Chapter Ten

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Warning: suicide references.


Beth expertly snuck a drunk Taylor past the bouncers an into the venue, the bar was indeed packed, colourful strobe-lights danced with the music whilst people were gathered at the bar and on the dance-floor, the conversation was drowned-out by the roaring music that played, the ground vibrated as the speakers boomed. 'Smack That' - By Akon played and people quickly assembled together to dance to the POP classic.

Beth's anxiety began to build as people began to shove into her, drunken strangers completely unaware of their surroundings skidded across the floor as Beth navigated her way over to the bar - pushing her way through the crowd. Beth took a deep breath as she finally reached the bar, the blaring music and flashing lights was already beginning to give her a headache but she knew that after a few drinks she'd be loosened up. She got the attention of the bar-tender, it was a tall tattooed middle-aged man, a groomed beard covered his face whilst the top of his head was bald, his eyes were tired and aged but seemed kind.

"Can I get a double vodka and coke!?" Beth yelled over the music, the man inspected her briefly before he gave her a simple nod and went to pour her drink, he quickly returned with it in hand.

Wordlessly, he presented her with a card-machine and she paid for her drink. Beth sat down at the bar and took a deep sip of her drink, the warmth of the alcohol burned her throat slightly but the syrupy taste of the cola swiftly soothed her. As she drank, Beth realised she could no longer feel Taylor's arm intertwined with hers, she glanced around, he was no-where to be seen. Beth tutted and rolled her eyes, Taylor didn't like to stand around when he was drunk, she'd most likely bump into him on the dance floor once she had had enough drinks. Beth called out for Taylor but her yells disappeared into the deafening music.

"Looking for your friend, are we?" An unfamiliar deep voice spoke by her ear, Beth jumped, startled by the unexpected approach and warm breath that tickled her ear-lobe, she turned to face the origin of the voice.

Beth's heart shot into her throat and fear immediately rose inside of her, she nervously clutched her drink as she came face-to-face with the suspicious stranger from earlier today in the grill; they wore the same outfit, a long black-leather trench coat, black skinny-jeans, black converse shoes and the white face-mask that obstructed their face but now Beth had a better view she noticed person also wore a white hoodie underneath the trench-coat and their eyes were a cold-green rather than grey. Long, straw-like black hair fell across their face and their beady eyes peered into her soul.

'No way...there's absolutely no way...this has got to be a coincidence...right?' Beth told herself, the soulless stare of the stranger sent a shiver down Beth's spine and her hair began to stand on-end, once again no-one else had seemed to have noticed them.

"U-uh.." Beth spoke, trying to find words but failing.

The strangers green-grey eyes glinted against the low-light, almost as if they were amused by her shocked demeanour. Beth swiftly regained her composure, she put up her 'don't-fuck-with-me' attitude as she had done so many times, it was just a front though, she hoped that they would buy it as anxiety continued to grow within her.

"What's it to you?" Beth asked in a defensive tone, crossing her brows together and tightening her grip on her drink.

The unidentified person seemed unfazed by her change in tone, an ominous vibe radiated off of them and it began to dawn on Beth that she had put herself in a dangerous situation, her eyes began darting around for a means to escape but the drunken crowd that surrounded her blocked all exits and the bartender from earlier was pre-occupied with an angry patron, she was boxed-in, undoubtedly and undeniably fucked. 'I just have to play my cards right, maybe they'll go away'.

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