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Jackson, Jungkook's PA handed him his phone as soon as he stepped out of the conference room, they were finally done with the meeting.

There had been some urgent matters that needed to be dealt with, so they ended up finishing a bit later than planned. One would expect him to be tired, but he wasn't, he was used to it.

Jungkook checked the time on his watch, it was almost 1 am. He halted when he got to check his phone, twenty plus missed calls from Mrs. Ha. He was about to call her when her name showed up on the screen.

"Mrs. Ha please calm down, I can barely make out what you are saying" Jungkook said.

"It's Taehyung, we are unable to reach him" she explained. "The driver said he wasn't even dressed well enough to be out for so long and we are getting worried, he said that he told you that he was going out for a walk, so the driver let him go out on his own"

Jungkook let out a breath, "and you haven't been able to reach him?" he asked, "no, and it has been an hour since he left, when I tried calling him now, his number was unreachable"

Jungkook paused to think for a moment, where could he have gone, did he run away, did he get his memories back?

"Okay, try calling him again later, and I will also try to find him" Jungkook said to Mrs. Ha, though he wasn't even sure where to start.

Jackson noticed the change in his mood, "is everything alright sir?" he asked, "well , not quite" Jungkook replied.

He figured he should call Jimin and Yoongi, since they know him better, they might know where he went.

He was about to call, when another call came in, "Hosoek? why would he be calling so late".

After ending the call with Hosoek, he quickly sent a text to Mrs. Ha to tell her that she found Taehyung and that she doesn't have to worry anymore. Then got in his car and drove off.

Taehyung buttoned up his coat since it was a bit chilly at night, he had to wait for almost fifteen minutes until he could get a cab since it was quite late. He told the driver his destination and they took off.

"You are here now, so you might at well as go in" he told himself. Even though he was happy with the new change in Jungkook, he still didn't believe that it was all real, what if it was a trap. Tonight he can see for himself that Jungkook has not changed and all of what he is doing is just for show.

Last time he came here to find him, Jungkook was furious, he grabbed him by the arm and forcefully dragged him out while trying to look cool in front of his drinking buddies.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he asked once they were outside
"I-I just wanted to-" Taehyung tried to explain.
"What the hell is wrong with you, I can't even go out and enjoy a night out now, is that it?"

Taehyung shook his head as if the act would wipe away the memories, but he has to know so he can stop getting his hopes up.

He couldn't blend in with the crowd even if he tried, and all eyes fell on him as soon as he walked in.

He avoided everyone's gaze as he hurried towards the bartender. He had to shout a bit so that he can be heard over the music.

"I am looking for Jeon, Jeon Jungkook" he said.
The bartender looked at him a bit surprised, he knew who the guy was looking for, but looking back at him he was wondering how does he know Jungkook.

The bartender was about to dismiss him, thinking that he's just some lost guy trying to cause trouble, even though he didn't look like it, when his boss came.

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