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Taehyung wanted Jungkook to walk back with him to his room, or better yet, tell him that he will be sleeping in his room again. But he didn't.

They finally returned home in the evening after eating out, Taehyung was quite tired. Jungkook was talking a lot less and the younger noticed.

"You should go in and get some rest" Jungkook said when they walked in the house, "O, I-" Taehyung tried to say something, "I need to do a couple of things for work" Jungkook interrupted him before he could say something else.

"O-okay" Taehyung said sounding quite disappointed. Jungkook was about to walk away after taking a few steps but halted in his tracks and turned back to Taehyung.

He lifted his face to look at him, "are you upset?" he asked, "what? of course not" Taehyung mumbled. This made Jungkook chuckle. He took Taehyung's hand and walked towards the younger's room.

"Are you tired?" Jungkook asked, noticing the other try to hide his yawn, "just a little" Taehyung replied. "You should wash up and go to sleep okay", Taehyung nodded.

Taehyung was caught by surprise when Jungkook suddenly kissed him, he paused for a moment to look at him and then continued to kiss him again.

He finally pulled away, with one hand around the younger's waist, he used his free hand to tuck a few hair strands behind his ears. "Better?" he asked.

Taehyung hid his face in Jungkook's chest, not knowing what to say. Jungkook was teasing him.

After holding him for some time, Jungkook finally left. Taehyung could not contain how giddy he felt, he held his face in both his hands, it was burning up and he was still blushing. He hopped around his room as he got ready to take a shower.

He was feeling too tired to take a long shower, so he quickly washed up and went to bed, the kiss from earlier was playing in his mind, making him burry his face in the pillow. He was definitely going to sleep soundly that night.

Jungkook on the other hand had been pacing up and down in his room, it was dimly lit, with only one lamp on. The light was slowly beginning to irritate his eyes.

Some time later he finally got in bed, he would be able to get some sleep.
Later in the middle of the night, Mrs. Ha with two other maids were moving quickly packing a bag for Jungkook, Jin was seated in front of his brother taking his blood pressure. "How do you feel now? " Jin asked, Jungkook could barely make out what his brother was saying, but he shook his head.

A couple of minutes later they were in the car and drove off.
Taehyung woke up past seven, he twisted and turned his body in all directions, he felt good. Today felt like a good day, he was planning to make something for Jungkook, to thank him for yesterday.

He washed up, got dressed and went to look for Mrs. Ha, she could help him with what he was planning on making.

"Have you seen Mrs. Ha?" he asked one of the maids.

"O, she's the hospital" the maid answered, Taehyung was taken back, "o my goodness, is she okay?" he asked fishing his phone out of his pocket to call her, "O, no, no she's fine, it's young master. But don't worry, he is going to be okay" she said with a a reassuring smile.

Taehyung was confused to say the least, "J-Jungkookie?" he asked unsure. The maid was about to reply when she noticed another maid signaling her to shut up. This only confused her as she looked back at Taehyung, "wait, did he not know?" she wondered.

"What happened to Jungkookie?" Taehyung asked, "uhm- no-nothing happened, he, uhm, he just went for a check up" she replied not even certain if she is making any sense with what she was saying.

The stern look she was getting from Taehyung proved that he did not believe her, "I- I really don't know the details of it" the girl said.

Taehyung decided not to bother with her anymore and decided to call Mrs. Ha.

"I am on my way" Taehyung replied
"What?, no there is no need for that" Mrs. Ha protested.
"I will see you soon Mrs. Ha" Taehyung replied before hanging up the phone.

Earlier on the phone, he was so sure of himself. But now he felt weak in the knees, what was wrong with Jungkook, why didn't anyone tell him?

He grabbed his bag and went out, still feeling confused, but he figured he will just have to ask Jungkook when he gets there.

The drive to the hospital felt like the longest twenty minutes of his life, but he finally made it. He hurried along the hall to where Jungkook's room was.

He found his brothers instead, "where is he? is he okay?" he asked
"He is okay" Jin replied
"Well can I see him?"
"No, not yet"

Taehyung was about to say something when he noticed Jungkook's parents walk towards them, he knew it was them because he has seen pictures.

Jin had told them to simply play along with whatever Taehyung does. They didn't know what to expect, but seeing their son's "husband" scared and worried, it was hard to "play" fairytale right now.

"Honey are you okay?" Mrs. Jeon asked taking the younger's hands in hers, they were cold and trembling. "How is he?" Taehyung asked, "he is okay honey, you will be able to see him soon" she said assuringly as she hugged him.

According to Taehyung the older Jeons have always been good to him, that's why Jungkook bothered to keep up a good image for them. But he didn't visit them often because Jungkook didn't like it. Now he was quite relieved that they didn't appear to be mad at him.

"It's hereditary-" Jin explained. Although Jungkook preferred that he didn't tell Taehyung, Jin didn't have any other choice, seeing how stubborn the boy was. They had moved to Jin's office and he was telling him about Jungkook's condition.

"Our mom and him have the same condition, but it's worse for him. He gets migraines that are  a whole lot worse than what some people get. When it gets really bad like now, the pressure causes the small blood vessels in his head and eyes to rupture"

"That's why he is in a closed off room right now, because light makes it worse. We have to sedate him because his body wont be able to handle it-"

Jin stopped talking when he noticed that Taehyung was getting teary, "how long does this last?" he asked, "it varies, it could be three days or a week" Jin replied.

"Why-why didn't he tell me? Yesterday he kept saying that he was just tired when I asked why his eyes appeared to be getting a bit red, why didn't he say something?" Taehyung asked wiping away the tears that had begun to fall.

"Tae, he just didn't want to worry you okay-" Jimin said try to calm him down.

Taehyung didn't say anything as Jin continued to explain Jungkook's condition. From what he gathered, this happens at least once a month and this month was one of the very bad cases.

Why would Jungkook hide this from him? something so important, is it because he was unreliable in his eyes, or he didn't trust him the same way he trusted him family. He scoffed in disbelief, even when something as bad as this happens to him, he would rather hide it than tell him.

"Why would you hide this from me?"


Hey guys, I am so sorry for the long wait, my semester started and well, school is basically taking over everything right now.

But rest assured, I have not dropped the story, it's just that my updates will be slower than before. Some of you know I am currently writing two books, I don't know why I thought that would be a good idea. But here I am.

Thank you for reading and I will do my best to have an update as soon as I can.

Take care, XOX, BunnyReads

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