C17 A Good Send Off

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After the incident the CCG had taken their masses of bodies in a convoy which was going down the main Tokyo Highstreet as a sign of respect for those who lost their lives and while transporting the CCG never noticed the ever growing swarm of Plague Doctors who were either waiting or following the convoy.

As the lead truck was driving straight on without a care in the world, the driver failed to notice a car which was driving fast and past the convoy until it was at the front of the group with its rear doors open and two Aogiri tree members were hanging out of the doors with two Lewis machine guns.

Opening fire on the truck the first bullets hit the driver and his companion which ended up with multiple bullet holes and as there was no driver anymore the truck swerved and crashed which left the next truck as the next target in the chain but this time the driver had some smarts as he tried to swerve out of the way but the machine gun fire continued but they directed their fire onto the tires of the trucks.

Within seconds the tires were hit which caused the second truck to lose control and they ended up colliding with the last truck in the road, with every truck now stopped the Aogiri tree members stopped as well in their assault.

As Aogiri tree and the Plague Doctors made their way to the trucks Zeke got out as well and he made his way to the first truck where the body of Ginshi laid with there rest of those that he killed "get them all out and get this one to the scientist" Zeke ordered as he walked into the road with his followers close behind him with the bodies as they marched down the road a little as a parade of the dead.

Lining all the CCG that was alive still up Zeke looked and inspected each and everyone one of them with his mask still on, until he was at the last one "do any of you know who I am" Zeke asked with his trusty cane in hand "you are the ghoul Plague" one of them said with anger "and what makes you think I am a ghoul" Zeke questioned him as he walked right up to the young agent "that's what you all are, just stinking ghouls" he said in anger as he raised his fist to punch Zeke but the killer raised his cane and pushed the agent against the back of the wall they were standing in front of.

Zeke sighed as he looked at the agent in the eyes "do you want to see something" Zeke asked the now scared agent "EVERYONE WHO IS HUMAN CAN YOU PLEASE COME HERE!" Zeke shouted out to his men and women who lined up behind him "we are the ones who chose to serve a much higher purpose" Zeke told him "now this young man has claimed that we are ghouls" Zeke told the people behind him "but we are much more than any human or ghoul" one of his followers said "we are the ones who chose to serve the lesser of two evils" another said "and we are the ones who will bring this world into peace" Zeke said as he removed the cane from the agent "if any of you wish to come with us and serve in the ranks of the Doctors, then please step forward" Zeke asked as he looked up and down the line but none of the investigators moved "then that is a shame" Zeke said as he stepped back from the line "Purge the infected" Zeke said as he made his way over to the pile of bodies.

With that order the Doctors all pulled out their weapons of choice and they started slaughtering the agents who refused to move, as he stood in front of the line of body bags Zeke took to a knee and he started praying for the dead which a few other followers did as well.

once the prayer was said the Doctors started dousing the bodies with Ethanol and when the final one was covered Zeke turned to his followers "as Plague Doctors we have a duty to rid this world of Filth and Pestilence" Zeke told them as he raised a lighter up into the air "we are the ones tasked with cleaning up this rotten world" he said as he threw the lighter behind him which ignited the bodies in a glorious flame "until it is purified" Zeke finished and he turned around to watch the bodies burn.

After the mass cleansing the Plague Doctors made their way back to the Aogiri tree base to watch the Tokyo news teams report on the incidents of the mass burning at the suspected hands of Plague which the Doctors celebrated for getting their message out to the world and especially to the CCG.

Entering through his bedroom door he was greeted by a upset and annoyed Eto who was arguing with Matsumae about why she was here, that was until Zeke walked through the door and both girls turned towards him "so Zeke why is it that this... thing is staying with us" Eto asked with annoyance while Matsumae was keeping her mouth shut "well I decided that instead of her and the other one dying, well why not have them join us and with that I could get my jobs done quicker" Zeke tried to explain but Eto was still annoyed "you just wanted to keep her around" Eto said with a blush forming "oh your jealous of me being here" Matsumae said now understanding why Eto has been screaming at her "is... is this what I was like" Zeke asked out of curiosity "yes" Eto said blandly "look I am indebted to Mr Zeke over there due to the fact that he saved my life and with that I owe it to him to do what I can to help until my debt is settled" Matsumae explained "your not sleeping in the same room as us" Eto pointed out and with that she pushed Matsumae out of their room.

Once Eto calmed down from her little fit of rage she and Zeke had a sit down about what is going to be happening with the future of Aogiri tree "Since we now have one of the Quinx squads bodies it should be easier for Dr Kanou to further his research" Eto said while she relaxed in her chair "but lets not forget about the fact that with all this experiments that he is doing, he is likely to betray us" Zeke stated while he was going through some of his old documents "well what would you suggest then hun" Eto said with a bored expression on her face "I could try to personally recruit some of them to our cause" Zeke offered and he pulled out two files for her to see.

Looking over the files Eto was getting a irritated look in her eyes "what is it now darling" Zeke said with a smile as he already knew what she was going to say "WHY IS IT ALWAYS GIRLS" Eto shouted at him "well its because they are the easiest to turn to our side" Zeke simply said as he stood up and he walked over to Eto "plus you know that I only have eyes for you" Zeke whispered into her ear as it brought a smile onto her face "that better be true" she said while slapping the files on the desk "or I will break you" Eto threatened which cause Zeke to laugh a little at "of course" Zeke said before he gave her a kiss and he grabbed his mask "where are you going?" Eto asked "I have a funeral to attend darling" Zeke said before he made his way out.

The members of Quinx squad stood around the empty grave of their friend as they cried for the fact that his remains were never found and along with the others who were morning the impromptu cremation of their friends and loved ones, but in the back by a tree stood Zeke as he watched as Urie left to go do something so he took this as his chance so he removed his mask.

Making his way down to the two last members of Quinx he walked behind them with vigour and slight terror of what could happen if this goes bad, as he got closer the first person to notice him was young Seiko as she was still crying and confused as to why Zeke was behind them "man that sure is a shame about saw teeth" Zeke taunted as he looked at her as she was now angry with him "what the hell is wrong with you!" Seiko shouted at him as she now stood up to her full hight.

As she stood up to Zeke he saw that Mitsuki was also angered by his comment so he raised his hands "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to offend" Zeke said while looking at them both "well just get lost then" Seiko said but Zeke just kept looking down to her "my you are still so small" Zeke said as he then looked at Mitsuki "did you take my advice about getting the RC cell booster" Zeke told them but Seiko was confused while Mitsuki looked shocked "you... your the guy with the plague mask that Teach told us about" Mitsuki figured out "very good miss Mitsuki" Zeke said with a smile and it seemed to click with Seiko who Zeke really was "you have some nerve coming to a CCG cemetery" Seiko said while getting into a defensive stance "relax pipsqueak, I am here as a formality and as a possible ally."

This didn't seem to make either of the girls relax in the slightest "what, are you here to turn yourself in?" Mitsuki asked "no I am here to offer you both a chance to save what remains of your friends" Zeke told them simply "you have 2 minutes to explain yourself" Seiko said while she activated her ghoul eye "well to put it simply I and my friends are here to end this useless violence between the CCG and ghouls" Zeke explained "you want peace?" Mitsuki summarized "exactly but to do this, well I require your help" "and what would you need us to do" Seiko asked while now relaxing for a minute "I would need you to come with me so that I can show you the evidence you would need to understand" Zeke told them "you really think that we would fall for something like that" Mitsuki argued "honestly there is more that's going on than meets the eye" Zeke said as he reached into his pocket which got the girls to put their guard back up but he pulled out their files "this is both of your personal files that I got from the CCG" Zeke told them with a unamused look.

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