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*your reward for supporting the story, thank you I appreciate it and I wanted to do something cute so hopefully it is! :D*


Grian was helping mumbo out by making sure he doesn't have a breakdown from his own redstone contraptions, yet he still got bored about it and wasn't much help though he did try and continued to ignore his words. They were at mumbo's thirty-seventh breakdown and grian patting mumbo on the back and telling him basic stuff like.

"It's gonna be ok."
"It's just redstone y'know it's not gonna hurt you to start over"
"If you don't fu- calm down I will hit you with a non existent piano!!"
"Mumbo, it's just redstone!"
Hey, it's okay everything will be fine."

He was getting kind of bored of doing the same thing and tried thinking of excuses while he wasn't having any problems, nor breakdowns. After a bit mumbo started to get frustrated with his own redstone and that led grian to get even more bored because it was the same thing. Him complaining about redstone blah blah blah boring stuff, until he heard his communicator make an annoying beeping sound which led grian to pick up his communicator that was next to him on the ground, he was sitting with a sad mustache man, they sat on the cold cobblestone floor high up in the sky. Grian grabbed his communicator to see a message from scar.

<GoodTimeWithScar> hey uhh grian, I have something very important I need you for..
<Grian> Oh? What is it?
<GoodTimeWithScar> I'll tell when you get here. I need to be alone with you and it's pretty private.
<Grian> Oh! Alright, of course I'll be right over! I just need to tell mumbo I need to leave, can you wait?
<GoodTimeWithScar> Yeah. Yeah, I can wait! Take as long as need okay! Don't rush yourself, please.
<Grian> Alright, see you! Wait, where do we meet?
<GoodTimeWithScar> Can we meet at your place, I mean your starter base?
<Grian> Sure!

He was questioning to himself what he needed, but brushed it off and did what he said he was going to do. "Hey mumbo, I umm- need to leave, scar texted me that he had something important to tell me, or show me. I'm not really sure." He stated as a sad mumbo gave a look of understanding at him. He walked over to the nether portal and got teleported by the purple vibrant mist.

He made his way towards his portal hoping what scar had to say was something good and not a bad thing. As he walked through nether looking for his, he over heard a cubfan talking about scar and what he had in mind he could hear a lot, but he could hear enough to get a small idea.
"I wonder if it'll work, I mean like scar and grian can't imagine those two together, but if they're happy than that's good! I honestly think they would be a cute-......" His voice started to fade away and he couldn't make out anything else he could follow him to hear more, but figured it would be a bad move and seem stalkerish at the same time. He gave a light sigh at his one chance of figuring it out, but decided to leave it.

After a bit of walking around he found his portal, he walked over and standed in it. The purple mist soon started to surround him, the purple got in his eyes as everything in his vision turned purple and started spinning making him nauseous. When he finally teleported through he seen scar who was patiently waiting at his house whom seem to a bit nervous. As he walked over he heard a faint a whisper behind him, but brushed it off and tapped scar on his shoulder who jumped at his touch, he turned around to see grian who was smiling which made scar smile back.

"So, what did you need me for?" Grian questioned while scar sat up to face grian and fixed his hat, scar answered. "Right, I- um- I like you." Grian's eye widened as the words that left scar's mouth, he processed what kind of 'I like you' it was. He wasn't sure if it was a confession, or explaining how long they've been friends for.

"Stupid, I know. I'm sorry." Scar said breaking the silence, scar started walking away from grian, but right as he took the first step he felt something grab his arm and pull him back. He then felt something wrap around him followed by something feathery. Scar look behind him to see grian burying his head into scar's back. "Hey, don't leave just yet, "The winged boy said quietly. "I didn't get a chance to answer." Scar stayed quiet and waited for grian's response, but didn't bother to fight grian's grasp as he placed his hand on one of grian's, he held onto it. Grian felt his face heat up while gaining his strength to say it back.

After what felt like hours he finally spoke. "I-.. I feel the same way, scar... And I like you too." Scar froze at his words as his face heated up, the one and only person he had loved like that liked him back. Grian let go of him and rubbed his neck unsure if what he said was okay. The two were both flushed in the face and stayed in a calming silence. The brunette finally got his strength to move and turned towards grian who still was unsure, yet his face felt red enough to you could tell he was blushing. "Is it okay if we kissed?" Scar asked as grian looked up surprised, but answered quickly. "Uh- I- of course- yeah!" Scar went up closer to grian and felt his lips meet his and they both kissed each other, somehow impulse showed up and said. "Oh....... I'm definitely going to tell some people, especially mumbo." The two pulled away from each other and looked at impulse, scar smiled a little embarrassed about it while grian gave a death stare, which made impulse nervously walk away and left them alone. "Anyways, would you like to come inside?" Grian questioned while holding onto one of scar's hands as scar nodded, the winged boy used his free hand and walked inside while scar followed.


*I know it's not much, but I tried I'm not really experience on love shit but I tried- :') I hoped you liked it*

*I may write an actual story inside of one shots soon, but idk-*

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