Dried rose petals.

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"You can take of it Mrs. Ha, I trust your judgment" was was what Mr. Jeon said that morning to his head of staff before he left.

He recently moved to a new mansion and it came with a large garden, a number of people would be needed to cater for it. Even though he loved the garden, he didn't have the time to hand pick the people that were going to tend to it, so, just like he always does when it comes to house hold affairs, he left it to Mrs. Ha.

Later that day the mansion was busy, Mr. Jeon was going to be away for about five days, so the house staff had to ensure that everything was sorted out by the time he returned.

Mrs. Ha was in the garden carrying out interviews.

She had interviewed about thirty applicants when she looked down at her list, there was one more left. The initial number was over a hundred, but before the applicants are sent to the mansion, a back ground check is done on them, only a few make it to the semi-final round.

"You may come in" Mrs. Ha announced.

The next applicant walked in, he was twenty-three, Mrs. Ha confirmed with the application form she held.

She gestured him to take a seat in front of her, which he did.

They needed about ten gardeners, Mrs. Ha looked at her list, she has already marked ten people that she was pleased with. But none the less, she carried out the interview.

The young man was very polite, he had beautiful curly hair and eyes that seemed to be curious about everything they landed on, "he's like a very curious doll" she thought as she observed him.

For some reason, being with him made her feel very relaxed, he had this aura around him that she loved.

The interview went on longer that she had intended, she asked him a lot of questions, some of which weren't even necessary, but the boy didn't seem to mind.

Maybe it was because he reminded her or her son that she was so smitten by him.

When the interview came to an end, she bid him goodbye and reminded him that the results will be emailed by the end of the week.

Taehyung basically threw himself on the bed when he heard the notification sound from his phone and he quickly opened his inbox.

He let out a deep sigh when he realized it wasn't them.

He threw his phone back on the bed and got up. It was a bit cold outside so he grabbed a coat as he went to put on his shoes. "She said by the end of the week, the weekend passed, it's Monday now and still nothing" he thought to himself.

He decided he will leave his phone and go out for some air, and probably consider applying for a different job.

But he was really hoping he would get the job, he actually thought that he would get the job, the lady that interviewed him seemed to like him. But then again she might not be the one to make the final decision.

This job would have made life a whole lot easier for him, the main reason he applied for it was that they give you accommodation at the mansion and the workers are treated really well, but none of that was going to happen seeing that they didn't contact him again.

He walked over to his favorite café, his friend owned the place.

As he walked in, he looked around and spotted an empty seat. The perks of this place was that they had a mini library, that was one of the reasons he loved going there.

"Yours", it said on the cover of the book he picked up, he had read it about three times at this point.

"I will pay you to stop reading that book" a voice said from behind. Taehyung chuckled as he knew who it was.

My Gardener, My HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now