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*Bet, also sorry for not writing, well technically I was, but yk what I mean-*

*Btw, random title I've been working on this for either 43 minutes, or something...*

*Anyways, I will try not to disappoint as I am scared to write things involving the life series.*

*TW: SH (using short term.)*

Since scar was away grian had the base to himself. He sat down back against the wall, his knees were close to his chest and his arms wrapped around them.

He felt tears grow from his eyes and roll down his face as he cried regretting everything he's done.

His thought process seemed like a blur and lifted his head. Grian slowly wiped the tears from his face. He sighed and only had one thing on his mind.

They began to stand up using the wall for support as his hand leaned onto it. His legs were shakey, like something was preventing him to move. But quickly gained back his strength to walk.

He walked over to the bed and kneel down next to it. They were now in front of the nightstand and pulled open the drawer, pulling out a blade.

He took of the wrapping of it and set it on the night stand. Now bringing it closer to his arm and pushing it into his wrist.


Scar was talking to Jimmy and tango, it seemed like he was trying to make a deal. "Well, Timmy and tango, I've been-" The brunette cut himself off when he felt a pain a sharp pain in his left arm while the ranches seemed concerned why he stopped talking.

"Scar, are you alright?" Jimmy asked as he looked at him in a worrisome way and looked at tango also. "Uhh, I'm fine. But I should check on grian first.." The taller stated before running towards the red velvet keep.

"Is he ok...? Is that normal?" The taller looked over at his partner who shrugged not knowing if this normal, or not.

When scar was far enough from the ranch and closer to the base he looked at his left arm's wrist to see what happened. He was shocked to see scars forming like they've been manually put there, but also very messy.

He continued his journey with nothing in his head expect wanting to know if his partner was ok.

When he got there he stood at the entrance, hesitate to go in. But he did anyway. "Grian...?" He spoke while hearing someone crying.

He looked around to see grian who was crying and covering his face with his hands, and knees. Scar quickly ran over and sat down in front of him in worry.

"Grian, what happened?!?!" He questioned and noticed that his arms were almost covered in blood. "I'm sorry..." Grian apologized in a shakey quiet voice.

"Hey, hey. It's ok, gri.." The brunette replied trying to calm the shorter down. He felt them push against him and hearing his sobs.

The taller turned it into a hug as he wrapped an arm around the shorter and the other hand was on grian's head. After a bit a voice spoke. "Do you want to get cleaned up and then talk about?" The brunette questioned in a quiet voice and felt the avian nod against his grasp.

"Ok, I'll get a bucket of water real quick." He slowly let go of the shorter as they loosened there grasp.

As scar walked out grian sighed trying to stay calm while his partner was away for a bit. Moments later the brunette came back with a bucket of water and few other things, like bandages, a towel, and some tape.

He sat the bucket down along with the other items next to it. He gently grabbed grian's arm, but made sure it was alright. Trying not to panic them.

As he cleaned up his partner, they just watched while he hummed a tune. When he was wrapping the bandages around their arm and the tape to hold it together he spoke. "Why'd you do it..?" His voice was calm and soothing, but the other stayed quiet not wanting to anger scar.

"It's ok if you don't wanna talk about it." The brunette added now finished with the doctoring. "Also you should take it easy with your arm, I suggest you get some rest also." Scar stated putting the items in the drawer of the night stand and getting up to dispose of the dirty, bloody water. As grian nodded the taller gave a small smile before walking out.

The shorter examined the bandages around his arm and was afraid to mess with them. He waited for scar to come back while doing so he climbed into bed and took off his sweater revealing the large white shirt under neath. He pulled covers over himself and waited.

Once he saw his partner he sat up and motioned him to come over and join him. As they both laid down grian quickly put his arms around scar along with his wings and got closer to his chest. The brunette made sure to be careful of the avian's wings and wrapped his arms around them. "I'm sorry." The shorter spoke and heard the brunette's voice above his head. "It's ok, there's nothing you should be sorry about." He stated with a chuckle.

"But-" before grian could protest he heard scar shush him and give another statement. "No, you have nothing to be sorry about." He said while hearing soft snores already. "That was quick, must've been tired..." The brunette stated under his breath before falling asleep to.

*I apologize for this, please forgive me.*

*Also why is there a yum chain now??? Why r you guys praising cheese....*

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