What do you like?

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On the drive home, Taehyung didn't breath a word, he wouldn't dare. Jungkook on the other hand was dying to ask, about anything. Because he still couldn't wrap his head around the fact that, his gardener is now his husband.

He let out a long sigh, to Taehyung however, it was perceived as annoyance as he tried to move further away from Jungkook, but there was only so much space in the front seat.

"Would you like something to eat? I can ask Mrs. Ha to prepare it for you" Jungkook offered, "uhm, no, it's okay, I will make something when we arrive, do- do you want something?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook was a bit thrown back, did this mean Taehyung cooked for himself? and him too? Wasn't the mansion like full of servants. "No, it's okay, you don't have to" he replied.

Even though Taehyung said he didn't want anything, he still called Mrs. Ha.

To make things somewhat less complicated, the brothers and Yoongi had a meeting with Mrs. Ha, explaining to her what was going on with Taehyung. And she communicated with the staff at the mansion to simply do as they were told.

"Mrs. Ha, could you please pick some strawberries for me from the garden and also call the bakery to bring over a few cakes from the list I gave you" Jungkook instructed, "yes Mr. Jeon" the reply came before Jungkook hung up the phone.

Taehyung remained in his seat, almost unmoving as he listened. Jungkook was being odd, he had thought. But he shouldn't let his guard down, anything can happen.

Jungkook thought back to the chat he had with Yoongi, he told him about the things he liked to eat, he was just hopping that he still liked the same things.

Soekjin explained that they should avoid stressing him out, basically, the Jungkook in Taehyung's mind, should not exist.

That wasn't a difficult task for Jungkook, it sounded like the two were the exact opposites of each other, though he was the least talkative of the three brothers, he was still a very nice guy.

He was quite reserved, excellent at his job, but not very good at expressing himself when it came to relationships, perhaps that's why up to this point, he wasn't in one.

But now he has to learn all of that, because being clueless about love was definitely not going to help his current situation.

Jimin advised him that he should at least get to know what the younger likes from Yoongi, which is what he did, now he was hoping that it would in fact be helpful.

They finally pulled over at the mansion, Taehyung was tightly holding on to his bag as Jungkook parked the car.

"I will go to my room now" Taehyung said after he got out of the car, "o- okay" Jungkook replied.

But which room though, the one he has a gardener? they probably don't share the same room since he said "his" room. Jungkook decided not to ask, but rather just watch what happens.

They went in different directions as they entered the house, Jungkook went to the kitchen to find Mrs. Ha, Taehyung went to the guest room.

I wasn't long before Taehyung came running to the kitchen in search of Mrs. Ha, "Mrs. Ha" he called trying to catch his breath, but he stopped when he saw Jungkook.

"I-" he tried to speak, but decided not to.

Jungkook figured it was probably because of him so he decided to excuse himself.

Taehyung peeked to see that he was really gone before moving closer too Mrs. Ha.

"My stuff, it's all gone, what happened, did Jungkookie ask you to throw it out?" he asked worriedly.

"O, uhm , about that" Mrs. Ha knew she had to come up with an excuse, fast as Taehyung looked at her expectedly.

"There was uhm- there was a bit of an accident recently. We had some people come over to fix the ceiling and your room ended up getting destroyed in the process" she replied, desperately hopping that Taehyung would believe her terrible lie.

"You can tell me if he really asked you to throw it out, I know it's not your fault" Taehyung replied.

"Oh no, Taehyung, that's really what happened, everything got ruined and we had to clean it out before your return. Mr. Jeon said he will personally take you to buy anything that you will need" she added.

"He said that?" Taehyung asked, clearly not believing that part of the story. Because why would Jungkook take time to take him shopping.

"You can ask him yourself to confirm it" Mrs. Ha said, while mentally scolding herself as to why she was making her lie bigger that it needed to.

"oh, okay" Taehyung replied, it must be true then, but there is no way he is asking him.

"And by the way, he asked for these to be prepared for you" Mrs. Ha said as she showed him the food on the counter.

"He said that you might want to eat something light, so he asked that we prepare something for you"

Taehyung looked at the table, quite surprised, "o- th-thank you" it was all the things he liked, how did Jungkook know, he never paid attention to him enough to know what he liked. But given how has been somewhat concerned about him over the past few days, he decided to accept the gesture. besides he was in fact hungry.

After he was done eating, Taehyung excused himself, he even took an extra piece of cake with him to his room.

Mrs. Ha took the moment to find Jungkook, she had some explaining to do.

Jungkook didn't say anything the whole time she spoke, she was starting to think that her boss was mad at her, "I truly apologize , I didn't mean to make things anymore difficult for you, I am really sorry sir" Mrs. Ha apologized.

"It's okay, you don't have to apologize, if anything I should be thanking you for that because I wouldn't have known what to tell him" Jungkook replied, still lost in his thoughts.

"Could you check his old room and see what kind of stuff he likes, perhaps the colors" Jungkook asked Mrs. Ha, who was very happy to help.

She was secretly happy about Taehyung, it seemed like Jungkook was quickly warming to him, and this sudden turn of events was bringing new light into the young man's life.

She has been with the Jeons since their sons were born, and she is only a year older than Mrs. Jeon. Growing up, Jungkook was always the reserved one, she often used to worry that he will be alone when he is older.

When the Jeons announced that he was returning to Seoul, she was glad to move in his new home with him. At least she could make sure he had his meals and was taken care off.

He spent most of his time on work though, regardless of how much his parents would tell him to spend his time on other things.

And now here he was, trying to figure out Taehyung's favorite colors.

Mrs. Ha walked down the hall with a smile on her face, this might be the beginning of something good, despite how complicated it seemed.


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