Just Friends?

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*THEY'RE FRIENDS..... 100%...... Nothing else...*

*you can trust me..*

*I promise...*

Grian was leaving the barge after he just finished restocking it. As he walked out he noticed bdubs standing in front of him which scared him a bit.

"Hi, bdubs." He said while he just stood silent for a moment. "Hi grian!" He replied in excitement while taller one tried to lose him by walking somewhere else in the shopping district, but he'd just follow.

"Ok, what you want?" The taller one questioned in annoyance while stopping in front of the town hall.

"I have questions." He answered proudly as grian seemed a little curious about, but wanted to get it over with. "Alright, I may have answers." He replied while bdubs seemed happier.

"So, you and scar..-" He started to talk, but was cut off.

"If you're asking if we're dating, we're not." He stated as he kept in his laugh and maintained a straight face. "I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO FINISH!" The shorter complained while grian chuckled walking away and heading through the portal.

(Woah. A time skip. Cool. I think-...)

Grian sighed as ended up at his mega base's portal. He knew he could've flew there, but they did really feel like.

He heard some people talking and went to see who it was.

As he flew up the voices were getting louder.

He landed to see mumbo which concerned him, but they just listened to there conversation till he heard his name.

"And grian's here." Mumbo stated while catching a glimpse of the winged male. "Hm, oh hey!" He turned his head and waved.

"Hi." He replied that followed with a question. "Wanna join our conversation?"

"Only if I was mentioned in it." They answered while setting a shulker box down. "Of course you were!" Scar responded.

"Oh, scar's here as well?" He looked up curiously and turned fully around.

"I did say our, right..?" The black haired one asked slightly concerned on his words. "Yes, yes you did." The brunette answered while chuckling.

"Right, hey scar!" Grian said and walked over, now standing next to the Mayor. "Hi gri!" He replied with a smile.

"Alright, well I did have a question for both of you." Mumbo stated while trying to stay in the convo.

"Oh, what is it?" Scar looked over to him along with grian. "So, are you guys like, y'know..." Mumbo paused for a good few seconds. "Dating?" He questioned a little concerned.

"Cause I've been seeing you two around each other a lot." Mumbo started to explain his question while grian giggled and answered before his friend got carried away.

"No, we're not dating." They replied. "We're just friends." While scar nodded agreeing to it. "Yeah, just friends!" He stated.

"Okay then, sorry for asking." The taller began to apologize. "I guess my mind got carried away, y'know." He added while the brunette tried to stop him from apologizing. "Oh, no you're alright." Scar stated. "I understand why you think that."

"Alright, I'll see you guys later." Mumbo waved while getting his rockets out before flying away on his elytra.

"Bye, mumbo!" Grian waved back and watched him leave.

As it fell into silence the two waited till he was far enough, so they could chat.

"We're such good liars." Grian stated while scar chuckled with a reply. "I think you're better one than me." The brunette looked at the shorter as they laughed in response.

"Yeah, whatever you say." The winged male looked over after his short laugh and smiled.

"Alright, well I gotta go work on the big dig." Scar stated before walking off, but grian quickly grabbed his hand.

"Wait, I wanna give you something." He stated with a smile as the brunette stopped and turned around. "What is it?" He questioned as his partner walked closer to him.

They gave him a small kiss on the cheek and smile. "Oh, I-.. Thank you?" He responded with a confused look.

"You're welcome, love." Grian said and added a giggle along with a few words. "Bye, scar! Texted me when you're done!" He waved while walking into his storage room.

"Bye gri, I will don't worry!" The brunette smiled and walked away as his face heated up while launching into the sky.
*See, they're just friends...*

*Also I got this urge to put my hermit au in this, mainly sexualities and such...., but who knows.*

*I'm going to confirm that I'm going to probably finish just a crush, or not. >:)*

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