Karma Time

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Today started like any other day, except this time you had friends to accompany you on the walk to school. For the past couple days, you'd hang out with Kam's group of friends, which happened to be: Nagisa, Kayano, Sugino, Nakumera and of course, Kam himself. You made a group chat with your new friends, and you'd never felt happier. You were so excited to just talk with them, but of course you didn't let that show.

During P.E, Mr.Karasuma was decided to be your new gym teacher, meaning you were learning the basics of Assassination training.

"Man, we have a quiz in 6th period." Sugino whines.

"Right, they should just let us go home after gym." Nagisa agrees.

"I hate having to change, ughhh!" Kameron cries while leaning on you, earning a giggle from everyone, including you.

Nagisa suddenly stops to look at the top of the steps. There seems to be a boy your age there. As soon as he stepped closer, you knew who he was.

'He's the guy who I saw beat up those kids in the alleyway last year...'

"Nagisa, sup. It's been a while.~" said boy chuckles.

"Karma...You're back?" Nagisa says in response with a hint of surprise.
Karma nods then walks down the stairs, presumably to greet everyone.

"That's a surprise. The school's princess hot shot is in E-class? I thought your daddy would've done everything to make his little princess stay on top? Did your grades slip or something, princess?" Karma laughs.

You shift uncomfortably, knowing better than to retort back to a meaningless taunt.

"It's no fun when you don't respond, come on. why don't you just tell me?" he presses on.

"Karma-" Nagisa starts. "Hm? Whats up? Just curious to see why little miss stuck up princess is in E-class, that's all." Karma cuts him off.

"Ah! Mr. Akabane! A pleasure to have you here with us." Koro-sensei interjects, turning Karma's attention from you to your Octopus teacher.

"Oh, you must be the notorious Koro-sensei! Wow, you really do look like an octopus! You can call me by my first name by the way." Karma walks past with his juice box in hand, not bothering you a glance.

One things for sure, this guy pissed you the fuck off.

"I understand your suspension ends today, Karma. Welcome back, that said, tardiness is a no no!" Koro-sensei's face goes purple.

"It's kinda tricky getting back into the swing of things. Anyways, I've heard some good things, teach. Nice to meet ya!" Karma holds his hand out.

"The pleasure is all mine! Should be a fun educational year!" Koro-sensei graciously accepts Karma's handshake.

What we didn't expect was for our octopus teachers tentacle to explode in that moment. Soon after, Karma then swings a knife, which grazes Koro-sensei. Koro-sensei quickly jolts back in surprise, leaving Karma amused.

"Ah~, you are fast aren't ya? And to think that these knives would actually work! I just cut one up into strips and tacked 'em on! Pretty elementary stuff, chief. I'm disappointed its all it took to catch you by surprise. But good jump! If you don't mind comin' off like a fraidy cat. What are ya? Scared of me?" Karma laughs.

The rumors from over the years came rushing back to your memory.

He's Akabane Karma, the delinquent.
The one person you swore to never even look at. Even being in this class with him, would piss your brother off so much that he wouldn't let you even go to school.

"I heard they call you Koro-sensei 'cause you're supposed to be unkillable. Oh come on! No way you can be this big of a push over!" Karma teases.

"Hey, Nagisa...what kind of person is this Karma guy?" Kayano leans over to Nagisa.

"Uh...well he and I were in the same class our first and second year. He was violent, so violent that they finally suspended him and shipped him here." Nagisa explains.

"E-class is where they send you when they don't know what else to do with you." you mutter grimly.

"The thing is, that under the circumstances, he may end up a star student."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Weapons and blood are his passion. Trust me, if anyone can kill our teacher, it's Karma."

'Unfortunately, I'm inclined to agree...'


Next chapter will be much more juicy, I promise! (I'm trying to build atmosphere...and hopefully I am...) I also have 2 weeks of state testing so, wish me luck! (I'll actually have more time to update because no homework! Yay!! Am I gonna spend most of that time playing Genshin instead of writing? Probably...sorry-)

Word count: 790

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