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"Mrs. Ha, please- please help me find it" Taehyung cried as he continued to rampage through his bag.

Mrs. Ha was now on the verge of crying herself, since everything she said had been of no help to the younger, seeing him in that state only upset her more.

"Taehyung dear, please calm down okay- we will talk to Mr. Jeon when he returns okay, everything will be fine" she said trying to comfort him.

"No- no you can't tell him, Jungkookie is going to be angry with me if he finds out, please- please don't tell him" he pleaded.

That was another thing everyone was having a hard time understanding, why was Taehyung suddenly scared of him, of course he was his boss, but the two never even met since he started working at the mansion. But he the very mention of his name seemed to bring fear in him.

Yesterday he woke up from the coma he had been in for a week and even though everyone was glad that he was awake, there was now another problem that they didn't know how to solve.

Jungkook paced around the office, as he scratched his head again

"What do you mean by that?" Jungkook asked again, not understanding what the doctor was explaining.

"Well, his perception of himself and the world has been altered-"
"To what?" Jungkook asked
"To being your spouse, well your husband to be exact" the doctor  said.

"I would love to give you some time to process all of this, but you need to see him, he has been- well, I can't even put this in words, so it's better for you to see him" the doctor added.

Jungkook furrowed his brows at the doctor, "and what do you mean by that?"

"But I will ask you to play along, with whatever this is" the doctor said opening the door.

Jungkook ran his hand across his face, this must definitely be a dream, it must be, a spouse? a husband?" what?

When Jungkook knocked on the door, Mrs. Ha had managed to calm Taehyung as he sat on the bed with a glass of water.

"Come in" Mrs. Ha said.

Jungkook slowly opened the door, not sure of what to expect, if the doctor hadn't been his older brother, he would have punched him for not telling him anything useful.

"Jungkookie, I-I" Taehyung tried to speak when he saw the elder walk in.

"Jungkookie am sorry, I didn't meant to, am sorry" he said as tears started to fill his eyes again.

Jungkook looked back at the doctor who was trailing behind him and gave him a look, clearly asking what was going on, the other just shrugged.

"Tae-Taehyung what are you apologizing for?" Jungkook asked as he walked closer to him.

But he stopped when he noticed that Taehyung was shifting in the bed, to get away from him.

He hastily whipped away his tears, and tried to calm his breath.

"Am sorry, I didn't mean to loose it, I- I will go and look for it, you- you can tell them to discharge me now, I will find it" Taehyung said in a trembling voice.

Jungkook looked to Mrs. Ha, hopping for something, anything, but she slowly shook her head, "he has been like this since yesterday when he woke up" she said.

"Taehyung, what is it that you lost?" Jungkook asked,

Taehyung was nervously rubbing his hands together, "the ring, my wedding ring, I can't find it" he muttered.

Jungkook let out a deep breath, somewhat relieved, "is that it?" he asked.

"You don't have to-" Jungkook said now walking closer, but to his surprise, Taehyung got of the bed, even though he was still a bit hurt, he managed to get off.

"Please Jungkookie, am sorry, I promise I will find it" Taehyung cried as he knelt before him, "please forgive me just this once, please, am sorry" he cried.

Jungkook didn't even know how to react as he stood frozen, with Taehyung's trembling hands holding on to his leg.

"Hey, it's okay" it was the doctor who came to kneel down next to him, he signaled to a nurse to come to him, she a had an injection prepared.

"How about we talk about it a bit later, after you get some rest hmm?" the doctor asked.

Taehyung wasn't really paying attention to him, he was more concerned with Jungkook who wasn't responding to him, but he gave a nod non the less.

After the doctor gave him the injection, he seemed to calm down and eventually fell asleep as soon as he was placed on the bed.

"hmm, just I thought" the doctor said observing his sleeping patient.


"Hyung could you please explain to me, what on earth is going on" Jungkook asked as soon as they returned to the doctor's office.

He wasn't even sure of how he felt, he couldn't say he was angry, because, why would he be angry. But he was certainly bothered, very bothered by what just happened.

He had read that name before, he was one of the staff at the mansion, but he wasn't sure what he did exactly.

For the past five months he has been in the US, for the opening of one of their family businesses, he still didn't get the chance to meet the new recruits, and when he came to the mansion a few times during those five months, he still had a lot of work, so he mostly stayed in his study.

But now, now he has a husband, who he doesn't know and not only that, it appears to be that he is terrified of him.

"Well, it's called The fairytale disorder" Soekjin, the doctor explained.
Jungkook decided not to interject with more questions, so he just listened.

"He hit his head pretty bad during the accident, and even though this is very rare, like one in a billion, it happened to him.

For him, life is something else, and seeing how he was panicking about loosing his ring, he lives in a completely different world"

"Before he first woke up, he kept mumbling your name in his sleep, I don't think you guys are on good terms" Soekjin said leaning back in his chair.

"Hyung, we are not on any terms, I don't even know him" Jungkook said, getting somewhat annoyed.

"There is a lot that we don't know, for now, we all have to play along to his fairytale until I can figure out what his world is like"
"Will that help him snap out of it?"
"Well yes, but, he can however snap out of it at any time, it could take at least a week or a month. But finding out where he is, will help with how soon he can come back to the real world"

"So what am I supposed to do until then?"
"Isn't it obvious Jungkookie" Soekjin said mockingly
"You are enjoying this aren't you?"

"Well of course, mom and dad have been bringing up the marriage talk so many times now, and look, life decided to give you a whole new husband, a cute one at that" Soekjin said with a chuckle

Jungkook however didn't seem to amused by his brother's jokes as he glared at him. "Come on, don't worry about it, it will be fine, give him a month at most and he will be back, he might not even remember what happened so you wont have to explain too much"

That seemed to calm Jungkook a bit as he nodded along. But he was still not happy with the fact that he has to play husband for the next couple of weeks, with someone who was scared of him.

Soekjin smiled to himself as he observed his brother. He was calm about everything because he knew that The fairytale disorder was not particularly harmful. While he was still in medical school, he was lucky enough to work with a patient that had a similar case.

About three weeks passed when the patient came out of it, and she couldn't remember much, only bits. Years passed and she never experienced it again.

It's just a bit unfortunate for Jungkook that, his new partner seems to have a very troublesome perspective of him, but it was assuring to know that, it would only be for a short while.


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