Movies & Sleepover

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*So, I read to much fluff today and also wrote it earlier..*

*I WAS suppose to write angst, but my plans have been messed up by fluff. :')*

*I'm being nice today, I also changed the prompt by a lot...*

*Also the titles random... Apologies.*

*And if I was mean I would spoil this, but I'm not. So, I'm not mean! >:(*

Grian was sitting on his couch with scar next to him. They were both watching a movie and snuggled up in a blanket.

"God, this is the most weirdest movie I've ever seen..." The shorter commented while the brunette giggled with a reply. "Then why'd you let me pick then?" He questioned as he looked over at the winged male.

"Well, I-.. I don't know!.." He stated while looking away while crossing his arms. "Of course, but you can just turn it off and put something else on." The taller responded along with a smile as grian felt his face heat up when he noticed scar in the corner of their eye.

"I...- shut up!" He replied hoping that his face wasn't red. "Alright, whatever you say." The taller gave a final giggle before continuing to pay attention to the tv.

The shorter looked back at scar as he seemed to like the fact he got to spend time with someone he loved. Grian felt something grab his hand and looked over at it, they noticed that the brunette was holding onto his hand.

He smiled and looked back over at him and quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek. The shorter realized what they did and quickly looked away trying to hide his embarrassment.

Scar looked over at grian and giggled. "Grian, did you want a kiss?" He asked as the winged male looked back over and nodded.

The brunette leaned in closer to the shorter as he soon felt grian's breath on his lips and closed the gap between themselves.

Scar backed away and gave a smile as grian swore his face was red at that point. They grabbed scar's shirt and pulled him for another kiss which caught the brunette off guard.

They both didn't stop until they were left breathless and pulled away last second. Their breathing was heavy and once the shorter caught his breath he then realized what he did. "Oh, my god..." He muttered to himself just enough so only he could hear, they covered their mouth as he looked up at scar and quickly apologized.

"I'M SO SORRY, SCAR!" Grian practically shouted in hushed yet almost loud voice while his whole face felt super warm.

Though scar just laughed. "It's ok, grian!" He replied sat back up seeing the flustered male panic like he hasn't kissed anyone before.

Even the brunette's face was heated up a lot, but didn't bother to hide it. "I've never noticed how pretty you look without your sweater." He commented trying to go to another topic. "Thank you, but I don't think it's the right time to-" Grian was cut off when the taller gave him a kiss on the cheek.

The shorter covered themselves up with one of their wings when scar backed away. He hid his face as much as he could before he could possibly die of how flustered he is. That was when the brunette got the message that his best friend had enough and went back to finishing the movie allowing grian to calm down.

Once the shorter was calm he moved his wing and noticed that scar was asleep which he gave a sigh.

He thought about waking him up, but didn't want ruin how peaceful he looked. Though he still did. "Scar?" He poked his cheek and saw him open his eyes. "Ok, then... We should get you to an actual bed, instead of the couch." Grian suggested as he stood up and scar nodded.

He grabbed the brunette's hand and started guiding him to his bedroom. When they there the shorter made it clear that it was ok for him to sleepover at his place. Before he could exit the room he was stopped by the sleepy scar who was laying down. "Grian." He said as the winged male looked over in confusion. "Don't you only have one room?" He questioned before grian finally processed the question.

"Yeah, uhh I'll just sleep on the couch." He answered and continued to walked out and turn off the light, but heard scar's voice again.

"No, then I'll feel guilty." He protested trying to make even between them. Grian sighed and knew he couldn't deny him.

"Alright, fine. But I gotta clean up our mess first." He stated in reply as scar nodded, the shorter turned off the light and closed the door. Heading back towards the living room.

He picked up the blanket and started folding it, once he finished he sat it on the couch and grabbed the empty cups that sat on the coffee table. He took them to the kitchen and put them in the sink for him to deal with tomorrow.

Grian walked back into the living room and fixed the pillows, after doing so he picked up the blanket and put it in the near by closet that had extra pillows and blankets. He closed the door and turned off the tv, finally they turned off the lamp and made their way back up the stairs.

Once he reached his room he opened the door and noticed he didn't turn off the night stand's lamp when he left. He turned it off and climbed in the bed next to scar.

Before he fell asleep they wrapped his arms around the brunette, now cuddling him.

*You're welcome.*

*God, my own face was warm while writing this... *

*I can't say I'm proud of it, nor can I say I'm ashamed of it. Idfk how I feel about this! :'D*

*it's also like 04:43 am rn. Woo, another night without sleeping. Don't tell me to go to bed. >:(*

*Also I got prompt that may become a part two of this. MWHAGAGAG! It's cute too, like I'm gonna cherish it if I actually use it. <33*

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