I told them which got some mixed responses "but why should we care" Ayata said while looking at some pictures "you need to see the bigger picture, if we have shown that we support ghouls and humans co-existing then it would be better" I explained to him "who would we send?" Tatara asked while looking at a guest list that Hinami had managed to get.

"The good Doctors would be my first choice but I think the white suits and the blades would make for a fine distraction while a few of my doctors could make some good choices" I explained while I looked at the floor plans and the more that I saw, the more that I like the look of it "but there is one problem" Eto said with her usual childlike attitude "and that would be?" Tatara asked "the Quinx squad would more than likely be there as well if it is this big of a operation, along with the number one investigator Kishou Arima and his Ace squad" Eto informed everyone "well that's just wonderful its a good mission and a good training exercise" I said which didnt really help the mood apart from Hinami having a little giggle from the outlook "we should reconsider" Eto said suddenly "or we can plan better" I said which I can only assume she didn't like.

In the end she ended up pulling me to her personal room where she took off her mask and bandages to show me how upset she is "are you fucking serious!" she basically shouted at me "look it is for the best and it is still keeping with your plan" I told her while I took a seat and took of my mask "I just got you back Zeke" she said with tears now starting to burst of her eyes as she was shaking a little bit "and I don't plan to go anywhere but if we are going to start making these changes in the world then it would be for the best, that we take out some of the ghouls who are trading the lives of these humans" I explained to her but it still didn't help "I don't care about if it works or not, but I can't lose you again" she said softly as she came closer to me "then I will make sure that I come bac."

*slap* without being able to finish my sentence either "YOU SAID THAT LAST TIME AND LOOK WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED" she now screamed and gripped onto my shirt to pull me closer to her "you don't get to die again" she said and with that she pulled me in for a tight embrace which I think we both would have hoped it would have lasted forever.

1450 words

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