Mom's engagement ring.

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Per Soekjin's orders, Jungkook didn't see Taehyung for about two days, and he didn't mind since he wasn't really fond of seeing the younger tremble in fear when he saw him.

There was a good turn of events when Yoongi visited him with Jimin. Even though Taehyung couldn't remember, Yoongi still felt guilty, because Taehyung got in an accident while he was on his way to meet him.

But he couldn't show what he was feeling at least not around Taehyung. The doctor told them that trying to make him understand the real world and what was going on, will only make things harder for him.

Jimin was the happiest of the pair, since this new Taehyung considered him as his closest friend and brother in-law. And Yoongi was the guy who practically took him in and raised him, they weren't related, but he was a big brother to him, so basically on Yoongi's side, nothing changed.

"I have to make a call, I will be back in a bit" Yoongi said as he left Taehyung's room.

He really didn't need to make a call, but they were trying to have Taehyung spend time with his best friend, he might be able to find out more about what was going on.

"How are you feeling today?" Jimin asked as he poured water in a glass and handed it to Taehyung.
"Am okay" Taehyung replied in a low voice.

"Is- is Jungkookie still mad at me?" he asked
"No- not at all, he's just been a bit busy that's all"
"Jimina, I know he is your brother, but you don't have to cover for him, he probably doesn't want to see me" Taehyung said, starting to feel sad.

Jimin wasn't sure what to say, so he decided to ask about the ring.

"How about we just get you new ring, the same one, I bet Jungkook, I mean Jungkookie wouldn't even notice right" Jimin said.

Taehyung let out a defeated sigh, "you know that's impossible, that ring has been in your family for over five generations now, your mom gave it to him"

"Our mom's engagement ring?" Jimin asked
"He told me not to lose, because it was important and- I lost it, Jimina, what am I going to do now?" Taehyung asked as tears begun to fall from his eyes.

If he hadn't gotten drunk that night, if he hadn't ended up sleeping with Jungkook the night he met him maybe things would be different.

And if he hadn't gotten pregnant, Jungkook wouldn't have been forced to marry him because of it. And if he hadn't lost the baby, they would have gotten a  divorce, but how would that look, divorcing your husband after you lose your child.

The Jeons are well known, so it would have been in the papers and will also affect the whole family.

But he was hoping that, maybe after two years, Jungkook would see him different, even a little bit.

But all he got was silence, cold stares and insults whenever he tried to approach the other. He was barely home, always travelling for work, Taehyung even suspected him of cheating, but then again can you call it cheating when the person doesn't even love you or even want you.

He was a bit kind, at the beginning, when Taehyung told him he was pregnant. He would bother to ask about how he was doing, and if he needed anything.

But after Taehyung miscarried the baby, all of that was gone. They were back to being strangers. And now, he lost the ring that Jungkook never wanted to give him in the first place, his mother's ring.

He shouldn't even be taking his time in the hospital, he should be out there looking for it. The only time Jungkook ever visited him when he was in the hospital was when he lost the baby, ever since then, he never showed up whenever he got sick, if anything he seemed to be annoyed by it.

Taehyung tried his best to never do anything that would upset Jungkook, because whenever he would make a mistake of any sort, Jungkook would be more heartless than he usually was. The insults worsened and he was always ever so close to hitting him, but he never did, except for that one time.

Taehyung wiped away his tears as he held on to the glass, "he will definitely divorce me this time right?" he asked
"I mean, it's been two years since I lost the baby am sure everyone has forgotten about it, if he files for a divorce, they wouldn't label him as the cold husband right?"

Jimin didn't say anything as he pulled him in for a hug, "he would be the biggest fool to leave you" he said gently patting his back.

"Tae, can I ask you something"
"Did he ever hit you, over the past two years"

Taehyung flinched a little, "n-no, he never did" he replied shaking his head.
"You can tell me Tae, I won't tell him, I promise" Jimin assured him.

Taehyung was a bit unsure as he bit his lower lip, no one knew about what was going on, if anything everyone assumed that they had a happy marriage, it's only that Jungkook got too busy with work sometimes.

"Once, and- it was long time a go, he- he came home drunk and I went to meet him at the door, and he hit me-"
"Did he ever apologize for it?" Jimin asked getting angry
"No, Jimina, he didn't mean it, he was drunk and- I shouldn't have bothered him, it was my fault"

Jimin could feel his blood boil seeing how Taehyung's body shuddered as he remembered the incident.

He took a few deep breaths, deciding not to lash out, "I will find the ring for you, okay, you should get some rest" Jimin said tucking Taehyung is his bed, "I will go and get Yoongi", Taehyung gave a little nod as he pulled the blanket up to his chin.
Jimin practically stormed into his brother's office, "where is he?" he asked, "hello to you too Jimin" Soekjin said, un-phased buy his brother's out burst.

To Jimin's luck Jungkook just walked in, he stomped over and was about to slap him, but Jungkook was fast as he grabbed his hand.

"You hit him?" Jimin asked.
"Hit who?"

It took Jungkook a few seconds to figure out what was going on, "if you don't snap out of it, I will hit you" he said letting go of Jimin's hand.

"o!" Jimin said, suddenly realizing what he just did, "Hyung I-"
"I don't want to hear it" Jungkook said as he took a seat, it seemed like his new husband wasn't the only problem he was going to have, turns out his brother too.

The brothers were now all seated as Jimin reported on his chat with Taehyung.

"But we still need to find out how all of this happed, I mean if you have been married for two years, doesn't that mean you were in love at some point, and there was a baby too?" Jimin asked.

"That's your job to find out" Soekjin said getting up and walking back to his desk.

"And you Mr. Jeon, you are taking your husband home today, he has been discharged" Soekjin said from his desk.

"Why can't I just divorce him, I mean, he thinks am going to anyways" Jungkook complained
"I already told you, you can't"
Jungkook huffed.

"by the way, if he is so scared of me, why does he still call me Jungkookie, I mean shouldn't he call me Mr. Jeon or something"

"I like it, Jungkookie, it's cute" Jimin said laughing.

Jungkook decided not to ask anymore, the two were clearly enjoying the whole thing.

Now he is supposed to take his husband home, and on top of that, he has to find a way to explain to his mother, why he needs her engagement ring.

At twenty eight, he wasn't married or in any relationship, serious or otherwise, but now he needed an engagement ring, his mother's for that matter.

"How did my life turn out like this?"


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