Silent treatment

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Taehyung repeated, he suddenly found himself felling very self conscious when Jungkook didn't appear to acknowledge his presence.

He had figured he should just leave when Jungkook approached him, "hey" Jungkook said in a low voice then he walked back with him to where Jackson and the Smiths were waiting.

"O my!, who is this?" Mrs. Smith asked upon seeing the young brunette. Taehyung looked at Jungkook expectedly, waiting for an introduction.

Before Jungkook could reply, the older couple both seemed to have spotted Taehyung's ring at the same time. They both let out a gasp.

"O, Jungkook, is this why you refused all my suggestions back in Canada" the old man joked. "So when is the-?"

"Uhm, could you please give me a moment to uhm-" Jungkook interrupted before Mr. Smith could finish his sentence, as he casually placed his hand on Taehyung's lower back.

"Of course, young people these day" Mr. Smith said looking at his wife. "Of course he would much rather spend his afternoon with his lovely fiancé" Mrs. Kim added.

Jungkook chuckled nervously, "no, it's not like that". "Don't worry about it dear, you two go ahead and have fun, we can reschedule okay" Mrs. Kim said assuringly. The older couple bid the others goodbye and told Jungkook that they would like a formal introduction with Taehyung.

Jungkook let out a breath of relief once they were out of sight, but seeing Taehyung reminded him that he wasn't off the hook just yet. The big question now was; what was Taehyung doing at his work place?

"Can we talk in my office?" Jungkook said to Taehyung, who appeared to be lost in his own thoughts. "O-okay" Taehyung replied.

But before leaving, Jungkook whispered to Jackson to make sure that no one had taken any pictures on him and Taehyung, and if they did, he should get rid of them.

"I am sorry, it seems like I came at bad time. I should leave" Taehyung said once they arrived to Jungkook's office.
"O, not at all, uhm, I just wasn't expecting you" Jungkook replied.

"O" Taehyung said, clearly disappointed. Jungkook on the other hand was loosing his mind trying to figure out why Taehyung was here. Not only that, it appeared that he was dressed up, where they supposed to go somewhere and he forgot?

A second later, it was as if a light bulb lit up in Jungkook's head when his eyes went wide as he remembered something. "Could you please wait here, just give me a few minutes okay " Jungkook said as he rushed towards the door.

"Well hello Jungkookie" Jin replied mockingly.
"I will ignore that right now, I need your help"

"Yeah, what's up?"
" Remember the other day when you came to check up on Taehyung?"
"You said we made plans, can you tell me what they were?"

'O , he didn't tell you?, I thought you guys would have talked about it by now" Jin replied
"Well we didn't and he is at my office right now, I think today is the day we are supposed to do whatever it is that he thinks we have planned" Jungkook said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"O I see-"
"Hyung, he is waiting for me right now"
"Okay, okay. Well apparently you agreed to take him to Namjoonie's field"
"Brother in-law? how does he even know him?"

"Well you can thank Jimin for that, he must have come up during one of their chats. Anyways, apparently you planned to spend the rest of you day with him to see the flowers and stuff, he wants to get some for your house"

"O-" Jungkook was lost of words.

"And also, I would suggest you bring up studying, it seems like he wants to become an event planner and he has been meaning to bring it up with you apparently"

Jungkook nodded as he listened, the two talked a bit longer before he headed back in side.

"Hey am sorry I took long" Jungkook said as he closed the door behind him. "It's okay, I am going to leave, I am sorry to have bothered you" Taehyung said digging his thumb into his hand.

"No, you didn't. I just- I just had my schedule a little mixed up that's all. We can go now" Jungkook replied. "Jungkookie you don't have to-" . "I already called Hyung and told him we are on our way, he will be very disappointed if we cancel on him now" Jungkook explained.

"O- okay" Taehyung replied, not sounding pleased.

Taehyung was not that clueless, even though he hasn't really been out in public that often with Jungkook, he could tell that Jungkook had drawn a line between them. He was clearly trying to be subtle about it, but Taehyung noticed.

So he decided ,he might as well as give him a hand at that. He quickened his pace and walked ahead of Jungkook.

Jungkook was a bit thrown off by the sudden change, but also a bit pleased, since this is the type of casualty he was going for.

Before catching up with Taehyung, he told Jackson to clear his schedule for the rest of the day.

When he got to the car, Taehyung was already seated. "Ready?" Jungkook asked with a smile, "mm" was all he got for a reply. Jungkook tried to lean over and fasted Taehyung's seatbelt, "it's okay, I can do it" the younger replied. Jungkook let out a defeated sigh as he settled back in his seat.

Jungkook was driving and it was going to be a drive for about two hours, and clearly, it was going to fell a lot longer than that given how it was starting off.

Jungkook tried to make small talk, but failed miserably every time. All he would get would be a hum or an occasional yes or no.

"What flowers would you like to get?" Jungkook asked. "I don't know- I will find out once we get there". "Okay- uhm, o- by the way, you are interested in event pl-" Jungkook didn't get to complete his statement when Taehyung interrupted him.

"I am a bit tired, is it okay if i sleep for a bit" Taehyung asked. "O-of course, go ahead-" Jungkook replied. Taehyung must really be upset about the whole thing he thought.

The car became completely quite when Taehyung slept. They still had about thirty minutes to go.
Jungkook spotted his brother in-law by the big gate, waving at him.

"Taehyung-Tae, we are here" Jungkook said, gently shaking the other to wake him. For a moment it seemed like Taehyung was looking at him with his loving gaze like he always does.

But within a second it was all gone. It was back to pouts, huffs and of course the silent treatment.

Taehyung pretty much stomped out of the car as he went to meet Namjoon, leaving Jungkook behind.

"Hyung!" Taehyung said with a smile as he walked towards him. Namjoon was told about the other's situation so he had to act the part.

"Oh, Taehyung, you finally arrived" he said with open arms to hug him. "I hope we are not late" Taehyung said with a gentle smile. The smile Jungkook has not been graced with.

"O not at all- would you mind going ahead with Minho, while I talk to Jungkook for a bit?" Namjoon asked. "No, not at all, take your time" Taehyung replied. He later walked up to one of the workers, whose name name was Minho.

"Well, now isn't he just the cutest thing" Namjoon said once Taehyung was out of hearing rage. "Well, with all his cuteness, he wont talk to me now" Jungkook replied. Namjoon chuckled, "don't worry, it won't last too long" the older said.

"Well, I mean seeing how things seem to happen in his head and he doesn't tell me, I am bound to make the same mistake again"
"You will be alright" Namjoon said patting his back. "But I would suggest talking more, maybe he will tell you"

The two walked towards the field, still chatting.

The field was huge, they produced flowers sold all over the country, and this wasn't his only field, he had a multiple all over the country.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung who was touching some of the flowers, he was cute alright. In that moment he was yet reminded that this wasn't an ordinary marriage, and he was lost on what to do to redeem himself to his husband.


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