C5 Keeping Count

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The day has finally come where the 61 members of Aogiri are going to be facing a much larger enemy so they were getting into position while I was giving the last orders for them all to follow #hey Gandhi are you in position# I asked over the radio while keeping my eyes on the approach road #yes sir, the explosives have been set and the rooms are clear# Gandhi said with pride #good man ok, fall into position and wait for the enemy at the gates#, #Oye are you ready with the machine gun# I asked looking down below me to see the barrel pointed towards the road #you know I am sir# I could hear him over the radio and out the window #and finally Taketa are you ready with that cannon# I asked in a more gentle voice #yes sir, ready to rock their world# she said next to me with the RPG pointed down the road #then everyone I wish you luck with this last stand of ours and remember channel 1 is the kill feed remember to say how many you killed and your name so that they know who bested them# I said getting a chorus of laughter from them all.

2 hours went by before we heard the sound of the engines of the CCG transport trucks which were making their way down the dirt road towards us "well Taketa do you want to wake them up" I asked beside her of "course sir, back blast clear!" she shouted and fired the first rocket at the second truck in their convoy which caught it right in the drivers side causing the front of the truck to be blown clean off as the rest of the truck managed to flip from the impact and it landed on the next truck behind it which slowed the convoy to a halt, apart from the first truck which continued to drive down the road #well Oye let them know their going to die# I shouted and without skipping a beat Oye let the rounds fly of his 50.CAL machine gun which ripped into the truck as a mass of blood started to spray out of the back and sides due to the people inside being torn to shreds.

After 10 minutes the CCG agents from the back of the convoy started to make their way forward with a banzai charge #well Nitta I guess its time they learned their first lesson# #and what would that be sir# Nitta asked back over the radio #that we are the ones in charge here# I told him and with that Nitta's squad opened fire on the CCG agents who were charging in the open until anyone that was caught in the open was killed off and those who were lucky to survive were left lying where they were.

With the first wave utterly destroyed Zeke knew that they would call in more have fire power so he got some of the people to fall back from their positions and deeper into the mall #so what do you think, we let them know their killers a little bit# I offered and switched to channel 1 #my name is the good Doctor and so far I have killed 26 CCG Agents# I said and after #I am Taketa and I have killed 12 of those who were in that truck that exploded# #I am Nitta I have killed 6 of those who tried to break out line# #I am Oye and I have killed 14 of you who were in that first truck# after listening to that I could practically feel the hatred from those who were busy hiding so I get my radio close to my mouth with a smile #in total CCG you have lost 58 agents for a lost cause and trust me, you will lose more so send in your best so they can die like the rest# I taunted and as I finished I could hear the horns of trucks making their way down the dirt road 'guess they heard all that huh' I thought to myself before having a light chuckle then #let them come ladies and gentlemen for we know why we fight today and we know why they die tonight# I said and inside I could hear some of them cheering.

When the trucks were in our sight lines me and Taketa got out our rocket launchers and readied them #you ready to rock'n'roll# I asked turning to her of course boss she replied and got her rocket ready then by all means fire at will I told her and like that she did, we both kept firing rocket after rocket at the approaching trucks but all it did was slow them down until they managed to make it to the front entrance #well shit guess we gotta go inside now# I said a bit annoyed so I looking at her #sir it has been a pleasure# she said before she took of her plague doctor uniform to show that she was strapped with a couple of pounds of Semtex "oh well the pleasure was all mine miss" I said giving her a salute "make sure it hurts them" I told her and with that I started to make my way inside.

Her Human Helper-  Eto X OC MaleWhere stories live. Discover now