Talent Time

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"Fine. I wanna punch you now anyways." you sigh giving into Karma. He wouldn't stop bothering you to spar with him during P.E. "Still always so mean to me." he sighs.

"More like the other way around but alright..." you roll your eyes taking your anti-sensei knife out. "Ready?" Karma asks.


"AKABANE STOP CHEATING!" you yelled, kicking the boy in the face. "We're still on last name terms, wow..." he rubs his chin. "Don't change the subject, you started on 2. LIKE A CHEATER!" you cross your arms.

"Pouty now, are we?" Karma flips his knife in his hand. "Karma, Y/n! You two are up." Okano shouts out while she backflips out of the way.

"You ready to finally try out our new tactic?" Karma stretches his arm. "Whenever you are." you do the same. The assignment from Karasuma this week was to partner up with someone and try to think of a strategy with said partner to try and hit Karasuma with the Anti-Koro-sensei knives. You had agreed to partner up with Karma because you didn't see any problem with it...other than the fact he was annoying you most of the time. Your plan was to have someone take care of bottom attacks while the other worked on head-on attacks.

'Karma...At first blush, all sarcasm and laziness, but behind that facade lurks the instinct of a killer. He knows his way around a blade. And as for Y/n, she does everything with serious thought and care, no matter what it is. She may not have a huge talent for dodging, but she makes up for that with her sense of rhythm and stamina. And although she can't dodge, she's one of the best blockers I've seen. These two working together can make anyone scared for their life.' Karasuma thinks while trying his best to dodge your attacks.

"Damn. Couldn't nab him." you wipe sweat from your forehead. "I do have an idea for next time, if you'd lend me your ear." Karma says lost in thought. "With you I can't tell whether you literally want me to give you my ear or not. But tell me after school." you take a sip of water.

"Are you okay, Nagisa?!" you hear Kameron yell, which draws your attention to the situation that just unfolded. "Yeah...I'll be good." he rubs his head. "Sorry, that block was a little over the top." Karasuma apologizes. Most didn't think much of it, but it was clear Mr.Karasuma would never block like that unless he was in genuine fear of his life.

"Hey, hey, Karasuma!"


"Huh?" you and your classmates murmur in confusion but then come to the conclusion that it must be another new teacher that's trying to kill Koro-sensei.

"Yo! Name's Akira Takaoka and I'm here to give your gym teacher a hand. Pleased to meet 'cha, gang! So, whaddya say? Ready to have fun?" Takaoka introduced himself.

"Oh hell no. I'm ditching." Karma deadpans and turns toward the forest, "You coming?" he asks over his shoulder. "I don't trust him, so I need to stay to make sure no one else gets hurt." you answer glaring daggers at Takaoka. "Suit yourself! I'll be by the river bank if you change your mind."

"IT'S CAKE!!!" Kayano screams at the top of her lungs. 'Oh dear lord...' you deadpan. While everyone makes themself comfortable on the blanket Takaoka had just put down, you stand far away and watch. "Hey, Y/n! Are you gonna join us?" Kameron smiles at you with a mouth full of sweets. "Nah, you enjoy, though." you smile back.




"Alright, everybody here? Now, things are gonna be tougher than usual, but stick it out like the champs I know you are and we're talking more sweets!" Takaoka had everyone line up for P.E. "For us, or are you really just saving them for yourself?" Nakamura jokes.

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