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Jungkook was anxiously pacing around as he waited for Jin to come back. After Taehyung was taken away, one of the the nurses returned and informed him that he was getting a check up from the doctor and he should wait for him to return.

It had been over fifteen minutes and while he was waiting he heard someone call for him, it was Yoongi and with him was Jimin.

"Hey, how is he? what happened?" Yoongi asked.
"Am not sure, he was fine just yesterday, but last night he suddenly got up to throw up and he was burning up, I brought him here about thirty minutes ago-" Jungkook said running his hand through his hair.

"He's going to be fine okay, Jin will take good care of him" Jimin said trying to assure his brother as he gently rubbed his back.

"It's my fault, he was out last night looking for me, I mean, I did tell him I was going to the office. But then Hosoek called me and told me he was at the club looking for me" Jungkook said.

"The club?, how does he even know that place?" Yoongi asked. "I don't know, but he knows it somehow I guess, he told the staff at the house that he was just going for a walk but when they noticed he was gone for over an hour they called me"

"But I was in a meeting and-" Jungkook was getting stressed just thinking about it, he was feeling like it was it was his fault that Taehyung got sick in the first place.

The two kept talking to him to make him feel better and not continue blaming himself.

Another fifteen minutes had passed when Jin suddenly appeared, the three all of them stood up to hear what he has to say.

"He is fine" Jin said with a smile, "let's got to my office".

"We ran a few tests, but he is really fine now, he had a fever so we gave him something for it and he is sleeping now.

Jungkook was still looking worried even after Jin's report, which was good.

"What's wrong" Jin asked.
"I think he is getting his memories back" Jungkook said
"What makes you say that?" Jimin asked

"He called me boss, when I carried him here, he wasn't fully awake yet, but he definitely called me boss"

Jin seemed to be deep in thought as he listened. He was actually suspecting that could be the case. There were two other doctors with him while treating Taehyung who they were aware of his condition and they suspected the same thing.

"That could be it actually" Jin said, taking everyone by surprise. "Really?" Jimin asked. "Yeah, the reason he got sick appears to be psychological rather than pathological, but we have to wait till he wakes up to run more tests" Jin explained.

The group talked for a bit longer and once they were done Jin insisted that they all return home since there was not much they could do.

"I am sorry, I promised that I would take care of him" Jungkook said to Yoongi, "what are you talking about? of course you took care of him, I know he is safe with you so don't blame yourself for any of this okay" Yoongi replied.

Jungkook didn't want to leave, but after much convincing from everyone else, he agreed. Before leaving he went to check on Taehyung, he was fast asleep. He sat beside him and held his hand, it was warm.

Jungkook chuckled, when he realized that he was so used to hearing Taehyung call him Jungkookie that anything else besides that felt foreign. "Get well soon okay" he whispered and left soon after.

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes and scanned the room, it was a hospital room, there was definitely no mistaking it.

He rubbed his forehead trying to remember how it is that he ended up in the hospital.

"I was at the mansion, before that I asked Mrs. Ha for a day off to meet who?" he paused. "O yeah, to meet Yoongi Hyung since he was flying back and?" he had to search his memory again, trying to recall what happened.

"The accident! I remember we got hit by a car and then....... what happened? have I been here ever since? he wondered looking around.

There was a light knock on the door and the then it slowly opened, a doctor walked in. "Good morning Taehyung" Jin said with a smile walking towards him.

"G-Good morning doctor" Taehyung replied a bit surprised by how friendly the man was being, maybe he was like that with everyone, he thought to himself.

Jin was quick to access based of Taehyung's body language that he had definitely woken up. He did a quick physical examination and asked a couple of questions.

"How long have I been here, was I in a coma from the accident?" Taehyung asked
"How much do you remember?" Jin asked and Taehyung told him. "Lets just say you have been in a deep slumber since the accident, but you are all good now" Jin said with a smile.

"There are some people that are here to see you" Jin said once he was done with his work, "really, who" Taehyung asked. Jin asked the nurse to let his guests in.

"Hyung!" Taehyung said excitedly when his eyes landed on Yoongi. who quickly walked towards him and gave him a hug. Jimin was awkwardly trailing behind him.

After their small reunion ended, Taehyung turned his focus on Jimin who seemed like he didn't want to be noticed at all.

"Jimin, hi, uhm, thank you for coming" Taehyung said with a smile, "I am glad you are doing better" Jimin said walking closer.

Jin excused himself to let the two catch up. It appeared that Taehyung had no memory of what had happened over the past couple of weeks.

He went back to his office where Jungkook was waiting, "How is he?" he asked as soon as Jin walked in. "He seems fine, he doesn't remember anything" Jin replied, "o, that's good" Jungkook said leaning back in his seat.

"Do you want to go and see him?" Jin asked, "didn't the medical team say I shouldn't see him?" Jungkook replied, "they said you shouldn't see him first, since you know, his whole condition is tied around you, we needed to see how he reacts to everyone else, but since he is fine, you can see him"

Jungkook wasn't sure if he should, but he also couldn't deny the fact that he really wanted to see him. He will probably be surprised as to what his boss was doing visiting him.

He had told himself that he will live in his story for as long as he needed to, and now that it has come to an end, there is nothing to worry about.
The three were deep in conversation when there was a light knock on the door and then it opened, Jin walked in and behind him was Jungkook.

Taehyung could feel everything blur out when his eyes landed on Jungkook, he was his only focus.

Everything flashed so fast in his mind but just long enough for him to fully process it as his eyes remained glued on the man that just walked in.



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