~ Stan ~

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    "It came!" Stan shouted excitedly, running into the(mostly)empty eighth cabin.
"Let me s-s-see!" Bill ran over.
    Stan squealed as he ripped the plastic and the tape off of the package. He was typically so smart and composed but he was too excited right now to think about any of that. The plastic slid right off and his heart jumped in his chest as the blue and white clouds came into view.
    "Oh it's awesome!" Bill exclaimed at the sight of the small CD.
    "I know right." Stan's cheeks threatened to burst as his smile grew bigger and bigger.
    "P-Put it on!" Bill said.
    Stan rushed over to the CD player and quickly, but carefully, put the album into the player. It only took a second for the familiar sound of "Overture" to begin blasting.
    "Oh I love this album." Stan sighed as the known chords played, sounding original even though he'd heard them a million times.
    "It's easily the b-b-best album by The Who!" Bill nodded his head along to every beat. 
   "The movie is just as good."
    "Tommy? Yeah that movie was c-c-crazy." Bill laughed a little at just the memory of the movie "Awesome th-though." 
    As the CD played on and on, they sat there, enjoying the music of one of their favourite bands. Just exchanging trivia and singing along. But the second "Pinball Wizard" came on, they couldn't just sit there anymore.
    "This is my f-f-favourite song on the alb-bum!" Bill yelled excitedly, beginning to stand up.
    "Me too!" Stan agreed and followed the other boy's lead. They began to awkwardly dance along to the beat. Rhythm and coordination were nowhere to be found but that didn't stop them from giggling and moving with confidence.
    "He's a pinball wizard, there has to be a twist!" They loudly shouted along to the lyrics as they threw their limbs around and spun in circles. Bill grabbed Stan's hand and twirled him around, it wasn't particularly graceful but they could care less. It was fun and dumb and Stan just couldn't stop giggling.
    "He's a pinball wizard, da da da dum" Stan sang, completely forgetting the lyrics.
    "Wow, that's my f-f-f-favourite line!" Bill teased.
    "Shut up!" Stan giggled, continuing to sing the lyrics despite his limited knowledge of their contents "Da da da dum!"
"D-D-Da da da dum!" Bill sang along.
"Now you're getting it!"
"Thanks!" Bill said before collapsing with a sigh onto some random bottom bunk, where Stan promptly joined him. "I love the W-Who."
"Me too, they're my second favourite band, the first of course being-"
"Queen." The two boys said in unison.
"That first d-d-day on the bus, what song were you l-listening to?" Bill asked. "I heard Freddie Mercury's voice but I c-c-couldn't tell."
"I was listening to 'The Show Must Go On'. It's top three Queen songs easily, it really speaks to me." Stan smiled.
"That s-s-should be our song."
"Our song? That's such a 70's romance movie cliche." Stan criticized, but his heart was warm with the thought of having their own song.
"I know, but I r-r-really only t-talked to you because of that song p-p-playing. It's our song." Bill decided.
"Okay then." Stan agreed.
"Okay then." Bill repeated. Stan looked over at the boys face, just a few inches from his down on the scratchy linen. He always looked so beautiful, it stunned Stan sometimes. He randomly got the urge to close the space in between them, and now that they were officially something, he could do it. He brought his lips forward to press onto Bill's and he had thought it a million times that it was redundant, but swear to god, it felt like the first time. This random kiss in the middle of their cabin in the middle of the day felt as new and exciting as if it was the first time they had ever locked lips.
"What was that f-for?" Bill asked with a playful smile.
"Felt like it."
"F-Feel like it more often." Bill pulled him into another kiss, and though he had thought this mere moments ago, it felt like the very first.

Hey! I know not much exciting stuff happened in that chapter but I had to let them be happy for once guys.

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