Trust Time

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"Karma! Where are you?" you don't even comprehend what you're screaming out right now. You just want to feel how it felt when he held you at the field trip. You craved for that feeling again.

"Y/n...?" Karma let out a loud murmur. The red head took out his headphones and stood up.


Karma took a moment before realizing it, in fact, was your voice screaming his name. His first name.

"I'm over here!" he yells out trying to find the you. As soon as you saw a tuft of red hair, you tackled into him, sobbing into his white button down. As much as Karma wants to ask you what happened, he left his questions for later as he put his hands on your shoulders, trying to calm you down first.

"Did you or anyone get hurt?" he asks calmly. You nod your head while still holding onto his shirt. Karma hums in thought and brings you closer. He has no idea how to comfort someone. He's never been comforted himself.

As for you, you welcomed his weird version comfort as it was your only thing to latch onto. You haven't been comforted since your mom was alive. And no one was there when she died.

"I would like to go back to the others and see how they're doing. You think you can manage on your own?" Karma moves you back a little, breaking up your hug.

He was taken out of his thoughts seeing your teared up eyes and quivering lips. It's like you had let out all your sadness and frustrations over the years for him to see. Just for only him to see.

"Take a deep breath with me. You know how breath control works, you sing. In through your nose, and out from your mouth." you mimicked his actions repeatedly until you felt a grasp on yourself again.

"I'm sorry. I look pathetic." you said with an embarrassed tone while wiping your eyes. "I mean, don't expect me to not use this as blackmail later...but I don't mind." he responds cooly.

You scoff rubbing the back of your neck. "I wanna teach that slimy bastard a lesson. He started to hit a bunch of our classmates and it brought some bad memories back. But, I think I can face him now." you breathe for reassurance.

"I'll come with for backup. Do you know where Koro-sensei and Mr.Karasuma are?" Karma quirks a brow. "Not sure. I left before either of them were able to interfere." you bite your lip nervously.

"In any case, we need to get going." you say with confidence.

'It took her that quick to calm down and assess the situation? She really doesn't let anything get in her way when she's passionate or determined about something.'




"What's going on...?" you mutter at the sight before you.

"Nagisa did something really hot, that's what happened." Kameron wipes his nosebleed and giggles. "Oh dear lord, Kam." you sigh.

"Everyone's okay, though, right?" Karma crosses his arms. "For the most part. Nagisa took care of Takaoka, as you can see." Kameron said pointing to Takaoka's shaking body on the ground.

"Guys let's not make a big deal out of it! I just did what Mr. Karasuma told me to, that's all!" Nagisa chuckles.

Maehara silently walks up with a frown on his face and straight up just slaps Nagisa, "Ow! What was that for??" Nagisa holds his cheek.

"Sorry, uh...I needed to make sure that was you." Maehara deadpans. "Rude!" Kam rolls his eyes. "But you were awesome, man!" Maehara smiles.

"Yeah, good job, Nagisa." you give a thumbs up.

E x p e c t a t i o n s (Karma X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now