C4 Who Needs A Army

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At the back entrance to Anteiku I got my plague outfit together and I saw Jason, Ayata and the gay one "great your all here, ok we just need the kid everyone else is just collateral damage alright" I told them and put on my mask "ok with me" Ayata said and Jason got his tool out "lets go have some fun" he said giving a little laugh, walking up the stairs I opened the door and got some confused looks "sir what are y..." Kaneki was about to say

But Ayata busted through the window along with Jason "so your the one" Jason said going over to Kaneki and punched him in the gut, seeing the purple haired girl go towards Jason I pulled out my pistol and shot her in the stomach causing her to miss him and hit the wall "sorry miss but there is a reason we need him" I told her and put my pistol away "take him to HQ, lets not keep everyone waiting" I said while walking around and made my way over to Jason "you know what to do" I said and walked out to my car and made my way back through to Ward 11.

Arriving I saw that Ayata was waiting by the entrance in the parking lot "Ayata what can I do for you" I asked him but he looked conflicted "is the girl going to be ok?" he asked through clenched teeth "yes Ayata your sister should make a full recovery I just shot her in her stomach to stop her from getting in the way" I told him and he relaxed a bit "you should probably get going and prepare for the prison job its going to be a tough one for you" I said walking past him and made my way over to the main hall "ok who is going to be staying here with me" I shouted catching everyones attention "as you may be aware we are going to be under attack from the CCG in 10 days so we are going to make some preparations for those who would like to come into our place and snuff us out" I shouted catching their attention "well my friends the Aogiri tree will always grow from the dust and rubble of where it once stood but this is only if a few are willing to stay behind with me to stop them from taking everyone and everything that we hold dear" I shouted getting a couple of cheers back from some people in the crowd.

After my speech about 40+ people wanted to stay behind and help along with the 14 people who went with me on the CCG raid "thank you everyone, you have no idea the history we are going to make and the lives of those we will save in the future with this last stand of ours" I said gathering more of their attention "I will not lie to you we will be fighting to the last man and when that happens we will be bringing this place down on top of us so that even tho well may die then so will they and the ones who call themselves heroes will die just the same as us" I continued "but for now we will train and gather as much defensive positions as we can so that this plan can and will happen without a problem" I finished and raised my fist in the air along with placing my mask back over my face "for we are the cure for the plague of mankind!" I shouted and the ones that followed me last time understood "for us plague doctors it is our duty to destroy pestilence wherever it may be!" one of the people from last time shouted and after that everyone started having a good time, so I stepped back and walked around handing the new initiates their plague masks and their uniforms.

Making my way down to the torture chamber I could see the kid looking down with blood leaking out from his fingers and toes "so I guess Jason is done with you for now then" I said which startled him due to me still having the plague mask still on "w.what is it you want from me?" Kaneki asked confused "me I dont want anything to do with you but there is some other people who would say otherwise" I told him which he still didn't seem to understand "listen kid your gunna have to make a choice, and it will be either power or friendship which will have to be lost as there is something coming kid and it will be the deciding factor for your fate" I told him getting him to look at me "so start deciding, it will help to keep you sane" I whispered and with that I made my way back out of the chamber and towards the command centre.

entering I could see Eto Tatara and Jason going over some plans "well my people have been chosen for their final task" I told them as I took of my mask getting all three of their attention "so does this mean we may proceed?" Tatara asked tilting his head "first we need some proper defences set up and I need the explosives so that this place can actually be destroyed" I told them which Eto still didnt like and Tatara seemed to not like either way "are the defences a problem?" Tatara asked "we only have the entrances covered and it will be a swift defeat if we don't get some more made for some fallback points to the end" I explained and pulled out my map of the mall "if we can get some made for the main hallway then we can funnel some of the CCG into a choke point and after that we would need some explosives placed on the support beams on the outside so we can trap anyone from getting out before we blow the ones inside, which will trap everyone inside as well" I tried to explain but Eto put her hand on mine "we need to make sure that it takes a while for this to happen dont worry Plague we will get this done and you can come meet us after" Eto said with as much confidence as she could muster.

Man, I do have to say that she has made me feel welcomed and loved over these years but she is to much of an optimist "sure Mummy I will try" I told her to try and calm her nerves which by the fact she started to squeeze my hand it probably didnt work, after all that was getting sorted I made my way over to the men and women I will be fighting with and when I entered their area they all stopped and looked at me "does anyone know how to use a rocket launcher" I asked and only two people raised their hands "wonderful you two are going to be the first to kill some CCG" I told them and they cheered.

The next 10 days- 3rd POV

Most of the time was spent between getting everyone ready to outlast the CCG for their attack and how to strike them hard without getting shot in the process and for Zeke he was in charge of getting the explosives ready for the grand finally, not to mention that Eto was constantly trying to talk Zeke out of the idea of possibly dying for this cause which was her idea "listen to me for gods sake if you do this then there is a big and I mean big chance you will die!" Eto shouted at her friend with tears in her eyes "I know Eto and I have made peace with my choices a long time ago and hey you know that I am tougher than I look, it will be fine" Zeke tried to reassure her but like last time it didnt work "I dont care how tough you think you are but your still human which means that you could easily die and I dont want that, you have to promise me that you wont die" Eto quickly said before she started pushing Zeke a little bit "you... you just cant die, do you understand me" Eto said before she started crying in Zekes arms "look Eto I promise I will try and survive for you" Zeke said stroking her head "its not good enough" Eto said softly "well I cant promise the impossible" Zeke said laughing a little "even tho you wont accept any less that that why would I" Eto said now looking at her partner and she kissed him as hard as she could and the rest of the day they spent their time like this until Zeke had to get ready for the final day.

On the last day Zeke made sure that everyone that was staying was compensated for their sacrifice they will make tomorrow, whether it be girls, drinks, humans or money for their families that they will be leaving behind each and every person was gifted what they asked for and the last day was one filled with laughter and happiness all apart from Zeke who was saying goodbye to his friends over the phone (are you sure about this Zeke, I mean Jason is going to be staying as well you know he could be the one to make the last stand) Eto said, still trying to convince him to leave (we both know that Jason will find a way to mess this up, no it's ok Eto I am sure this will be fine and if anything changes then I will call you) Zeke said while cleaning out the command room of any evidence of what is to happen later (just remember your part Eto its even more important than mine) Zeke said before setting fire to the files that he has placed in a trash can (I know darling but if I lose you now then I dont know if I can continue with this, I mean you have been here since day one and before, with me and always at my side) Eto was getting more emotional and quiet the more she went on (I know and if you trust me then you will know that every day I spent with you was amazing and it made me happy to live another day with you but this this is something that neither of us can avoid from happening and if I die then that is it then, but if I dont then I will find you no matter what and I will be sure to love you more than ever) Zeke said trying to cheer her up the best he could but inside he wanted to believe the words he was saying but all he could still feel was empty inside with him knowing the outcome of what is going to happen.

(thank you Zeke I I will make sure that you live and that I find you when this is all over) Eto said before she had to hang up the call and Zeke made his way over to the main hall to see his troops relaxing "may someone have mercy on their souls and my he who strikes them down, give them a quick death" Zeke silently prayed while overlooking everyone.

1917 words

Her Human Helper-  Eto X OC MaleWhere stories live. Discover now