Head cannons!! ᰔᩚ

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*So, my WiFi just came back on 2 minutes ago and it's currently thunderstorming. Yay-*

*Also I spent like 1-2 hours writing head cannons in my notes app. Please tell me if it was worth it. :'D*

*Btw this is only 30/40 because I currently have about 40 made, but more will come. Also I was bored and didn't want these to go to waste...*

*plus there's one mention about my hermit au in this. :')*


1.) When it thunderstorms scar usually ends up holding onto grian, causing them to comfort him as he easily gets scared by lightning & thunder.

2.) Grian sometimes get really caught up in his schedule, so when scar wants attention he changes it while listening to his partner talk nonsense and cling onto him all day till he gives in.

3.) Scar is usually a person who likes spending a lot of time with their partner, or s/o. So when scar and grian started dating, they had to deal with scar giving/wanting attention, or when he's just needy.

4.) Sometimes on one of grian's sleepless nights he wakes scar up, so they could stay up till grian starts to feel tired. Usually they'll watch movies, do arts & crafts, go stargazing from either the roof, from the window, or go outside out on a clearing bringing a blanket with them.

5.) When they both stay up for quite awhile, they'll spend all night telling stories, cuddling, showing each other their scars, or birth marks, playing cards games, board games, truth or dare, 2 truths & a lie, & watch disney movies.

6.) Scar likes to steal kisses from grian when he's not paying attention, catching him off guard when he does. (Either results in them battling over who loves who more while showing a lot of affection, or grian freezes up most of the time and
scar tries to remake the scene from frozen.)

7.) Grian has an addiction of painting his nails and sometimes wants to paint scar's which he instantly allows him.

8.) Whenever one of them is in a mood/sad the other tries desperately to cheer them up, by spending as much time on the brighter side of things. (Bonus: Usually when one of them are really upset over something their partner. (I'll just use scar for now.) Scar goes out and gets somethings grian enjoys, either food wise, or item wise. He'll make dessert, or surprise them with a gift. But sometimes it doesn't always work resulting in grian feeling bad that he didn't get scar anything.)

9.) Grian gets super tired after nonstop of working. (Like, on builds and such.) He tends to find scar and cuddle him, or want attention from him. Causing him to stop what he was doing and spend the rest of the time giving them attention. (Usually they're outside, so scar has to bring grian inside. It's mostly to scar's mega/starter base.)

10.) When scar finds out grian is trans and demi, he gives them a lot of support and hurts anyone who denies what his partner identifiy as. (This is based of an idea I got when I was redoing my hermit au, so I decided that I'd make him trans (ftm) and demiboy. Because I can and Idgaf if you don't like it.)

11.) When one of them are/is sick the other spends as much time as they can taking care of them. Results in the other cooking food for them, keeping the other warm, watching movies, reading them books, and sometimes cuddling, or holding hands. (Which isn't the best idea, but they don't care.)

12.) Scar cherishes anything grian gives him. Such as flowers, rocks, gifts, random jewelry they make. And when someone asks about it he'll proudly answer mentioning his partner as much as he can.

13.) Sometimes grian falls asleep while cuddling with scar. (Either if it's on a couch, bed, or even in a corner.) He holds them close and makes sure they're comfortable, and trying not to move. (Bonus: it'll go from little naps, to actual sleeping causing the other fall asleep to and whenever grian stirs in his sleep scar will give them some kisses and help them try to go back to sleep, and hold them close if they start moving away, or falling off.)

14.) Scar and grian will show up at each other's homes whenever they're feeling lonely, or something. Causing the other to give in and let them inside to comfort them.

15.) Grian gets nightmares about his past, or something that possibly won't even happen and scar immediately comforts them if he notices grian tossing and turning, shivering, waking up in a cold sweat, or talking in his sleep. (Bonus: whenever grian wakes up from his sleep he'll immediately wake up scar who will comfort him as they're having a panic attack/mental breakdown.)

16.) When it rains and one of them forget an umbrella the other will offer to share theirs.

17.) Sometimes scar wakes grian up and wonders why he did. Usually it's because scar wanted to do something with them, or just because he wants attention.

18.) Grian and scar only cook together when scar invites/wants him to cook with him. (Bonus: grian barely knows how to cook and scar is an amazing one.)

19.) Sometimes they'll mail each other letters & gifts to each other. Because they either miss them, or just wants to.

20.) School AU || Grian gets detention a lot and scar does the same to not be alone. (Mainly, because grian does a lot stupid yet funny things & scar just wants his boyfriend.)

21.) When grian tries to cook something for scar and the kitchen is either left a mess, or everything was cleaned up when scar notices. (Bonus: they clean it up together most of the time.)

22.) Scar likes telling dumb/corny jokes to grian, who thinks it's adorable to just see him laugh about it.

23.) Sometimes scar teaches grian how to cook, or gives him tips. But most of the time grian just messes around with the flour, or watch scar cook.

24.) Grian knows scar's favourite movie(s) so when it comes to movie night he puts on one of his boyfriend's favourites. (Bonus: they take turns picking what to watch.)

25.) Scar sometimes starts panic attack of either the past, or of something happening to grian, resulting in them trying to calm him down. (It goes the other way also. :D)

26.) Sometimes scar accidentally eats something grian was saving for himself and once they find out he grounds scar from affection which usually results in a sad/upset scar.

27.) Scar likes to give grian random nicknames that remind him of grian. (I got this idea remembering when scar told grian he looked like a cookie.)

28.) Whenever grian's craving a snack scar will either make it, or go buy it from the store. (Usually, it'll happen in the middle of the night.)

29.) Grian will listen to scar go on Disney rants while doing something, but will pay more attention to scar.

30.) Scar will make grian his favourite food(s) if they've had a bad/stressful day, or shower grian in kissing and give him a lot of attention.


*I don't know if actually add more parts of head cannons, but eh. At least it's cute, I think-"

*Anyways, uhh this was about 1255 all together, the head cannons alone are like 1139*

*It's fucking 02:30 am...*

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