She's Here?

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You and your brother were walking to the doorstep of your house. You both had just gotten back from the school trip and boy were the two of you worn out...

"I'm gonna head straight to bed..." you sighed pushing open the door. "Good idea." he answered.

"Isn't it my perfect grandchild!"


"I'm sorry that it's been so long since I've seen you!" your grandmother takes you into an embrace, ignoring Gakushuu. This was normal. Your grandmother always liked you better than Gakushuu. She complains that he's too much like your father, while you resemble your mother much more.

"She'll be staying a few days with us in the guest room." your father's booming voice comes from no where. 'Well isn't that just great.'

"I thought I'd come by to see how you're piano was doing." your grandmother said with a hint of threat behind her words. "You haven't been wearing your gloves? You know those are important for playing piano! We can't let you damage them!" she takes your hand as if it was delicate glass and slips on a pair of gloves from her bag.

You sighed and looked around for Gakushuu, but he was already gone. You weren't feeling too well, and your grandmother was not helping. You thought you just needed a lot of rest, but that wont happen as long as your grandmother was here.

"Why don't you play a few songs for her, Asano? Oh my apologies. I mean, Y/n" your father says. He never remembers to turn off the professional act...thats at least what he says. But you know he uses your last name to torment you. You have to be careful with what you say and do when you're around both of them. And if you play your cards right, you wont feel completely awful by the end of it.

"Shall we go, Y/n?" She grips your wrist, making it burn. "Sure."

She kept you up all night, nagging and nagging and nagging about how you could do better. Saying you weren't taking it seriously enough. This is the part of piano you never liked. The nagging. You were up so late playing piano, you fell asleep on the keys practicing. You had a nasty cough from all the singing she forced you to do as well. Not to mention you were almost late to school, but you could never let that happen.

Your face was super pale and you hadn't eaten anything since lunch yesterday. It was painfully obvious you were sick. But its not like you could stay home. Especially with your grandmother there to nag you.

You tried to pay attention in class to no avail. And you'd be stupid if you thought this could slip by Karma. By the time it was the end of the school day, you could barely speak your throat was so sore. You were about to enter the piano room when you felt someone grab your hand.

"You're going home." you heard Karma say.

"Yeah, I am. After I play piano that is." you retort back.

"No. Right now."

"Well that's too bad."

He sighs and turns your body around, facing him. "You realize it'll only get worse if you ignore it, right? Or are you more idiotic than I thought?" Karma quirks a brow lazily.

"Why do you care so much anyways? I'm an Asano, we don't get sick." you say, trying to fight back a cough mid sentence. Karma looks at you with an unamused face.

"I bet your family doesn't even take care of you when you're sick, huh?" Karma says while putting a hand on your forehead. "You don't need to help me." you sweat-drop, "I just didn't get very good sleep last night and my throat is sore from singing."

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