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Jungkook let out a silent breath of relief once he heard Taehyung's full request, he meant the sleep in the same bed, why? he didn't say.

"If I say no, he might think I am really mad at him, if I say yes? what will happen, nothing right?"

"I think I have everything" Taehyung said closing the door behind him. "Okay, let's go" Jungkook said leading the way up the stairs.

Taehyung had to get his pj's and when Jungkook told him he could just change in his room before coming up, he refused, what if Jungkook changed his mind, he wasn't even expecting that he would say yes in the first place.

"You can change in there" Jungkook said pointing to the walk in closet, Taehyung did as he was told and disappeared behind the doors . While he was gone, Jungkook changed into a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt.

"You can use the bathroom first" Jungkook said noticing the toiletry bag in the younger's hands. "We can use it together" Taehyung replied "I don't mind"

Jungkook hesitated for a second, but a greed in the end.

Jungkook's toothbrush was black, Taehyung's was silver, there was an awkward silence as they stood by the sink brushing their teeth.

Jungkook was about to wash his face when Taehyung stopped him, "hold on, use this" Taehyung said holding out what looked like an elastic head band. Jungkook looked at him curiously with a raised eyebrow.

Taehyung laughed a little, finding him a bit silly, "come here" he said. Jungkook had to lean down a little bit so that the other could reach his head.

Taehyung placed the head band on Jungkook's head, pushing back his hair, while the rest was tied up in a bun, "there you go" he said.

Jungkook laughed a little when he looked at himself in the mirror, "you really like bunnies don't you" he said seeing the two bunny ears on his head.

"Well, a little" Taehyung replied in a small voice and a smile.

Jungkook later noticed that Taehyung's nose was unusually pink-ish and in that moment he sneezed, "are you okay?" he asked.

"Yes, am fine, I think I just got a bit of soap up my nose earlier, could I borrow some tissues",
Yeah sure" Jungkook said walking over to the table.

Taehyung quickly placed his hand on his forehead, he was a bit hot. Did he catch a cold? was he outside for that long?

He awkwardly cleared his throat when Jungkook returned, "thank you he said".

Taehyung walked out of the bathroom after blowing his nose, since he didn't want Jungkook to see. When he returned he found Jungkook in bed already, reading from his iPad.

"I should go back to my room" Taehyung said
"hm? why?" Jungkook asked, surprised and a bit disappointed but there was no way he was admitting that.

"I think I might have a cold and I don't want to get you sick" Taehyung replied
"Are you sure? come here" Jungkook said getting out of bed.

He placed his hand on Taehyung's forehead, "you are burning up a bit, but it's not that bad"
" Stay here while I get you something for the fever"
"But-" Taehyung tried to speak but Jungkook was already out the door.

He was surprised, but none the less happy that Jungkook was concerned about him and not mad.

A couple of minutes passed and Jungkook returned with a glass of water and a pill. "Take this" he said offering it to Taehyung who was now seated on the bed.

"And don't worry, I asked Mrs. Ha for the right medication" Jungkook added. Taehyung swallowed down the pill with the water.

"You don't have to go back to your room, besides what if you get worse while you are all alone" Jungkook said, "o-okay" Taehyung replied.

"Is the light bothering you" Jungkook asked having noticed Taehyung toss around a few times since they got in bed, "no, not really" Taehyung replied.

Which wasn't a lie, he had no problem with the light, it was the man he was laying next to. How was Jungkook not bothered, cause if he was, he was hiding it very well.

Jungkook decided to turn off his iPad, Taehyung was definitely being bothered by the light but he wont say it.

Jungkook couldn't say it was out of habit when he suddenly wrapped his arms around Taehyung and pulled him close, because they have only shared a bed once.

Was it a natural response from being close to him? he can't push away now, but probably Taehyung would push him away.

He waited, for Taehyung to struggle out of his embrace, but he didn't. Instead he snuggled closer, he could now feel his breath fanning on his chest.

He was not expecting that
But he was happy with it.
With squinted eyes, Jungkook reached for his phone to check the time, it was past three am. He was woken up by Taehyung's sudden tossing and turning.

He was about to wake him when Taehyung quickly got of of bed and ran to the bathroom. Startled and confused, Jungkook quickly turned on the lamp on his bed side and ran after him.

"Hey are you okay?" he asked from behind the door, "don't come in" Taehyung replied as he crouched over the toilet.

His shirt was damp, did he sweat that much? Be he couldn't even think properly about that as he threw up again.

Jungkook waited patiently by the door, he was getting worried since it had gotten a bit quite. Should he call his brother?

He was about to go and get his phone when he heard the toilet flush and the door slowly open.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Jungkook asked standing in front of Taehyung, "am okay now" he replied.

"Gargle" Jungkook instructed while standing next to Taehyung as he brushed his teeth again, "now spit".

He handed him a towel to dry himself. "We are going to the hospital" Jungkook said, "what? why? we don't have to, am fine" Taehyung replied.

"No you are not, you just threw up and you are all wet from having sweat so much"
"I will get you something to change in"

About fifteen minutes later, Taehyung was dressed in one of Jungkook's hoodies. "Can you walk?" Jungkook asked. "Yes, am okay".

Jungkook had called Jin and told him he was bringing Taehyung to the hospital and he said he would meet them there.

Jungkook made sure to fasten Taehyung's seatbelt once they got into the car and would ask every so often about how he was feeling.

"Am sorry" Taehyung said as they drove.
"What are you sorry for?" Jungkook asked.
"You should be sleeping right now, but you are here because of me" Taehyung replied feeling somewhat guilty.

"Don't say that, I am your husband after all, I should take care of you" he replied with a gentle smile. And when that didn't seem to work, he placed his free hand on his lap, "don't worry about it okay"

Taehyung felt himself relax at Jungkook's gesture.

Jungkook found himself also feeling at peace, being there with Taehyung, taking care of him, he was quickly getting used to it. He gave his hand a little squeeze, partly to comfort the other but also himself.

As they were approaching the hospital, Taehyung was starting to get sleepy and Jungkook could feel that he was heating up. He decided to drive a bit faster.

By the time they arrived, Taehyung was barely awake. He quickly parked the car and ran to Taehyung's side to get him.

"Hey, Taehyung, wake up okay, look at me" he said as he picked him up and hurried into the building.

He quickly spotted Jin waiting for them, the other quickly ran towards him with nurses following him.

"Boos?" he heard Taehyung ask as his eyes fluttered open for a second

"Boss?" Jungkook thought as he watched Jin and the nurses leave with Taehyung


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