Test Time

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"Lets begin! Shall we?"

Koro-sensei had split himself up into multiples of himself to help everyone in the class study. You have been studying the material for the test ever since it came out. You and your brother took tests more seriously than anyone else at Kunugigaoka Academy, for obvious reasons...

"Begin what exactly?" a few of your classmates sweat-dropped. "Studying for midterms of course! Dun dun dun!! I'll be making this period a high speed enhancement study hall!"

"Man, this is balls! You seriously gotta wear a different headband for each subject?" Terasaka complains, "GIVE ME A BREAK, MAN! NARUTO'S NOT EVEN ON THE TEST!!" Koro-sensei teases Terasaka by wearing a Naruto headband.

"Naruto isn't even that good." you roll your eyes. "Aw come on! It's a classic Y/n!" Fuwa interjects. "Doesn't mean it's good!" you disagree.

"I can't say I cared for it either." Karma says with his hands behind his head, hiding an anti-sensei knife. You notice that Karma didn't have any of his textbooks or notes out to study. It was clear he wasn't taking it seriously, and it pissed you off. "Where are your notes, Akabane?"

"At your mom's house." he rolls his eyes. "My mom's dead. And that was a shitty joke." you dead-pan while Karma looks at you with a, 'what the actual hell' expression. You sighed and went back to your work, leaving the red head to keep bothering you throughout class.

"Knife down, Karma! No sneak attacks during study hall! This is VERY difficult, so try not to disrupt my concentration!" Koro-sensei lectures after Karma took a swing at him.

"Doesn't all of this spread you a little bit thin, sir? I mean just thinking about it makes me feel tired..." Nagisa says. "No worries there! I have a double outside on RNR duty!" Koro-sensei replies

'How does that help??'

"Do you need any assistance, Y/n? You seem to be studying hard!" Koro-sensei checks in on you whilst you are reading and filling out an answer sheet. "I'm all good here, sir. But you should make sure Akabane studies." you mutter the last part.

"Worried for me, princess?" Karma laughs. "No, I want you to leave me the hell alone." you retort. "She is right, Karma. You better not get too cocky!" Koro-sensei agrees.

"Don't worry, you'll see I've got this in the bag." Karma smirks to himself. You scoff and concentrate on your own work.


You and Nagisa were on cleaning duty today. What you didn't know was your father was also going to be there.

"Do you hear that, Y/n? I think there's someone else in the building..." Nagisa whispered to you as you wiped the windows. "I thought so...I hope it's not my father." you answer.

"Lets take a peek." Nagisa motions you over. You follow Nagisa through the hallway and creek open the door. Of course, it was your father. Who else would be permitted to come to the E-Class building? He was showing off another one of his fake smiles again, trying to fool your teachers that he was some innocent man. But you knew everyone in that room could see through that. Although you did cringe when Professor Bitch called your father attractive...you never thought you'd hear anyone but your mother say something like that to him ...let alone a teacher you look up to.

As your father talks to your teachers, he slowly drops the nice guy act. He explains the worker ant theory you know all too well while Nagisa watches your glare towards your dad.

"Just today, I received an alarming complaint from a D-Class teacher. It seems a student of yours glared threateningly at two upperclassmen. Such that the upperclassmen feared for their lives." your father spoke.

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