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*some of this is from school right from my notebook so umm yeah-
Also this is like long and I'm to lazy to check for spelling errors
And I think this is the longest part I've done-*

Scar was hanging around his village, while thinking of future projects. He noticed grian flying just above the magical village, grian quickly zoomed passed the village as something fell onto the bridge scar got up from his sitting position and walked right to where the piece of paper was laying.

He picked it up and noticed it was a note, before he could start reading it, it started to decade away. After the letter disappeared from his grasp, he looked up and seen that everything started to decade as the darkness started consuming everything in its path, such as the soft pinkish blueish sky with the sun setting, but now it was gone. The darkness started to reach the trees, soon leading towards where he was standing, invading the nicely made village, brides, and trees. Soon he wasn't standing, instead he was falling he felt no warmth. He was alone in the darkness afraid, because he didn't know if any of his friends were okay, he was even more worried about grian. Scar felt heart broken everything he loved and cared about was gone.

He awoke in a new environment, there was a desk sitting in front of him, along with a book on it, a bookshelf with more books, some even littered the ground leading under a ledge with a window right above it, a sleeping cat laid on the ledge while purring as she felt cozy and warm, behind scar was a box with a photo of one of his fellow hermits on it with white around it. Scar sighed as the tense of falling through a void of darkness, he started calming down.

After a few minutes alone, he heard a knock that broke the silence scar kind of jumped but kept calm and responded to the knock. "Come in," the door opened and a short man walked in scar watched as the man walked in with a huge smile along with a blue shirt and some dark colored pants, scar waved while saying. "Hello there Bdubs!" The short man brushed his hair a bit as it felt distracting. He then finally responded. "Hey scar!" His smile went wider as his happiness escalated. "So, I was wondering if-" Bdubs cut himself off by looking out the window to see that it was starting to get dark, he then started saying. "Actually I'll be right back, I gotta go water my diamonds! Yeah...." Scar tilted his head in confusion while bdubs quickly made his way out before scar could realize what he was really doing.

The now awake cat stretched her body and jumped off the window's ledge. She walked towards the desk and jumped right near where she wanted sit, which was almost the middle of the desk but off to the side where it untouched. Jellie sat down and looked at the mayor she meowed trying to tell him that she wanted to be petted. Scar looked at the now meowing cat and started to pet her on her head, he noticed that the sky was now painted in a blueish color with a little orange. The clouds danced upon the sky and the stars have submerged under the earth for protection from the blue sky.

Scar was gonna check his communicator but was interrupted once again with a simple knock, he responded to the knock. "Come in," Bdubs walked in again and stood in front of the desk. "So, what did you need?" Scar questioned as Bdubs smiled, proud of sleeping every night so the sun can shine once again and reigned over the world. "Well, I was wondering if we could maybe start," The room went silent, but bdubs was talking. Scar was so confused all he could do was look like he was listening, so he pretended like he was but still on edge a bit. Soon bdubs started to decade away, all scar could hear was muffled whispers of words. Everything was now being covered in the newly found darkness, again.

He awoke in different place, but it looked like the big dig this time. The drill was still as it could be, the crane was holding the drill up as steadily as possible. The clouds stayed at bay in the sky, everything was still other than the sun slowly turning into a sunrise for mid day. Scar was trying to figure out if he was dreaming, or if this is real. But ended up brushing it off and tried ignoring the whispers, that were slowly getting louder and becoming more annoying by the seconds.
Scar started walking towards the magical village.

About what felt an hour scar made towards the village. Instead of being greeted by fresh cool air that was cold enough for you to shiver, he was greeted by what smelt like smoke and ashes were flying everywhere in his direction. He looked up and seen fire spreading across the village. The fire angrily fought against everything in it's path, scar was shocked and saddened by the now burning village. He doubted it could be put out and fell to his knees as tears came from his eyes, feeling like he lost everything. But had a feeling that he still had his friends, scar still didn't understand what was happening. Until he saw a familiar figure coming out of the fire with no harm not damage done to them. They walked straight towards scar and held out a hand to help him up, scar looked up to see grian but half of his face was covered in a white mask with a symbol over his eyes. The mayor didn't care and just took his hand as grian pulled him up and in a hug. Everything went black once again, but this time he wasn't worried, or afraid, not even cold. Instead he felt safe, because of grian. He kept scar calm, safe, and like he has everything he could ever want. He heard grian say something he could make out, especially over the louder voices but soon they stopped and he could finally hear what grian was saying. "It's okay, scar. You just need to wake up. I'll be fine. You'll be fine, everything is okay...."

After scar heard the few bits he could pick up from grian's calm and quiet voice, he woke up in his drill and rubbed his eyes only to see a cat who was asleep and quietly making small purring sounds. He petted jellie and was glad she was safe and sound with him, but his bigger worry was grian even though he was calmed down by his voice from his dream, he heard rain hitting hard against the drill and hitting the ground with a pitter patter yet sounded calm and angry at the same time. He finally got the strength to get up and carefully move his body around the sleeping jellie and climbed down the ladder towards the outside. He didn't care if it was raining or not, he knew would stop eventually. Scar grabbed an elytra along with some rockets and walked outside where he launched into the dark gloomy sky.

He felt the wind hitting his face while he picked his speed up trying not to get soaked in the rain. In just a few minutes scar made it over to grian's hobbit hole and walked up to the door, he knocked trying not to intrude. The door opened where he saw a boy in a red sweater with messy hair and his wings close to his back looking a bit confused. "Uhh- hey scar, need something?" Grian questioned as scar stopped gazing into grian's eyes and answered. "Oh! Hey! I came to make sure your okay, y'know.." The winged boy slightly nodded in the fact his own friend cared about him, he responded. "Well, thank you? But I'm fine, is something wrong?" Scar tried finding an excuse, but looked bothered instead. Grian then opened the door wider and signalled scar to come inside, which he had many reasons one being that he didn't want scar to get sick from the gloomy rainy weather.

Scar walked in and stood close enough to the door, grian then closed then door and rubbed his eyes and stretch his wings a bit. Scar was trying not to make it obvious about his concerns for his friend, the male in the red sweater looked at scar while trying to stay awake. "Did you need to tell me something important? Cause I was having an amazing dream before you came no offense," grian stated while half asleep, scar was a more awake then grian, but still decided to keep things calm between the two of them. He almost forgot to answer but ended up doing so. "Right, hmm I came to check on you because based on my dream it was kind of weird, so yeah."
Grian was silent for a few seconds before asking. "Could you tell me about this dream?" Scar nodded and started rambling about it.

It took almost an hour for scar to skim up his dream, but finished just before grian started to yawn. Grian was confused about scar's dream and yet a little understanding of it. He rubbed his eyes and finally said something. "Oh wow, umm- that's really weird yet interesting at the same time." Scar slightly nodded, grian walked up to scar to give him a hug. He wrapped his arms him while scar hugged him back, he felt feathers around him and realized it was grian's wings. They both sinked to the ground still holding each other close.

After a few minutes later of hugging scar looked at grian who fell asleep a little bit ago and he didn't realize. Scar panicked to not wake him up, but slowly calmed down and decided to stay like that until grian wakes up.

It's like 1703 atm-
I will cry.
Hopefully you enjoyed it ^^*

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